We have little control on our situation in some cases, and especially in Cyberspace Im sure the vast knowledge of knowing what my hair colour is or how I scarred my forehead when I was 3 (swung on a bank barrier, actually) will ever do you any good in your life. If you want to know the physical aspects of someone's life, and judge them accordingly to that, go meet people in a bar. Oh there is nothing wrong with witty repartee in our repetitious SubCulture over liquid mind altering aphrodisiacs I must admit. Quite frequently actually I find myself aching to go bask in the glory of Judging the quality of another living, breathing human beings' existence by how the ultra black lights pick up the highlights in their bleached hair, All pleasantly portrayed in the Gen-X "hip" establishment of your choice.
I use the term "Gen-X to prove a point, personally I loathe the label, (or should I say stigma). What does that even mean, Gen-X? Angst ridden Myriad's of pain and suffering pulsing through our veins as we stake claim to our Martyr herebeit a Music Idol? When a generation as a whole is labeled for content it is one thing (My Grandmother came from the "quilting bee" generation, and I'm sure not all of her friends quilted bees), but to group an onflux of independent individuals based on the 24th letter of the alphabet, it is sadly another.........At least people know what QUILTING BEES ARE!!!! At least there was some expectation there like if they didn't quilt those bees they wouldn't be worthy of carrying the time honored label for the generation. Us on the other hand have No idea what we are going to "X" about. I am brought back to a quote i read by a Disgruntled reader in rolling stone magazine...
Now I love listening to good music and taking part in totemistic media rituals as much as the next yahoo, however when YOU are saying that Kurt Cobain (yes don't worry that is the first and last time you will be hearing that name at this site) was YOUR reason to live, you have lost me. Do I Appreciate the music? Sure. Did I run out and buy Nevermind the first time I heard "Smells like teen spirit?" actually no, It wasn't available in Canada yet, but the next month was another matter......But when you are saying that the quality of your life as you are living it presently is now deteriorated by the death of a man you have never met, and who has had no influence on you other then to make you THINK FOR YOURSELF, is quite interesting in a psychoanalytical sorta way. The hard followers (a term not used loosely) are all stipulating that it's so disheartening cause it was MORE than just the music. That makes me want to bow right down and worship the almighty porcelain altar. I want to puke because ALL the music is doing is making you open you eyes and think with your own semi capable cerebellum.
The theory is this. Be sad.
A human life wasted is a great sadness. Miss the music they made and how
it made you feel. But take it for what it is. there was nothing hidden
in the time bar or staff structure that changed you so profoundly that
you can't duplicate it by living life for yourself, thinking for yourself
and educating yourself (unless you just LIKED looking at a bunch of grubby
guys in ripped jeans). Whatever we must realize in our time here (and yes
I do say "we" because no one lives completely alone in life, even the UniBomber
had to eat) is there is more than that........