The GENERAL CONTEXT of such use is:
The term 'microtubules' refers to the receiving portion of the 'feedback-loop' which controls the glial-synapsial-junction 'interface' between the human Brain and the human Mind! When the 'signal-charge' has been released across the 'synaptic-junction by the sending axon, the receiving dendrite of the receiving neuron 'receives' that 'signal-charge', which then generates a capacitively-generated low-intensity microwave 'signal within the dendrite's 'microtubules' while traversing those microtubules. That low intensity microwave signal is felt by the glial nucleus and recognized as the 'completion' of the Feedback-Loop that had been started by that very same glial nucleus on 'instructions' from the Upper Mind! Refer to the other Definition discussions in this Dictionary for the complete details of the 'mechanism' of this 'Feedback-Loop'!
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"God, Lucifer and You! A ScienceBook of Quantum Physics and Reality, for 5 year old Kids and Adults!"