Opportunities Unlimited!!! Elsewhere on these pages, I have written about some of the experiences
that I (this author) and other "Mind explorers" (of the OA/OWB) have had in
our explorations of mental ground-states of consciousness BEYOND OUR OWN! In
these journeys (and for this author, such did include a most enjoyable
extended 5-year sojourn to the OA/OWB dimension of spiritual consciousness
itself, where I did meet numerous other "travellers", and "live" and work,
during that 5-year period) into "other" ground-states, we have ranged from
the sublime to the supreme, the micro to the macro, the human and non-human
to the glory of the Most Infinite. Our "travellers" have "been there", in
the Minds/consciousness OF:
Just think of the good that could come of such explorations, and
influencing, OF the "Minds" of others, whether such other ground-states of
(human OR otherwise) consciousness be in the Past, the Present, or the Future!
As an example, how about whale beachings and other such unusual events? Why do
they occur? Well, using the Mind Corps, humanity could "communicate" WITH that
other Mind, of that other corporeality, and determine why, or what, the reason
for such occurrences might be. In the example of whale beachings, the whale Mind might tell us that
it/they were merely following their migratory "paths" around the world and
"felt" the pull of an unusually strong "path" which led them in that direction
(to the beach). Analyzing such, the human Mind might then come to the
realization that the whales were being "led" BY the magnetic currents and
lines of the Earth's magnetic ley lines, and did probably happen upon a very
strong juncture of the ley lines that led them to shore. Thus the combination
of human technology and knowledge, along with the interaction between such
disparate entities, solved the problem, as to why it did occur, AND could also
then lead to a further solution to prevent such future occurrences. And as to the PREVENTING of future occurrence of ANY undesired events, how
about earthquakes, tornadoes, typhoons, volcanoes, magnetic pole reversals,
and other such planetary anomalies, biospheric, tectonic, and geologic events,
whether normally-occurring (as pole reversals) or not? Mankind COULD determine
the reasons, AND the timing/occurrence OF such events, by "asking" the
planetary consciousness as to just exactly what IS "going on", with the Earth.
Mankind and the Earth COULD "communicate" with each other, as to past, present
and/or future events, to the benefit (AND safety) of each other. It doen't take much to see that the benefits - to humanity, the other
life-form(s), and to the existence and well-being OF All That Is - could be
tremendous, IF humanity could encompass COOPERATION, and communications, not
only between and among themselves, BUT ALSO with ALL other "lives" OF All That
Is. And then further, obviating the obvious, as to the more mundane
possibilities that could be accomplished across the entire spectrum of human
existence and history, just imagine what might happen IF one could "be" in the
Mind of such of the following, in the flow and course of history and
events: "HEY! Wait a minute! Are you saying that we could, and can, and should,
CHANGE HISTORY?" Okay, the answer to that question is ethical and requires the COOPERATION
and WILL of ALL of humanity, and I discuss this issue further elsewhere in
these pages. Suffice for now, all I will say is that, as I have stated already
many times, within Cosmic laws and the principia OF Quantum Unitary Field
Dynamics, when one IS "in-the-moment", it certainly IS POSSIBLE TO "change"
that Past and Future, in that "observation-IN-the-moment" DOES "create" THAT
Past and Future WHICH WE DO SO DESIRE, OF the infinity of "possibilities"
which are cosmically possible. But, of course, such humanitarian journeys into the vast realms of
consciousness WOULD certainly have to be the obligation of the many of
humanity who have, or WILL HAVE, achieved that KNOWING of the mature human
Mind, which can DIRECTLY access ANY of those ground-states of Cosmic
Consciousness MERELY by the fact of such individual "knowing" themSelves
COMPLETELY and thereby "connecting" TO their Self/Soul 100%, enabling that
individual to then go on to those realms BEYOND the individual Mind. And although I have written extensively in this Work about the computerized
human-Mind-interface technology of Holothetic Communications, alas, that
medium is but a "starter" for access to the Soul for those who have not yet
achieved complete maturity of their Minds. Although Holothetics CAN enable
extensive access TO consciousness and KNOWING, the rigors and requirements of
extensive trans-Cosmic travel BEYOND the individual Soul DO REQUIRE the
absolute completeness of KNOWING and maturity that is possible ONLY with a
fully mature Mind. One other question, that might be raised in regard to such "journeys of
consciousness", is: Well, anything is always possible, and I go into such possibilities further
elsewhere in these pages. But for now, I shall merely say that, when one
LIVES-IN-THE-MOMENT, POSITIVITY AND Infinite Consciousness (God), are "with
you"! (OR, as the "movies" of today might say, "May the Force Be With
You!") SO, for those of us who HAVE achieved maturity of Mind, the opportunities
to be of Service to others and the Cosmos are unlimited. And hopefully some
day, such WILL BE the fate, reality, and destiny, of ALL of humanity, as we
will have so "created" such OURSELVES, through the WILL of human COOPERATION,
Love, and Caring for All That Is, AS Infinite Consciousness does so desire for
us! Aum, Peace, Amen!
So the possibilities for explorations of
Consciousness and KNOWING are tremendous, for ANY person of mature Mind, in
what one can access and the tremendous good that one can potentially do for
humanity and the Cosmos. So the very point of such experiences does therefore
bespeak the further question: "WHY NOT institute/create a new version of the
Peace Corps - the Mind Corps (or whatever), to explore, and to benefit ALL of
Creation FROM those explorations?" WHAT a fulfilling "job" such could be, for
many of humanity, in their assisting OF, and "Doing Unto..." others.
And I say it was a "privilege" in the most humble way, because
access TO another ground-state - EVEN THE PRIMAL ground-state of God
Him/HerSelf - WHEN that ground-state/person/entity IS LIVING/BEING
"in-the-moment" 100% (as God surely IS), can ONLY be
allowed/accomplished WITH the acquiescence OF that ground-state, and
ONLY as He/She does so wish to allow. Fortunately, I do believe that
I was given this great, and humbling, opportunity, for several
reasons (which are discussed more fully elsewhere in these pages).
Briefly, those reasons were:
In this respect, I might note, what the Almighty did
deign to show me, was NOT only the magnificence of the Cosmos, and
the Cosmos AS IT DOES include the Universe, BUT ALSO the Cosmos AS
IT WAS BEFORE the Universe! In other words, the Cosmos
PRE-CREATION (of the Universe), pre-"Big Bang", which did most
definitely show the might and significance OF God's "workhorses"
of Creation - Black Holes and White Holes, and did reveal the
mechanics of the tremendous forces at work in both (I discuss
pre-Universe "history", Cosmic mechanics {physics}, and
White/Black Holes further elsewhere in this Work). And finally, I
might note, that the pre-Universe Cosmos was not all that
"different" from that which came to exist after the Big-Bang,
because, lo and behold, the universality of the human species was
even apparent there (humanity, after all, being "created" in God's
image, does exist THROUGHOUT the Cosmos - in this Universe AND
SO, in the most humble way possible, I AM most
grateful for what the Lord has, OF HIS WILL, shown me. And I must
also say, it was only limited to those "views" of the Cosmos so
provided. In NO WAY am I claiming to even remotely be able, or to
have, KNOWN the Mind of God. I can only say, most thankfully,
that, by His Grace, I was allowed to "BE there".
Julius Caesar; Adolph Hitler; Pol Pot; Saddam Hussein; Slobodan
Milosevic; and countless others!
"What about the Luciferian Complex? Might not evil,
rather than good, come of such journeys into the Soul and beyond?"