I've talked about Maturity of the human Mind extensively elsewhere on this website, but I guess there is one aspect of mental maturity that I really haven't stressed at all. I've indicated somewhat this particular point when I have quoted one of my mentors, Dr. June Singer, when she said, "The collective unconscious is better conceived as an extension of the personal unconscious to its wider and broader base, encompassing contents which are held in common by the family, by the social group, by tribe and nation, by race, and eventually by all of humanity. Each succeeding level of the unconscious may be thought of as going deeper and becoming more collective in its nature. The wonder of the collective unconscious is that it is all there, all the legend and history of the human race, with its unexorcised demons and its gentle saints, its mysteries and its wisdom, ALL within each one of us - a microcosm within the macrocosm. The exploration of this world is more challenging than exploration of the solar
system and the journey to inner space is NOT necessarily an easy OR a safe trip."
And that is the point, right there, because access to the Soul - one's Soul - which is the major criteria of mental Maturity, means access to all the realities of the Collective Consciousness of humanity and even dimensions beyond that! But, as far as what I am going to talk about here, let's limit the discussion to the Collective. And that, in and of itself, is ENOUGH! Because, as Dr. Singer has said, access to the Collective gives one access not only to the knowledge, wisdom, beauty and wonders of the Collective, but also to the horrors AS WELL!
Because, as the scientific sections of this website have detailed, the zero-gravity intemporality of the basic ground-state condensate-field of the Collective, allows the Soul of ANY HUMAN BEING, to "Be There", at ANY point in space and time, in the PAST, PRESENT, or FUTURE, of that Collective Consciousness of the entire species of humanity.
Let's review the basic scientific realities of what we are talking about here. We know that the Quantum Physics of the infinite condensate-field of Consciousness which is humanity explains the fact that that field of Consciousness pervades the Soul and Mind of each and every human being everywhere - everywhere meaning Past, Present and Future, as to spacio-temporality (in fact, you wouldn't exist IF IT DIDN'T!) The details of QUFD explain how it is possible for one's personal ground-state of Consciousness, their MATURE Mind/Soul, to BE "in" ANY other spacio-temporality that one may wish to be "in", or access, merely through the fact of the human genes that, once activated, allow one to phase-space-shift one's consciousness to any other dimension, or spacio-temporal "part" OF that infinite field of Consciousness which, in this case, is the Collective. What this means is that your personal ground-state can phase-space-shift itself into and out of any other dimension within that infinite ground-state,
with dimension meaning any other entity of sentience-life, or human being. (QUFD allows access to "dimensions" - sentience-life "entities" - beyond humanity, but I'm not going to discuss that here.)
Getting back to humanity, the MATURE human Mind, one's Soul, BEING PART OF that infinite condensate-field of the Collective, HAS, in effect, actually experienced EVERY INSTANT of Life OF EVERY OTHER human being, that has ever lived, or WILL live! It is all there - in the Collective - as Dr. Singer has said.
Let's very briefly note one other point here (a Jungian Psychological point). According to Jungian-QUFD principles, ANY experience, of ANY human being ANYWHERE, of ANY spacio-temporality, IS IMMEDIATELY RECORDED, in the Collective, and becomes a part OF that infinite condensate-field. This is what is known as the Hall of Records, or the Akashic Records (where the event is "recorded" in all complete detail, not to be confused with the OA/OWB's Hall of Records, which is merely an abstract of that which has been recorded on the Collective). However, unless that individual, or any individual, has Maturity of Mind, and access to one's Soul, an individual cannot normally access that which has been recorded, except to the extent of any personal memories thereof residing in one's individual local mind. One MUST, per Jungian Psychology, be able to BREACH that Veil of Separation/Veil of Unknowing, provided by the negative dimensionality of the Luciferian Complex, and KNOW ONESELF, meaning to know one's Soul
(Maturity of Mind), in order to be able to freely access any dimension beyond oneself and one's personal realities.
SO, getting back to the point of this Sermon, access to ANY dimension, of time and space, means access not only to the knowledge, the wisdom, the beauty and the wonders of the Cosmos, BUT ALSO to its HORRORS and negativities (negative dimensions) as well. Without elaborating any further on the negative dimensions and realities of the Cosmos, let's just stick to the dimensions and realities of the Collective.
What this means is that, since every human being is a dimension - ground-state of consciousness - in and of itself, when you "tingle" that phase-space-shift gene of your Mature human Mind, you can shift YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS INTO any other dimension, or person, whom you may wish to, and thusly "experience" whatever that other individual is, or HAS, experienced, AT THAT specific instant of time-space dimensionality. I've mentioned elsewhere the possibilities of ANYONE "Being There", say, in the Mind of Christa MacAuliffe, at the instant of Challenger's demise, OR of "Being There", in the Mind of Christ Jesus, upon the Cross!
BUT, what I haven't stressed, is that point that I also mentioned hereinabove - that, in the Collective, one's consciousness IS PART OF the ENTIRE FIELD of human consciousness - OF EVERYONE EVERYWHERE - at ALL TIMES! NOT ONLY when you phase-space-shift your Mature Mind to another dimension! In other words, deep down inside oneself, in one's Soul, the individual FEELS the pain, the sorrow, the suffering, as well as the joys and happiness, OF ALL OF one's fellowman!
THUSLY, as this individual does at times personally "feel", as such incidents do arise or come into one's consciousness (one's Soul), one DOES EXPERIENCE, INDIRECTLY, a form of "Being There", as a result of one's ACTIVATED CONSCIOUSNESS, one's Soul, actually being a part OF such incident, event, or experience, as the Collective has so instantaneously recorded.
The results of this form of "Being There" can be mild to severe, in the individual, depending on the individual proclivities and one's "humanity". Personally, I can say that I cry a lot. And what brings on these tears? Well, "Being There", say, with the sailors of the USS Arizona, in Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7th, 1941. Or, as I have noted in my Lecture Remembering, "Being There", at Gettysburg, in 1863, when the Blue and the Grey armies met. Or, with the millions of Holocaust victims, of the Second World War. OR, "Being There", (in ancient times) at Argob, or Hesebon, or (in recent times), in East Timor, in Rwanda, in Somalia, in Chechnya, in Bosnia, in Kosovo, in Gaza, in Ramallah......ANYWHERE, where there is suffering and sorrow, OR Joy and Happiness (sorry, won't list those)! ONE'S SOUL can "feel" the consequences OF ALL human experience, AS IT IS, or has been, OR WILL BE, recorded on the Collective, WHEN one's Soul, for whatever reason, has reason to
access that particular spacio-temporal reality!
This is nothing to be afraid of, regardless of Dr. Singer's concerns, and this Sermon is nothing more than a Warning, that YOU HAVE BEEN THERE ALREADY! When one's Mature Mind, one's Soul, "reveals" itself as such, it is yet another mark of that which makes us all WHAT WE ARE - HUMAN!
Aum, Peace, Amen!
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