As Authored by:
Father Jerome, OA/OWB (the "Ancient Order"), D.Th. (In Esse-the Theology of Reality), D.Sc. (Quantum Physics)
The Publisher
Aum, Peace, Amen!
DISCLAIMER:Now, of course, as noted in the above Disclaimer, I have always attempted to to be as accurate as possible with regard to whatever it was that I was reporting. This did NOT, necessarily, preclude a certain "point of view", or perspective (in my case, inevitably humanitarian), in the "reporting", and ESPECIALLY in the way, or means, by which the material was presented. AND I did (and DO) particularly (sometimes) enjoy "presenting" something (HOWEVER, yet most accurately), with a "reverse-twist" of perspective that, by seemingly coming from a VALID, but OPPOSITE, "point of view", certainly tends to make the Reader "think twice" about what is being "reported", with the result that the Reader MAY gain a more complete "view", or picture, of the subject or issue, that INCORPORATES the Reader's OWN personal "understanding" and awareness OF that subject/issue (however UNaware the Reader MAY have been OF their own KNOWING).
A column of responsible and accurate reporting of commentary heard on the street.RESPONSIBLE:
This reporter, with a humanitarian concern for those issues reported, does so report with the intent of "shedding some light" on issues, policies, processes, procedures, and just plain frustrations, that the targeted communities might be experiencing, with the hope that, if anyone or any group is directly or indirectly responsible for those "frustrations" that might be occurring, such responsible persons/group may be inclined to review/examine those particular aspects noted, and accordingly readjust such to enable a more humane environmental existence for those affected.ACCURATE:
Accordingly, in order to guarantee a maximum of accuracy in the reporting of such commentary, and to preclude any pretensions, aggrandisement, etc., on the part of the individuals supplying such information, it shall not be evidenced to such sources that said commentary may be reported/published. Additionally, such commentary may be paraphrased in its reporting. To this extent, of course, your reporter, as an appropriately "undercover" observer, shall be known only as Jus' Plain Ric, herein this column.
"We (Crick and colleague Cristof Koch) believe that it is hopeless to try to solve the problems (i.e., identify) of consciousness by general philosophical arguments; what is needed are suggestions (theories) for new experiments that might throw light on these problems. To do this we need a tentative set of theoretical ideas that may have to be modified or discarded as we proceed."
- Quotation Marks may be used to emphasize words, concepts, terms and realities that may be QUESTIONABLE in their EXISTENCE, in some way or another. By emphasizing such words, with Quotation Marks, attention may then be focussed ON the questionable "nature" OF what is being noted. (In this example, the word nature MIGHT be replaced with a more descriptive word or term to denote the questionableness OR validity of the concept being discussed. But, please NOTE #3 following).
- Quotation Marks may be used to emphasize words, concepts, terms and realities that are TRUE and VALID in their EXISTENCE, in some way or another. By emphasizing such words with Quotation Marks, attention may then be focussed ON the TRUE and VALID nature of what is being noted.
- As to WHICH of the preceding emphases is being expressed, REQUIRES the most CAREFUL and thorough reading of the text in which such quotational "emphasis" is being used, so that the reader might more fully ascertain the CONTEXT of the overall material and thoughts being expressed. In ALL cases, such a determination (as to CONTEXT) is UP TO THE READER, to personally AND individually interpret the author's thoughts and expressions WITHIN the CONTEXT OF the reader's awareness, understanding and KNOWING. In such a way, one of two things might happen:
- The reader, upon careful (and DEEP) thought, reflection and consideration (FROM the reader's deepest CONSCIOUSNESS, and from the very heart and Soul of that individual's "Being"), will come to the conclusion that the emphasized word, term, concept or reality IS actually, and truly, either TRUE or FALSE (questionable), when seen in the light of the overall CONTEXT ("Big Picture") of the matter being discussed. OR,
- If the reader does not, and cannot, make such an accurate, and meaningful, determination, AT LEAST the very contemplation OF the matter, in trying to distinguish between what is TRUE and FALSE, or what is RIGHT or WRONG, WILL HAVE STRETCHED the reader's "awareness", the reader's "consciousness", and the reader's KNOWING, as to what IS the "nature" OF reality and existence in society and the Cosmos.