The GENERAL CONTEXT of such use is:
The terms refers to the invisible Realms and Dimensions (Parallel Worlds) that lie just over that invisible Fence between the Known Worlds and the Unknown Worlds! Where Corporeality is visible, physical and material and anything Corporeal is separate and distinct from anything else of corporeality (which is known as Differentiated Relativity), on the other hand, Undifferentiated Relativity (Incorporeality) is Unitary, Coherent, Oneness and un-different from all else within Incorporeality, which consists basically of the quantum axion particles of Consciousness, Sentience and Spirit!However, without negating the Unity of everything within Incorporeality (which is a gigantic Condensate, the largest in existence!), there also exist within Incorporeality, lesser and smaller Condensates of Incorporeality, all consisting of the very same quantum axion particles, however arranged into such sub-condensate 'boundaried regions' by 'reason for existence' or purpose! A Condensate of Incorporeality is also a 'Dimension' in itself, and this condensate, along with its twin Condensate of Corporeality, might 'make up' the Dimension that is you, both your Brain/Body and your Mind, both of which are condensates of either Reality or 'Reality'!
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Also see Father Jerome's BLOG, for info about his latest Book,
"God, Lucifer and You! A ScienceBook of Quantum Physics and Reality, for 5 year old Kids and Adults!"