Precious Things

    On my Veruca salt mailing list we were talking about songs that touch our very soul, one participant suggested "Winter" by Tori Amos. Tori being a very sensitive subject to me, I couldn't help but respond. I hope she didn't take this as a hack on surely was not, it was just my opinion. I have included it on my page because I think this profession of musical conviction is very much apart of how I think or feel, and also just to try to turn anyone on to this Album for which words cannot begin to describe.

So, here it is....

.......While I agree with brianna that "winter" by my beloved Tori is very
wonderful and touching, I think that the "little earthquakes" is an album
you just cant split up. It is so flowing and touching, from the heavy bass
thumps signaling the divine intro  of "crucify" that get us ready for what's
coming, to the emotional influx of "winter" and "leather" , to the intermission
of "me and a gun", to the comic relief of "happy phantom" and the applicable
resolve of the title track, this album simply cannot be separated into small
bits for our over hyped media short attention span generation, but must be
heard as a whole, to experience the depths of her passion, delight, and
shame. This will make for the ultimate experience, and for me, the ultimate
soul touching opus.

To separate this album unanestetically by track listing is like taking a
beautiful woman and chopping her up, thinking that just her Face or
breasts are the best part of her, so we will just need that for our soul
mate. It would be like cutting the last 5 minutes off of ravel's "bolero",
for little earthquakes was recorded in such a unique and flowing way
compared to most albums nowdays, where we have singles splattered bit by
bit for the mass media consumption. No, little earthquakes is not about
that, rather, it is a whole unit separated by impassioned movements, all
complimenting and building on each other, till the climax and
resolve.....just a thoroughly moving experience. Obviously this album is
my vote for what is "deep and meaningful" songwise in my life, as it has
pretty much not left my disc changer since the spring of ' is my
night light most nights when I sleep, my morning whisperer when I wake up,
and my afternoon assurance when I've had a bad day.....It seems to be the
*ONLY* CD I've ever bought (and I own over 500 CD's) that never gets old,
and one which I genuinely hear something new from every day.

But call me a purist......

 Take me Home!