So, what I am going to do here and now, in order to enable a continuation of our further discussion here, is that I am going to copy or re-print here, the pertinent section, from both the preceding QUALIA XXXVI document and the Main QUFD Formulation, that explains certain of these psychological 'attributes' of the Mind which I will attempt to discuss further as to their etiology on the 'landscape of the Mind'! Here follows:
(Reprinted from the QUALIA XXXVI document)
- Actually, before I go on here, let me refer the Reader to the pertinent section of the Main QUFD document, the QUFD Formulation, where I basically discuss the 'realities' of any 'landscape'! That section is Operational Functionalities of the Ground-State of the Human Mind! Actually, I am going to copy herein this discussion, the most relevant sub-section of that section, which details most all of the various 'inputs' TO the 'landscape' of any 'condensate'. Here it is:
- Now, any condensate-field ground-state, being "sentient", self-ordering and such, has a number of operational "attributes", that define exactly what is "going on", in the "dynamics" OF that ground-state, WHEN it is in "operation". Hereinthefollowing I will attempt to list most of the relevant "attributes" which we will concern ourselves with (I leave it to other scientists of the Quantum to specifically "quantify" any and all other "attributes" as may pertain hereto).
- Generally, we have a number of "ATTRIBUTES", which we can say are "classes" of "attributes, in that they are the major "dynamics" of a ground-state's operation. In most of this listing, I will be generalizing, in that I am not an "expert" on the psychological phenomena of the human species, so I leave it to others to more adequately and specifically quantify such. The ones we shall list are:
- ATTITUDES - such as cranky, sad, happy, mean, joyful, musical, etc. You fill in the rest! Most of these are somewhat related to the next item.
- EMOTIONS/INSTINCTS - Emotions also relate somewhat to FEELINGS, which I will consider a sub-category thereof, along with a second sub-category, INSTINCTS.
- INSTINCTS - we'll use the example here of "knowing" when someone is angry even though that person does not show their anger.
- FEELINGS - and here we are NOT talking about "touch" sensations, which I list later herein. Feelings include fear, joy, anger, love, heartbreak, desire, lust and more.
- Well, I might as well get SENSES out of the way. Sensory input includes TOUCH (pain, cold, warmth, sex and more), SMELL (flowers, sex, more), TASTE (food, sex, more), HEARING (sounds, dizziness - due to the "balance" organs being located inside the inner ear - and, of course, sex and more), and SIGHT (vision, sex again, and more).
- Okay, the "biggie" - THOUGHTS. Thoughts range across a wide spectrum and include a portion of feelings and emotions, as well as understandings, knowing and knowledge(which are slightly different in meaning), enlightenment, self-awareness, movement, concepts, reasoning, rationalizing and so much more, including the next item.
- PERCEPTIONS - Hey, what one "thinks" about someone or something, and more!
- STYLE (of "being") - and I guess we could say this is related to attitudes, and is how one "presents" oneself most of the time - whether as a "cowboy", "redneck", "macho-male", "intellectual" or whatever.
- Acquired CHARACTER - there are all kinds of character traits, which I will not even attempt to list.
- Of course, then, we have all of the BODILY NEEDS, of the autonomic systems of the body, which are "supervised" by the brain and mind. HOW ELSE, do you think the body could "heal itself", given adequate time, if the mind didn't "know" what was "going on" in and with the corporeal body, as relayed to it (the mind) by the autonomic system, the nerves and otherwise? Of course, the body can be its own "Doctor", if we just wouldn't interfere with its natural healing functions.
- Hey, another "biggie" - MEMORY, which entails BOTH the totality of the individual local mind AND the dimensions of consciousness BEYOND the individual local mind, INCLUDING the Collective Consciousness AND Infinite Consciousness (God). I'll have more to say about this later. 'Nuf sed, for now!
- Then we have the GENETIC CODE, the basis for the body's corporeal existence. I'll have more to say about this later in the section entitled, "Activation of the Human Mind; The Three Stages - Implant, Birth, Maturity".
- And lastly, PHYLOGENETIC ECHOES, which are, simply, those genetic "characteristics" which have been "passed down" from one's parents, family, tribe and race.
- Now, additionally, the ground-state of the human mind has a number of operational "attributes" which are specifically related to the functioning of the MATURE HUMAN MIND, which, however, I will discuss more fully in the later section, "Activation of the Human Mind: The Three Stages - Implant, Birth, Maturity".
- And one last listing of "attributes" of the ground-state of the human mind, which apply mostly to an IMMATURE HUMAN MIND, or one which has had its operations "distorted" BY the aforenoted "incursioning" OF that Luciferian Complex of dimensionality (which includes most of humanity at the present time, as long as Lucifer is "Prince of this world" - see the listing in Father Jerome's DICTIONARY for "Prince of this world"). Under such a condition, until maturity of the human mind can be "activated" (see Father Jerome's DICTIONARY for the listing "activation"), we have such "attributes" as: INTERFERENCE (and distortion, of many of the previously listed nominal "attributes" of that ground-state), and OCCLUSIONS (or "blockages", of any of those aforenoted "attributes").
- Quite a listing, 'ay, of all those 'inputs', that so affect the 'dynamics' of our 'landscape'! And I hope the Reader hereof realizes that I am referring that ANY 'landscape' of ANY incorporeal 'condensate', but I am also talking specifically about the 'landscape' of the human Mind! Actually, as I have already discussed elsewhere, there are really four (4) 'landscapes' of the human Mind, two belonging to the lower mind and two belonging to the Upper Mind! And of those two of either mind's individual 'condensate', one 'landscape' is that of the top of the 'condensate' and the other is that of the underside of the 'condensate'! And to review which-is-which and what-is-what, the underside 'landscape' of the lower mind is both corporeal and incorporeal, in its interface-with-the-human-brain (actually, the 'landscape' is incorporeal and the actual 'interface' with the brain, via the glia and neuronal-synapse-junctions, is the corporeal part!) The top 'landscape' of the lower mind 'interacts'
with the underside 'landscape' of the Upper Mind (or Soul!), both of which are incorporeal 'landscapes'! And the top 'landscape' of the Upper Mind/Soul, is incorporeal and 'interfaces' with the 'great-beyond' of all of Incorporeality, Spirit and Consciousness of the entire Cosmos! (And, as mentioned numerous times already on these pages, between the two 'condensates', of Upper Mind and lower mind, there currently exists another 'landscape' of consciousness which makes all of our presently-existing Minds of this current human civilization OF an Immaturity-of-Mind, that of Lucifer's 'fingers-of-negative-consciousness', which corrupt and re-route almost all 'communications-signals' between Upper and lower mind, resulting in the wars, animosities and all the other negativities OF our human Society and world!)