Can I put banners or little icons linking back to my web page in your guestbook?
I'm interested in the Sailormoon International Support Team, but I don't know what to do to help.
Can I use your pictures on my site with or without credit?
Before you take any pictures that I have made, I ask that you E-mail me first. I'm sorry to say this but most of the time I will say that you cannot use the images, because one it's a pain in the but to get these pictures, scan them, edit them, upload them and then put them up nicely. Also, I'd like this page to be as original as it can be and I can't have that if 50 other pages have the same pics that I do. Also, some of the pictures on this site are from other ppage which are listed in the thanks page. Before taking a picture that you know isn't mine look at that page and go to the site in order to respect the owner's policy.
Can I use the multimedia files on my site?
Since none of the multimedia files on this page are mine, you're going to have to ask the multimedia file's owner which you can find by going to the Thanks page.
Can I put banners or little icons linking back to my page in your guestbook?
I would really appreciate it if you would not put banners or icons linking back to your page or any other page for that matter. I already give people the option of putting a link to their web page in their entry and I find it completly inapprpriate to use my guestbook for advetising.
What kind of stuff will be in the mailing list?
Basically, if you subscribe to the mailing list you'll get a letter every two months or so with the latest information on anything related to Sailormoon whether it be about Mixxzine or the movie that may be coming out. If you do decide to subsribe, please E-mail me first, so I know if I'm writing to people or not.
I'm interested in the International Sailormoon Support Team, but I don't know what to do to help.
Since I haven't gotten much of a response, probably the most helpful thing would be to try to get people interested in it and see what they will do. Another helpful thing do that you can do is to find out which stations in which areas of the United States air Sailormoon and their address'. I'm an extremly busy person who will not have the time to get this information any time soon, so if you want to speed things up this is a great way to do it. Also, if you'd like to create little icons and such that people can show their support with, that would be great too.
I have a question that's not here
If you have any other questions, just send them to