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San Diego Boys High School Water Polo

Last updated 12/9/97


The 1997 boys water polo season was completed on Dec. 2nd with the post season CIF meeting. Some of the issuse discussed there were:

The coaches' desire to keep the CIF cahmipionship game at UCSD's Canyon View Pool:

It was suggested to the CIF ofice that the playoffs begin a week earlier and end on the same date as before. This would allow teams who are participating in the playoffs extra time between games to prepare for their next game.

It was requested of the CIF office to allow future seeding meetings to be run by a coach or a referee in order to save time. The CIF office would still be present to rule on any questions that may arise.

The coaches requested of the CIF office that they receive their player passes and comp tickets at least a day before the game takes place.

The coaches requested that the officials association immediatley notify the coaches when any new rules or new rule interpretations are adopted in the middle of a season. The CIF office volunteered to send out any information that the officials may have to distribute. The officials association also suggested that more coaches needed to attend the referees meetings to be aware of any changes.

A newsletter was suggested to allieviate some of the communication problems that the coaches and officials were expierencing. Thus the creation of this web page.

The All-Cif teams were selected by the coaches in their respective divisions.(see below)


Congratulations to all players and coaches on a fine high school season. Below is a recap of the champinoship games as well as the all-Cif selections.

The division 1 championship was won this year by Poway high school. They narrowly edged out defending division 1 champions Vahalla by a margin of just one goal. The Division 2 championship this year was won by The Bishops School. They too won a one goal game versus Coronado. Both games were held for the first time at a new venue...UCSD's Canyonview Pool. The reponse was overwhelmingly favorable by both coaches and players to this new site. The aquatics center was standing room only for both games.

First Team ALL-CIF Division 1
Player of the Year: Gavin Glauser, Monte Vista
Kyle Ashley, Poway
Jordan Buller, Valhalla
Scott Harvey, Valhalla
Kevin McCook Granite Hills br> Ryan Needles, Monte Vista
Nenad Praporski, Poway
Second Team ALL-CIF Division 1
Brett Allen, Poway
Ryan Corder, Carlsbad
Ryan Dentt, Valhalla
Antonio Gallardo, Bonita Vista
Aaron Huff, Granite Hills
Ognjen Mustur, Monte Vista
Josh Reed, Bonita Vista

First Team ALL-CIF Division 2
Player of the Year: Adam Smith, The Bishops School
Sean Vienna, Coronado
Alex Matosian, Grossmont
Mike Hausman, The Bishops School
Ryan Crowley, La Jolla
Jesse Smith, Coronado
Gresham Bayne, La Jolla
Second Team ALL-CIF Division 2
Kasey Smith, The Bishops School
Mike Pountney, Scripps Ranch
Andrew Levacy, Coronado
Peyton Vincent, La Jolla
Bryon Spicer, Santana
Sean Motlagh, Coronado
John McCauley, The Bishops School


County Division 1 Division 2
1. Poway 1. Poway 1. The Bishops School
2. The Bishops School 2. Valhalla 2. Coronado
3. Coronado 3. Monte Vista 3. La Jolla
4. Valhalla 4. Bonita Vista 4. Scripps Ranch
5. La Jolla 5. Granite Hills 5. Grossmont
6. Monte Vista 6. Mt. Carmel 6. Santana
7. Scripps Ranch 7. Carlsbad 7. Mar Vista
8. Grossmont 8. Torrey Pines 8. USDHS
9. Bonita Vista 9. Fallbrook 9. Montgomery
10. Granite Hills 10. Rancho Bernardo 10. University City

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