14. Actually, our "condensate-field", confined within the limitations OF its borders, does now constitute the "ground-state" which we defined earlier. SO, within those "borders" (which actually may be either finite OR infinite, depending on the actual realities of that particular ground-state), the following characteristics pertain:
- The condensate-field exists at whatever the AMBIENT TEMPERATURE of that ground-state may be, and such temperatures may range from the infinitely cold (from 0 K, even) to the infinitely hot. However, each particular ground-state is defined, as to its CORPOREAL "dimensionality" (previously defined), BY whatever its particular temperature may be. It is to be further noted that this temperature "element" ONLY applies to defining the functional-activity POINT OF INTERFACE (or "dimensionality") WITH the CORPOREALITY of such dimensional-entity as is being described. In other words, beyond that corporeal point of dimensional interface activity, temperature MAY BE OTHERWISE than such specified CORPOREAL ambient temperature, in defining the extended INCORPOREALITY of said condensate-field. Thusly, the temperature of a defined ground-state is ambient AT such point of corporeality (IF extant), but may be otherwise in its incorporeality, without affecting the functionality OF such incorporeal aspects of said ground-state condensate-field.
- The condensate-field also exists at whatever the AMBIENT DENSITY of that particular ground-state may be, and such densities may range (however relationally or relativistically defined) across a wide spectrum of densities, from that of gases and quantum particulates to the densities of the most intense Cosmic scale. Each "dimension", of Cosmic existence and reality, exists as a ground-state AT whatever its particular density of the condensate-field of consciousness may be. And we are talking here of both the CORPOREAL and the INCORPOREAL - and especially of the density of an INCORPOREAL condensate-field ground-state - WITHOUT which there would be NO CORPOREALITY, NO actuality, NO reality, NO existence, OF the physical, material, macrocosmic-entity, which such ground-state of consciousness does so enable. Of course, there ARE also such NON-corporeal, non-physical, and microcosmic entities, of reality and existence, as do exist outside OF the limitations, boundaries, or definitions of CORPOREALITY, and such ground-states are certainly included herewith.
- The condensate-field also exists by reason of that third "element" of "dimensionality" - SPIRIT, in the form of those quantum particulates previously described, QUANTUM AXION PARTICLES. Spirit, as also previously noted, provides the "Essence" AND the "Sentience" OF that ground-state of consciousness which we are considering. And Spirit comes from, or is derived from, the fact that ANY and ALL time, place, phase, space, dimension (or whatever other measure) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF, and a component thereof, THAT UNIVERSAL/COSMIC ground-state, of such infinite magnitude, which is known as Infinite Consciousness (God), which does pervade the Cosmos and All That Is.
36. First of all, we are yet talking about the quantum "dimension", when we ask what is going on in the nucleus of that particular glial cell, AND we are talking about the CORPOREAL microcellular processes that are "going on" IN those synaptic neurons OF that individual "junction". At the quantum level - remember? - we have the three "elements" of "dimensionality" - temperature, density, and Spirit.37. And Spirit IS the "Essence" OF the human mind (the individual local mind) AND its "supervisory" control OF those quantum microcellular processes of CORPOREAL functionality, which take place within the axon and dendrite OF that synaptic junction we are talking about.
- Temperature - as we all know, within the "dimension" of human-entity-existence (of the Universal/Cosmic scale/range of possibilities of existence, of all Sentience), is 310.15 K, or 98.6 F. If the temperature is anything else, from the infinitely cold to the infinitely hot, we are then talking about a completely different dimension of Sentience-consciousness - NOT of humanity! Of course, density and Spirit must also pertain, to further define such OTHER dimensionality of Sentience.
- Density - according to those Scientists of the Quantum who have so "specified" such (in current secular research as well as non-secular research), is (-)minus 120 decimals of condensate (however referenced). Of course, such a "measure" is so infinitesimally microscopic (and quantum), that it is, as yet (with modern technology), unmeasurable (as is, likewise, the "density" of those quantum axion particles of those "dimensions" of consciousness which pervade the Cosmos - commonly called the cosmic "dark matter"). Again, if we are referring to any other "measure" of density, we are, again, talking about a completely different dimension of Sentience-consciousness - NOT of humanity. Infinitely smaller densities to infinitely larger densities pertain to other NON-human Sentience-consciousness, ranging from the quantum particles, such as leptons, to amoebas, to ants, to trees, to rocks, to the biosphere, to a planet, to a pulsar, to a galaxy, and on to Infinite Consciousness Him/HerSelf. Again, temperature and Spirit must also pertain to such other dimensions of consciousness.
- Spirit - and the quantum axion particles thereof, which infuse and pervade the Cosmos, IS the controlling (or supervising) factor here, as to the human brain/mind INTERFACE of which we are noting herein this Formulation (and since we are NOT including nor defining Spirit, IN THIS DOCUMENT, as the "infusion", or Sentience factor for NON-human Sentience - which it certainly IS, I leave such to be defined by other Scientists of the Quantum).
The Cosmic Scale of Consciousness
- Okay, on to our next pictorial, with the philosophy of all this to follow in a bit. The title of our next "visualization" is, "The Cosmic Scale of the quantum forces and the Cosmic Condensate-Mass-Field of Consciousness". This is merely a pictorial of ALL THAT IS - from the smallest, most infinitesimal, to the largest, most infinite. The "Scale" starts from a point at the lower-left corner of the page, rising linearly to the upper-right corner of the page, the bottom point of this linearity being the smallest infinitesimality and the top right corner being infinity. The horizontal X axis is labelled DENSITY and the vertical Y axis is labelled TEMPERATURE. Therefore, on the X axis, the range of DENSITY is from the most minute (and feathery light, if we can call it such) to the most intense density (of tremendous compacture), from left to right along the bottom of the page (actually all across the page). On the Y axis, the range of TEMPERATURE is the smallest (coldest) to the largest (hottest), from the bottom to the top of the page.
