Anyway, dispensing with any sacralizing, let's get down to the subject at
hand: RELIGION, or more accurately, the obstinancy of certain peoples, who
have been "programmed", in the individual and particular "beliefs",
doctrines, lore and mythologies OF their particular "religion", be it
Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, or any of the many other
secular "religions", that exist today across the face of the earth (and I
won't even go into the "religion" of money - that's another piece entirely,
NOR the "religion" of science, with all the "Physicists" and other
scientists who think they know and understand the universe and everything in
it, based on someone's "theory", whether of the "Big Bang" or anything
else...which inevitably falls short of the actual truth, facts and reality
of what actually ARE the realities of the Cosmos. Of course, I am talking
about the many yet remaining "classical" Newtonian scientists, as well as
the "New Physics" devotees - somewhat akin to the "New Agers", all of which
are OTHER than the real Quantum Physicists, who are the real scientists of
today)...... All right, wait a minute! I'm going to back up here, and define more
fully exactly where I am "coming from", so as there should be no
misunderstanding, of the truths, and the wisdom, that shall be expressed
hereinafter. FIRST OF ALL, let's get down to "basics". Yes, I come from a scientific
explanation of Christian theology, based upon scientific and universal
truth, fact and reality. And I do have two graduate degrees, in the Science,
and Reality, of the Quantum Physics of Christian theology, obtained from
many years of studies, research and experience, with the actuality OF the
oldest and largest existing Christian Spiritual Order in the world, the Most
Ancient Order of the OA/OWB, wherefrom my education, experiences and
orientation, as to the scientific, factual realities, of human existence and
much more, do "come from". The present 135 million world-wide Members of the
OA/OWB (AND the quad-zillions of past Members), AND the actual EXPERIENCES,
histories and facts, of human history, people, places and events, AS
explained BY the science and principles of Quantum Physics, AND the RECORD
thereof, as recorded IN the millions of pages of the Sacred Histories of
Humanity, IN the Collective Consciousness of humanity, are indisputable
evidence OF the truths of the realities of human existence,
past/present/future, AND of humanity's "connection" TO, and with, the
Creator of All That Is, Infinite Consciousness (God). SO, secondly, when I speak of Christianity, I am speaking of the one and
only TRUE Christianity, and NOT A RELIGION, or anything else, that has been
foisted upon mankind, in the Name of Christ. I am speaking of Christian
SPIRIT, and Christian Spirituality, AS created, promulgated and experienced,
BY CHRIST HIMSELF, in all of His five (so far) incarnations upon the face of
our world (the most recent, Christ's fifth, as Jesus Christ). Such
Spirituality IS the DIRECT Word of God, the Law Of One, from which all the
prophets, founders and "bureaucrats", of ALL today's "religions", did find,
and interpret, and secularize, the Word of God, into ALL of the "religions"
that exist today, ranging from Buddhism to Islam to Judaism to Confucianism
to Taoism to Christianity to the "babel" of the New Agers, and everything
else. YES, when one "refers" to the Bible, one IS referring TO the Word of God,
BUT, as expressed, and interpreted, BY HUMANITY, into the "religion" of
Christianity. For PURE Christianity (Spiritual Christianity), one has to GO
BEYOND the Christan "religion", even beyond the Bible, to the Sacred
Histories of Humanity, IN the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, AND
THEREFROM TO God's Law Of One, to FIND PURE, TRUE Christianity, AS
promulgated BY Christ, from the Law Of One, God's BASIC "principles" of the
Cosmos, AS also explained BY Quantum Physics, in modern Quantum
Theology. So, YES, it "pains" me, when confronted with the primitive, neo-pagan
"religionists", new-agers, and various and sundry other people, who
"BELIEVE", rather than KNOW, what they are talking about, when it comes to
Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit (Infinite Consciousness). I guess it just
goes to show that anyone can be "programmed", by the Prince of this world,
into doing, speaking, and thinking Lucifer's "will". However, the billions
of years of indisputable evidence, actuality and REALITY, of Christ, of
