Would you feed your neighbor,
Would you house your neighbor,
Would you help your neighbor,
Would you love your neighbor,
Would you celebrate your neighbor,
Would you cherish your neighbor,
Would you accept your neighbor,
Would you respect your neighbor,
Would you acknowledge your neighbor,
Would you BE your neighbor,
Or, more so yet,
And remember: If we have
Because some day, it will
Let Peace, Love,
Aum, Peace, Amen!
Or would you kill your neighbor,
If neither one would make an
iota of difference in the world?
Or would you kill your neighbor,
If neither one would make an
iota of difference in the world?
In his/her need,
Or would you kill your neighbor,
If neither one would make an
iota of difference in the world?
Or would you kill your neighbor,
If neither one would make an
iota of difference in the world?
Or would you kill your neighbor,
If neither one would make an
iota of difference in the world?
Or would you kill your neighbor,
If neither one would make an
iota of difference in the world?
Or would you kill your neighbor,
If neither one would make an
iota of difference in the world?
Or would you kill your neighbor,
If neither one would make an
iota of difference in the world?
Or would you kill your neighbor,
If neither one would make an
iota of difference in the world?
And walk a mile in his/her shoes,
No matter whether it made
A difference or not?
would you kill
your neighbor,
For what is his/hers?
wronged our neighbor in any way,
Or we have not righted our neighbor,
In any of the aforenoted ways -
Then it is the same......
As having killed
our neighbor, in Spirit!
make a difference,
As to which of the foregoing
we have chosen.
and an Iota
of His image in us,
Show us the Way!