Words/Phrases DEFINED: 'quantum axion particles as a cosmically-fulfilling planar-scaled dimensionality'. Father Jerome's SPECIALIZED DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES pertaining to Bose-Einstein Condensates of Non-Matter and Incorporeality, as used in his Works, in QUFD Physics and in the 'QUFD Textbook' Website, at http://go.to/QUFD

Words/Phrases DEFINED:
"quantum axion particles as a cosmically-fulfilling planar-scaled dimensionality"
Father Jerome's SPECIALIZED DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES pertaining to Bose-Einstein Condensates of Non-Matter and Incorporeality, as used in his Works, in QUFD Physics and in the 'QUFD Textbook' Website, at http://go.to/QUFD

"quantum axion particles as a cosmically-fulfilling planar-scaled dimensionality"
The GENERAL CONTEXT of such use is:
quantum axion particles as a cosmically-fulfilling planar-scaled dimensionality:
The term refers to both the QUFD Scale of Life (see 'The QUFD Scale of Life') and the related terms 'Differentiated Relativity' and 'Undifferentiated Relativity' (see 'Differentiated Relativity' and 'Undifferentiated Relativity'), which are both planar-scaled upon that QUFD Scale of Life!

The 'dimensionality' referred to is the Scale itself, rather than any QUFD 'Dimensionality'. Differentiated Relativity and Undifferentiated Relativity both rise linearly on this Scale, from Infinitesimal at the lower left corner of the Scale, toward Infinity at the top and right corner/edges of the Scale.

The Scale shows the three components of Consciousness and Life as the three 'axes' of the Scale. The left-vertical axis is Temperature, from coldest at the bottom to hottest at the top. The bottom-horizontal axis is Density, from the least compact at the left to the most compact at the right. The third component, Spirit or Consciousness (Life!), is shown as both of the rising Relativities upon the Scale, where the Unit of Consciousness and Spirit is the quantum axion particle, wherein the Scale does actually show that particle-entity as 'fulfilling its Cosmic Mission', in the creation and maintenance of both Life and Consciousness!

Pinpointed upon the Scale, at the appropriate 'points' of Temperature, Density and Spirit, are samples of Cosmic 'Entities' and Life, ranging from quantum particles to molecules to man to planets to galaxies to pulsars to black holes, all 'positioned' on the Scale according to their Relativities and Realities. (Actual reality of the Scale may require interpretation.)

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DICTIONARIES, on this Website! Choose from the following:

Father Jerome's DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES used in his scientific writings and at his QUFD website

Father Jerome's PSYCHOSOCIOLOGICAL DICTIONARY of Terms/Phrases used in Monograph III of his QUALIA Series

Father Jerome's SPECIALIZED DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES pertaining to Bose-Einstein Condensates of Non-Matter and Incorporeality, as used in his Works, in QUFD Physics and in the 'QUFD Textbook' Website

Also see Father Jerome's BLOG, for info about his latest Book,
"God, Lucifer and You! A ScienceBook of Quantum Physics and Reality, for 5 year old Kids and Adults!"

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