The GENERAL CONTEXT of such use is:
Bose-Einstein Condensates:
For a period of time, the great theoretical physicist Albert Einstein, conducted joint-research with the renown Indian theoretical physicist Satyendra Bose, into the principles and properties of corporeal 'condensates-of-matter', as to the basics thereof, and such research was furthered over the years since then by other reputable scientists. Father Jerome has utilized the Bose-Einstein principles, as applied to any condensate, however applying said principles to condensates of non-matter, rather than condensates of matter. Such has become the basis of QUFD Physics and of Father Jerome's research and Works. In that Father Jerome's research and Works apply exclusively to non-matter conditions of Incorporeality, although derived from Bose-Einstein Condensates principles, QUFD physics and Father Jerome's Works are Philosophical rather than Mathematical (as Bose-Einstein's Works are), in that Mathematics, as far as anyone as yet knows, does not apply to Incorporeality and therefore any and all research findings and 'discoveries' can only be Philosophical!
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DICTIONARIES, on this Website! Choose from the following:
Also see Father Jerome's BLOG, for info about his latest Book,
"God, Lucifer and You! A ScienceBook of Quantum Physics and Reality, for 5 year old Kids and Adults!"