(The following section of this document is copied and quoted from the Opening Page of The QUFD Textbook, and explains the Mission/Purpose of the QUFD website, as well as the topic of discussion herein this Qualia document, i.e. Science versus Religion!)IN SUMMARY, WHAT IS THIS WEBSITE ABOUT?
Well, here's a starter. For more, see the next section following here. But let's start with:"The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!" In other words, God, Christ and Consciousness, AS EXPLAINED BY:
Albert Einstein, Satyendra Bose, Carl Jung, and many other scientists, of both modern and ancient vintage, who have all contributed to
the QUFD Website, and the Science and Philosophy of Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics!In other words, this website is about SCIENCE, and has nothing whatsoever to do with ANY organized 'Religion', and certainly NOT the Christian Religion! It is about God, Christ, Lucifer, human Consciousness, and so much more, but especially about REALITY - yours, mine, everybody's - our EVERYDAY 'Realities' (Truths), of human Life and existence, all explained in detail by SCIENCE and the accepted and well-known scientific Laws and Principles thereof, as discovered and made known to all of humanity by the most famous and eminently renown scientists of human history!
So there is actually nothing new here... nothing that a 5 year old child may not already 'know', if he/she is, indeed, the 'Mad Scientist' that many kids of today certainly are!
And yet the 'telling', or 'speaking', OF these very Truths and Realities IS NEW, because there are many 'vested interests', in Society, in the World, in Religion and even in Science, who do NOT want these Truths and Realities to be told! Many folks, and much of humanity, has been, and yet constantly IS, 'influenced', by Negativity (i.e., the Negativities of this World!), and that story, those Truths, of Lucifer and of his influence upon us all, is also told herein this 'textbook', in order that, by understanding ALL REALITIES (the 'good' AND the 'bad' - or evil!), we - ALL of us - might then SEE some 'means of ACTION' - a way to Change The World For The Better! THIS is the 'Challenge', of this QUFD 'textbook' - to Understand, AND THEN take ACTION - to Make This World A World of Peace, Love, Joy and Happiness, as we all would have it TO BE!
And so, or thusly, does this QUFD 'textbook', have a further purpose, or raison d'etre, for its existence: to not only 'BRING US TOGETHER' - ALL of humanity, in Peace, Love and much more - but to also Bring Together those THREE 'vital entities' of Society, which have 'too long been separated', to our obvious disadvantage - the CHURCH, the STATE, and SCIENCE! Reconciliation OF Church/State/Science, in an EQUAL partnership - NOT the present unequal separation - should certainly be in the 'Best Interests' of all! To such an end, this QUFD 'textbook' is likewise DEDICATED to the use of SCIENCE to rationally, logically, and factually, explain all and every pertinent fact of human Reality and existence, as to both the CHURCH (Religion, WITHOUT being, or becoming, 'a part thereof ANY specific Religion'!) and the STATE! Such that none of which should ever again, impose upon, sanction, or constrain, the other, as to such 'venues' and 'Realities' as may be 'authorized' for disclosure and KNOWING, by the polis and all of humanity!
For the benefit of the 'most surely unlikely soul', who might NOT be 'aware' of what I am referring to in the previous statement, let me most briefly state what is the STATUS QUO, as to the present 'reality' of Church/State/Science: "The CHURCH shall not interfere, impose or involve itself, in any way, with the legal and authorized 'activities' of either the STATE or of SCIENCE. The STATE shall not interfere, impose or involve itself, in any way, with the legal and authorized 'activities' of either the CHURCH or of SCIENCE. SCIENCE shall not interfere, impose or involve itself, in any way, with the legal and authorized 'activities' of either the STATE or of the CHURCH. 'Separation' of CHURCH and STATE shall be explicit - ""Render Unto God that which is..., Render Unto Caesar that which is... !"" 'Separation' of CHURCH and SCIENCE shall also be explicit, and shall be maintained and licensed by the STATE: ""The 'KNOWN' (physical, material, corporeal) shall be the 'venue' of SCIENCE. The 'UNKNOWN' (non-physical, incorporeal, spiritual) shall be the 'venue' of the CHURCH. Neither SCIENCE nor the CHURCH shall 'speak of' anything which is the 'venue' of the other. Anything which is 'KNOWN', shall be of SCIENCE and shall be properly 'licensed' to SCIENCE by the STATE. Anything that is 'UNKNOWN', shall be of the CHURCH and shall be properly 'licensed' to the CHURCH by the STATE."" Thusly, it is the 'obligation' of the STATE to keep SCIENCE and the CHURCH 'separate', to the disadvantage and 'unknowing' of the people, as to the 'realities' of both. QUFD, on the other hand, brings those 'realities' together, properly using SCIENCE to explain the Truths and Realities of the CHURCH (actually, NOT the, or any CHURCH, but, in reality, God and Lucifer!) and so much more, so that ANY 'knowing', understanding, human being, can take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their Life, Actions, Deeds and Words, toward Making This A Better World for One and All!
See the further detailed explanation of this situation at: Symbolic Violence.In the sense of this 'Declaration' (as to what this website is about), I Invite One and All to READ, and ENJOY, the QUFD 'Textbook'!
Father Jerome