Okay, I must say that I do enjoy receiving all the fine commendations and insights regarding QUFD that I receive daily in my email inbox, from readers around the world who are relating how QUFD has helped them in their Lives, in whatever way such may have been. BUT - and this is what I am getting a bit perturbed about - I do also occasionally get the odd-ball crank missive or other message, that may or may not be known to or by the sender as an instigation of the "man down below" (as I sometimes call him), which is exactly what such a missive really is!
But what especially perturbs me, is the missive from the sender who "most surely" is "holier-than-thou" (us) in his/her perspective OR thinks that I am espousing, in QUFD and/or in my writings, a "holier-than-thou" (the reader) attitude. I got one again just the other day, who said that we - QUFD adherents and those who do KNOW Who and What they are - are apparently some kind of religious and spiritual "fruitcakes" who have, or think they have, transcended themselves and this material world TO some "higher plane of consciousness". BULLS--T! And I'm going to say WHY it is, and what the reality of such a correspondent's "realities" really are!
Because, what is really happening here, is that such people are really COPPING-OUT ON LIFE! Copping-out on HUMAN Life in particular! Such folks are refusing to accept and respect, nor to acknowledge, THE VERY BASIS AND REALITY of their HUMANITY! When other folks are getting in touch with Who and What they are, AS HUMAN BEINGS, and finding all those good and wonderful qualities THAT THEY WERE BORN WITH and were BORN TO BE......these "put-someone-down" 'ers, are trying to stuff everyone else into that CAGE (a Classical "Newtonian" Physics cage at that!) which they have built for themselves and think that all the rest of humanity should also be occupying WITH THEM, limiting themselves, oneself and others, to the rigors and limitations of what one "is told" or "is conformed to" by the authorities of society and those who are officially "appointed" to "tell us what to do"!
THAT'S WHAT'S really happening here! Such people, refusing to accept and acknowledge Maturity of the human Mind, as a genetically extant reality within each and every one of us, which can be activated by the REMOVAL OF ALL THE NEGATIVITIES of one's Life which prevent each and every one of us from USING that higher-level of consciousness within us all (YES! Call it a "higher-plane of consciousness" if you wish, but to deny its existence in ALL OF US, is to deny reality!) - our upper Mind, or Self, or SOUL - in accessing all those wonders and KNOWING that the upper Mind, the Soul, is privy to......such people, who deny that reality of themselves and of others, are merely exhibiting the "spitefulness" and negativity OF their IMMATURE minds, the lower mind, which, naturally NOT Knowing itSelf, its upper Mind or Soul, due to the existence of that Cooper-paired quantum reality which Carl Jung has called the Veil of Separation or Veil of Unknowing, cannot encompass such a wholeness of themselves or others, and
thusly, in thinking that the lower mind, the (s)elf, is ALL THERE IS (materiality/physicality/corporeality, WITHOUT any basis of INCORPOREALITY!)......do thusly attempt to place everyone else into that small, physical/material, corporeality-ONLY, world of their "creation" and confinement! That's what's really goin' on with such people!
Let me restate here one of the major premises of QUFD - TO EXPOSE the negativities OF OUR LIVES, and to allow ourselves to get in touch with THAT POSITIVITY, which is OURS, and which we HAVE ALL BEEN BORN WITH - IF we would but activate that positivity BY REMOVING all the Luciferian negativity which we are usually well-immersed in and with, as a consequence of our daily societal and existential activities! As an example, I recently noticed a university catalog from a major educational institute of "higher-education" which had a cover showing a gigantic key hovering over a landscape of people with the words underneath it saying, "Learning for the Real World!" MORE BULLS--T! As QUFD and my research Report have pointed out, this is exactly what Lucifer WANTS us to "believe" - THAT WE NEED TO LOOK OUTSIDE of ourselves, FOR SOMEONE OF "authority" (conspiratorial "accreditation", by and from "vested interests"!), TO TELL US WHAT TO DO, or what to LEARN! As I've said before, in quoting Socrates (from way back
when), "EVERYTHING YOU need to KNOW......IS WITHIN YOURSELF ALREADY!" All you have to do is LOOK WITHIN, KNOW yourself, KNOW Who and What you ARE - and the knowledge of the Cosmos WILL BE YOURS, as and when YOU NEED IT!
So when someone berates another for using a natural, normal and innate PART OF ONESELF (one's Maturity of Mind - one's Soul!), then that person doing so, besides being a mean and nasty SOB (just as Lucifer would have him/her to be!), is also exhibiting their IMmaturity of mind, and using only that lower mind, the self, to express such selfish perspectives and "meisms" (see Father Jerome's DICTIONARY, for the definitions of "meism" and the other terms/phrases used herein this Sermon!) And that person doing so is merely exemplifying exactly what Lucifer wishes for us all - to extoll and magnify his NEGATIVITY, and those negative actions/activities in our Lives, which so cause us to be so divorced, or separated, from "ourSelves" - our pure and positive Soul - as we are today.
What can I say further? How does one fight evil and negativity? By ignoring it? By focusing on positivity? Well, some of those aims may help but, in the long and short term, none or nonesuch will do. Because the individual CANNOT DO IT BY ONESELF! As they always say, one person can't fight City Hall, which, in effect, is what the situation is. IT TAKES ALL OF US! Everyone of us, HUMANITY, to remove ALL the negativities from our Lives - ALL OF OUR LIVES - BY a WILLING and concerted effort, of COOPERATION, in eliminating ALL those things/rules/laws/policies/customs/cultures/REALITIES (pseudo-realities!) - from ALL our Lives, IF we are to be the FREE and INDEPENDENT individuals we were born to be! We need to COME TOGETHER - as ONE - in order to BE ONE - whole and complete, as a fulfilled human race and species!
"BRING US TOGETHER!", the motto of this website, is to foster the elimination of ALL THE DIVISIVENESS that exists in the world......INCLUDING those damn reprobates who say that we're "fantasizing" about living on a higher-plane of existence - just because they can't "get it together" for themselves! BRING US TOGETHER!
Aum, Peace, Amen!
Reply to: fatherjeromeusa@fiwd.org
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