Now, one thing more I need to clarify. I am NOT talking about what is called Darwinian evolution, the old theory by Charles Darwin or his more recent followers, that humanity is descended from the Great Apes. NO, I am talking about modern, scientific HUMAN Evolution. Meaning that humanity IS, and always HAS, existed AS HUMAN BEINGS, FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL. Once a human is originally "born" (at whatever "time" such may be), that person's Soul will essentially live forever, going through MANY lives and stages of growth and evolution, and eventually reaching a level of maturity, in which that person KNOWS Who they are, What their reason for living is, and can consequently REMEMBER their existence, throughout each and every "lifetime" that the person has ever lived. THAT is Human Evolution, and it certainly DOES include the concept of Reincarnation, as a means of identifying the immortal Soul OF such a person, whose Soul does transcend the limitations and mortal "existence" of the corporeal "body". Note, however, that very rarely is the case, or even the possibility, that an individual Soul can, or will, achieve such a "maturity", of that Soul, which we define here as KNOWING, IN a single "lifetime". Such a process, as we have previously mentioned, does normally take MANY lives and stages of growth and HUMAN evolution (UNLESS that Soul shall have been imbued by Infinite Consciousness WITH such KNOWING, prior TO that person's original "birth"). Anyway, the point here is, that humanity, and the individual members of Mankind, DO go through the many "levels" of Human Evolution, as a "process" in the Soul's development and evolution. So, such is the definition of the term HUMAN EVOLUTION.
KNOWING - knowledge, objectivity (corporeal AND incorporeal) IS the "observer", the observation, in Quantum Physics, which resolves any and all issues of uncertainty, as to BOTH/AND EITHER/OR possibilities of any and everything. KNOWING "creates" REALITY! And, in this quantum mechanical world, "reality" CAN BE corporeal OR incorporeal! Reality IS what "reality" does, or is that which is "created", HOWEVER and in whatever manner. Thusly, the fact of the matter - "Just the facts, ma'am!" - is that, in Quantum Physics AND QUFD, that reality which is "created" IS REAL and OBJECTIVE, in its actuality, existence, factuality and REALITY! And this is all the result of the MIND - the conscious Mind. When knowledge - KNOWING - occurs, the "buck stops", right then and there, and consciousness - KNOWING - has now "created" REALITY, BOTH corporeal AND incorporeal, EITHER corporeal OR incorporeal. The facts, the realities, MAY BE "any of the above"! Thusly, subjectivity BECOMES, and "is", objectivity. What IS, "is"! No question about it! Corporeal OR incorporeal, what "is" is REAL! As the old C&W (Country & Western) song goes, "Ah'm a walkin' contradiction, a study in opposites...". KNOWING does that, because KNOWING is INDIVIDUALISTIC - no one Mind can ever KNOW that which is fully "known" by any other Mind. We (humanity) are all individual and unique Minds - each one of us KNOWING that which one "knows". And that is the beauty, and the UNITY, and the wholeness, of all of us - that "jig-saw puzzle" which I have written about - meaning that we, humanity, can ONLY be "whole" and complete WHEN we are individually THAT WHICH we are, and were so "born to be". The REALITY of Life is that each piece thereof (the "jig-saw puzzle"), in acting together and in UNITY - as ONE - maximizes, and utilizes, with utmost efficiency, that individuality which has been so consecrated into each one of us and our individual consciousness.Aum, Peace, AmenIn order to KNOW what one IS, one must BE. In order to BE what one knows, one must KNOW. Total questioning in our living is the key to being. The responsibility of man is to question himself on the meaning of his being. What really defines and shows us a MAN is his RESPONSE and RESPONSIBILITY to his existence. RESPONSIBILITY properly means to respond, to answer, the questions that one asks of oneself in order to BE. (And response, and responsiveness, to ANY existential input does NOT imply, or relate to, ANY such "formal" response as may be evinced by, or from, any "programming". In other words, TRUE response is free and natural, and IN THE MOMENT, being the singular result of our awareness and ATTENTION TO that moment). We must be FREE IN and OF CONSCIENCE enough that our consciousness shall KNOW that its purpose in being is NOT to forever ANSWER the questions of others, but instead to answer one's own questioning. In such a way can one come to KNOW oneself and THEN to KNOW HOW, WHY and WHOM to Serve, in order to truly Serve those others who DO need one's Services. Arising from BEING, such Service and the one who does thusly truly GIVE, has asked the question and then answered it FROM, and THROUGH, one's BEING. And thusly do we ask that ONE question throughout our Lifetimes - from our first question to our last - "WHO AM I?" And in the end, there can be but one answer - "I AM THAT I AM!"