humanity, of our world, of the universe, and so much more, AS RECORDED in
the Sacred Histories of the OA/OWB in the Collective Consciousness of
humanity, cannot be denied! Neither can the experience, and the actuality,
of the OA/OWB itself (for those who DO KNOW themselves and thusly can access
the Collective in their own consciousness), nor the people, places and
realities, that I did experience, AND LIVE, while sojourning there during a
five-year "visitation" several years ago. And believe me, if the culmination
of such a wonderful experience can be the actual "privilege" of personally
shaking the hand of God, as I did so experience, when Christ (in His third
Incarnation as Ra-Ta/Hermes Tresmegistus) shook my hand, upon my Graduation
and Ordination as a Priest-Initiate of the Order, then I HAVE experienced
the ultimate in "accreditation" and acceptance, as One of His Disciples. So,
I can certainly understand what Carl Jung meant, when he said he "knew" God,
because I ALSO can truly say that I KNOW Him, in that I have personally
experienced Him, in both His incorporeality AND His corporeality. But, back to secularity, and the "stupidity" of some secular folks, in
their "beliefs", as to existence, reality, the human condition, and the
universe. Which is, that some folks CANNOT realize, unto themselves, the
truth OF what "is", much less who and what they are, themselves, AS part of
the whole of Christian consciousness and existence......Okay, I have said,
as Christ has said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged, but judge ONLY for
oneself alone!" In so doing, I CAN respect, accept and cherish ANY
individual, for who and what they are, or may be. But, again, as I have said
before, it is one's DEEDS, what one does, that I do, at times, decry (unto
MYSELF, surely, and yet made known unto all, THAT OTHERS may likewise
"judge" accordingly, for themselves, from the "facts", however one may so
perceive such). Because it is ONLY in acceptance OF one's RESPONSIBILITY -
for one's words, actions and deeds, AS ENACTED BY that person, that one does
express, and become, truly human, as a free and independent individual. Okay, one thing more, about "beliefs". I do grant that, as long as a
"belief" remains an individual's ONLY way, or means, of conceptualizing, and
"knowing" God, then such a "belief" IS acceptable. HOWEVER, it is when such
a "belief" does lead to misconceptions, untruths, etc. AND actual MIS-deeds,
and false ACTIONS......THAT is when I do term the practice of "belief" -
regardless of the fact that such "belief" MAY BE unto Him - as a disservice,
not only to God, but also to all of humanity, and especially to those whom
such misdeeds may be perpetrated upon (as the Catholic Pope himself did so
do, in the Middle Ages of this current human civilization, in seeking,
through his armies, to subjugate the Continent, in Christ's Name!) The answer, of course, is KNOWING (and I do NOT refer to the "religion"
of Gnosticism, regardless of how close it may have been TO the truth) -
knowing God/Christ personally, through one's own individual consciousness
(mind), AND its connection TO God/Christ, as part OF that Infinite
Consciousness of God/Christ/the Holy Spirit, that does pervade the universe
and All That Is, as explained by the principles of Quantum Physics and
Quantum Theology. Enough! I decry further, as well as declaim further, in my book,
"KNOWING: the Quantum Physics of Consciousness, Life and Reality", which
I hope to finish sometime soon (presently over 5000 pages and over 7 years
of research and labor). It will be made available, ABSOLUTELY FREE, to any
and all, digitally, here on the InterNet, and on the OA/OWB's 135 million
Member WorldNet. Look for it, and May Christ Be With You! Father Jerome.
I'm going to be a bit blunt, in this Sermon. Ask
anyone the question, "What is one to do, when confronted with pure
stupidity?"... OR, in relation to the truths that have been expressed
elsewhere in these Community Sermons and these website pages, when
confronted with the misconceptions, lies, untruths, and pure fabrications,
that are the sum and substance of our everyday world, our societies and our
daily lives. (Of course, the Prince of this world would have it no other
way. The darkness, of our confusions, misconceptions, unrealities and
unknowing, does certainly keep him in business.)
Aum, Peace,
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