- NOW, rising along our linear line, from the lower-left corner of our Scale to the upper-right corner, we have CONSCIOUSNESS and LIFE, expanding as it rises, to indicate the increasing temperatures and densities OF anything that lies along that linear-rise OF those quantum forces AND that Condensate-Mass-Field of Consciousness.
- Now, defining our Scale a bit further, outside of that centrally-rising-and-expanding expanse (or width) of Consciousness and Life, from both "sides" (or limits) of that incorporeality (we're talking about a ground-state here folks, which, after all, has "limits", or maximum "points", of its condensate-field of reality - EXCEPT, of course, for that ground-state of Infinite Consciousness), we have (on both sides) an infinite number of rising linear "lines", the "lines" below our central-expanse of LIFE rising ever-so-slightly along the bottom width of the page, from left to right. On top, or above, our central-expanse of LIFE, we have "lines" also, rising dramatically and vertically along the Y axis at the left-side of our page. SO, we have "lines" on BOTH SIDES of LIFE (which I will actually re-define shortly - LIFE, that is), these "lines" being above and below LIFE, along the Temperature Y axis and the Density X axis.
- And why I said I would shortly re-define LIFE, is that, in reality, the ENTIRE SCALE IS LIFE! NOT just the central-expanse! Because - Remember? - I said that the central-expanse of the Scale was actually CONSCIOUSNESS, Spirit, intemporality and incorporeality. And those "lines" OUTSIDE OF (and on both sides of our ground-state of consciousness) are actually OUR COSMIC FABRICS, which we just met in our previous "visualization" of the Cosmic "fabrics" of Time and Space. So, in reality, our Cosmic "fabrics" are our old-familiar DIMENSIONS of Cosmic reality, each "line" being a different "fabric" or "dimension". And these "dimension-fabric-lines" ACTUALLY take up the whole Scale, IF we were to look at our Scale in a third (or BETTER) dimension, just as our central-expanse of LIFE would also take up our entire Scale, IF we were to "visualize" it from more than just the two dimensions of X-axis-Density and Y-axis-Temperature. (BECAUSE - Remember? - the THIRD COMPONENT of consciousness, of "dimensionality", is SPIRIT, that incorporeal "Essence", of the quantum axion particles, which pervades All That Is!)
- So now, I am getting back to that one fact-of-Cosmic-Life that I mentioned earlier - DUALITY. Because, what we have here, which could only be shown in a 3-D "visualization" of our Cosmic Scale, IS THE DUALITY OF LIFE, in that all "dimensions" of Life, ARE BOTH INCORPOREAL AND CORPOREAL - or, as the two sections of our Scale indicate (the central-expanse section versus the side-sections of "fabric-lines") - DIFFERENTIATED RELATIVITY versus UNDIFFERENTIATED RELATIVITY.
- The "lines" of our Scale are the DIFFERENTIATED RELATIVITY, the corporeality, and the backdrop Cosmic "fabric" of Time and Space, the "warp and woof" of Cosmic relativity, which are our familiar spacio-temporal "dimensions". In other words, Time and Space are dimensional continuums that are shown here as a single aggregate - in the third-dimensional "in-and-out-of-the-page" perspective. Time and Space (differentiated relativity) are actually more so like intertwined Cosmic "blankets" of infinitesimal to infinite construction.
- The "central-expanse" of our Scale is UNDIFFERENTIATED RELATIVITY, or the Cosmic condensate-mass-field of Cosmic consciousness (the Cosmic, or Universal Mind). The Cosmic-condensate-mass-field permeates throughout ALL those dimensions of Time and Space, adapting to and penetrating ALL energy-mass-gravity force-fields of temperature and density (AND of the QUANTUM!), from the infinitesimal to the infinite.
- Okay, one last addition to our "visualization" of the Cosmic Scale of LIFE and Consciousness. Let's put our individual-entities OF LIFE on that Scale, and show where they are located on that Scale, relative to Temperature and Density (the "Essence", or SPIRIT, as the third "element" of "dimensionality", has already been thoroughly discussed, although there IS more to come about such!) First, being as we are talking about temperature and density, somewhere toward the bottom end of our rising central-expanse of Life and Consciousness, near the left-bottom corner of the Scale, at low Temperature (relatively) and minute Density (relatively), we have the microscopic "speck" of the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, humanity and the human "dimension" of Life. Further up the scale, of increasing Temperature and Density, we have the consciousness and the reality of our planet, EARTH. A bit further up the Scale, with higher Temperature and Density, we have the consciousness of our SUN. Rising up the Scale further, we come to the consciousness of our GALAXY. And then, not to leave out everything else of importance in the Universe/Cosmos, but merely to limit the number of Life-entities that are so-labelled and shown here, we now come to a Life-entity of EXTREME Temperature and Density - the BLACK HOLE, which I will return to shortly.
"HEY! WAIT A MINUTE! What about the rest of US? Don't we 'count' TOO, in this 'census' of intelligent LIFE in the Universe? After all, I myself, I do quite important things, here in this world called Earth. I and my siblings, we work hard, all day long, to 'feed' and care for our 'Mother', back in our hive. And the things we do......WHY, if it wasn't for us, this world just wouldn't be the same! After all, I AM ANT!!!"
Aum, Peace, Amen