QUALIA LXXVI: A New Report from a Prestigious U.N. Sponsored Economic Institute: "The 'American Dream' is No Longer Attainable!" From the QUFD website, at: http://go.to/QUF D

QUALIA LXXVI: A New Report from a Prestigious U.N. Sponsored Economic Institute: "The 'American Dream' is No Longer Attainable!"

Exploring QUFD Principles,
from the QUFD website,
at: http://go.to/QUFD

By Father Jerome

  1. The News today, via BBC World News, had a most interesting Report, newly issued from a prestigious Economic Institute that is sponsored by the United Nations, the (British) Centre for Economic Performance!

  2. The Report actually stated that, what was once upon a time, in the earlier decades of this last Century here in the United States, considered to be the 'American Dream', of Opportunity, Success, the 'Good Life', a wonderful Education, Family, Home and Filial Relations, much less the Actuality of Actually 'Making Something of Oneself', even to becoming a Millionaire or better... is no longer attainable, based upon all relevant and current aspects of U.S. Government Economic Policy and much more, such as are thusly necessary for the actual achievement of such a 'Dream'!

  3. However, as dire as this Report seems, it apparently only touches upon the 'tip of the Iceberg'! The Report actually infers that there is at least the possibility of achieving the 'American Dream' today in any number of overseas nations. But, at the same time, the Report yet 'brings Reality home-to-roost', by also noting that the very same Government Policies that prevent achievment of the 'American Dream' here in America, do likewise extend to and influence Economic Policy throughout the World, leaving the achievement of the 'American Dream' ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD a most questionable Reality!

  4. Of course, we only have to look at the remainder of the Headline News, on such as BBC World News, to get 'confirmation' of such a Reality, as we are thusly, via the TV, 'witness' to the 'slums' of Paris burning, and spreading from there, the 'torching' of such implements-of-the-Rich-Man as the Police and vehicles across the breadth of Western Europe! The 'American Dream' is no longer attainable because all of the Refugees-of-the-World, the Immigrants, the Ex-Patriots, the Displaced, the Disadvantaged, the Disenfranchised, the Homeless, etc.... in other words, the Poor... who have long held that wonderful Reality that was the 'American Dream', and which, once upon a time, DID SUSTAIN and nourish, the Aspirations and Realities OF all such 'downtrodden'... has now been 'dashed upon the sands of the beach, to join the flotsam and detritus of the oceans of the world'!

  5. In the old Days, the Statue of Liberty 'welcomed' all:


    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
    Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed, to me;
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
    Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed, to me;
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

  7. But apparently that 'Golden Door' has 'slammed shut', not only for the 'tempest-tossed' of the World, but also for our own Citizenry! BBC World News showed the lines of the homeless in cities across America, but it might as well have also shown all the 'lines' of unemployed Muslims and other minority nationalities across Europe and the World, to whom the same circumstances do apply!

  8. And what are those circumstances? Of course, as everyone knows, 'the Rich get Richer, and the Poor get Poorer!' What can be done about such a situation? Well, without belaboring the situation any further here, all I will say is, Read Father Jerome's 'QUFD Textbook', in the Top 1% of the Web, at: http://go.to/QUFD

Aum, Peace, Amen

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