QUALIA LXXXVI: Can Students be taught a Curriculum of 'Love', sufficient to, upon Graduation, in turn Dedicate their Lives-Careers to Teaching/Inculcating the 'Totality of Love', into the following Generations-of-Humanity, again sufficient to Create a Worldwide Society/Civilization, of 'Love... Unto One and All!'? From the QUFD website, at: http://go.to/QUF D
QUALIA LXXXVI: Can Students be taught a Curriculum of 'Love', sufficient to, upon Graduation, in turn Dedicate their Lives-Careers to Teaching/Inculcating the 'Totality of Love', into the following Generations-of-Humanity, again sufficient to Create a Worldwide Society/Civilization, of 'Love... Unto One and All!'?
Exploring QUFD Principles,
from the QUFD website,
at: http://go.to/QUFD
By Father Jerome
- On the Opening Page of this Textbook-Website, in the Additional Commentary Section, I have an Essay entitled, "Father Jerome's Essay, What Is Love?" I am considering this Qualia Document to be an extension thereof said Essay Document.
- So, again, I ask the Question: "Is it possible to so Teach/Learn/Inculcate, the very 'Qualities and Realities', of Love, into Students, such that the very Ethics/Principles that they Learn, can then be Imparted Unto the Whole of a Society and Civilization of Humanity forever?
- In order to attempt to answer such a Question, I think that we shall first need to look at the present Situation, from the perspective of 'instituting' a Societal-wide 'correction' thereof all of the currently dysfunctional 'operatives' that give rise to the antithesis of Love throughout Society today!
- It cannot be denied that existential conditions throughout the entire world, are basically contributory to the inculcation-of-Love in children of all Societies everywhere! And those 'conditions' range from the Very Best to the Very Worst, depending upon the Socio-Economic-Political 'situation' in which any child finds oneself!
- On top of such existential and environmental conditions, the child has to ultimately further contend with the inherent familial conditions, into which a child has been borne thereto! And, again, the 'Family' can range from the Very Best to the Very Worst, depending here upon not only Economic and Political conditions, but also History, Religion, Race, and so much more, as those 'Realities' do so affect the Psychic and Psychological Health and Well-Being of the Parents of a Child (as well as... not leaving out Health and Medical 'Realities' also!)
- The point is, depending upon a Family's Total 'Situation', the Mother (or Father!) holding/carrying a Child on the street... or a Mother/Father pushing a stroller of 2-3 children... could very well be AS TOTALLY DEFICIENT of Love, as the same Child found in a war-torn Third-World Nation! And the 'reason' for this, is that such an 'over-preening' and 'totally-doting' Parent... may be totally-wrapped-up-in-the-child... because of her/him SELF, the Parent!
- Isn't it 'True', today, that almost all Parents, 'want', for their Child, exactly What They Deem To Be Those Things That They, Themselves, Do Want For Their Child(ren)??? Yes! Of course, this 'begs the question', as to exactly What, the Child him/herself, might WANT and NEED! ("But my Child is not yet old enough to Know such things!") And so the 'doting', both Good and Bad, continues, and the Parents are thusly convinced that their Child(ren) are receiving the VERY BEST POSSIBLE Love that can Be Had!
- But, as far as the Child is concerned... and as far as Society and our World is concerned... Such is not the Case! The 'Overly-Doting and Loving' Parents, are just as Bad as those anywhere else! Because those Child(ren) are going to grow up, having no concept whatsoever as to exactly What Is True Love... other than a 'Familial feeling-of-bonding', somehow, with one's Parents and siblings (ala the current ABC-TV weekly series, "Brothers and Sisters"!)
- And such and so, are the dysfunctional families and children of humanity brought into this world today! And such children have no idea whatsoever as to exactly What Is Love! Witness... on "Brothers and Sisters", all forms and genres of Politico-Economic and Sexual... 'surrogates', for Love!
- Okay! I'm not going to go into the present-situation any further! We all know exactly what our own personal 'experiences' have been, and we all wish that there could have been something Better! (But no one ever bothered to Write The Manual!)
- So, now, let's 'explore' alternatives, to What Has Been! As I have already mentioned, in my other Essay, "What Is Love?", the famous English Author H.G. Wells, has already 'put forth' an admirable, and examinable, possibility... that every Child, upon being Born, immediately be surrendered, to a Government that is Prepared and Concerned, that Each and Every Child, Be Totally Inculcated IN the 'Qualities' and Realities OF Love, for and during ALL of the 'learning-years' of that Child's Life, and that said Child shall not be Released-Unto-One's-Parents, until the Child's 20th Birthday, at which Time that Child does then Commence To Live a Fully-and-Capable Life-Of-Love, Unto One-and-All of Humanity and of Any Living-Entity 'Form-Of-Life'!
- Can you 'see' the possibilities here? Not only for the Child and all Children, but also for our Societies, and our World? And also, for the Parents, of those institutionalized Children, who are thusly Assured that their Child is Receiving-The-Very-Best (as so constantly 'monitored' by Legislation and Law!) The Parents who can then, with practically no-familial and other 'stresses' on their Lives... can then 'Get-On' with their Lives, and thusly Make Significant Contributions to Society and Our World!
- And the Teachers, themselves! Because it will take, and require, the UTMOST Care and Concerns, for one's 'Wards', in the 'exercise' OF Love, themselves, as well as the invoking of abilities to Nurture and Instill Love Within said Children! And, of course, under 'conditions' that would be nothing whatsoever like the 'Boarding-School' movies of the past, such as "Oliver Twist"!
- Let us Think About this... and Consider All the Possibilities! A World, Society and Civilization, of Love, IS possible! But, it has to Be From the Bottom To The Top... and it Has To Start With The Children!
Aum, Peace, Amen
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