Some of You have E-mail me to ask me Why do I like those movies?And what they are about.So I will explain about every single movie.

1. Scream.(Well U may know this already. But what can I say is that is the Best Movie.)

2. WildThings.(I like this movie because you don't know who will kill next until the end.)

3. Scream 2.(It is scary like Scream but the problem is like now when you are watching it, you are just asking to yourselves, "Who's the Killer." but if you watch it, without trying to guess who is the Killer, You may like this better.) But anyways the Killer is their best friend and Billy mothers, who comes back to kill sidney, 'cause she kill her son.)

4. It.(It is scary, my older sister made me to watch it, when I was like 13 years and I cried. "It is about a moster that takes bodys of things in the movie took place of a clow & spider and kills children"

5. Nightmare on Elm street.(This was really scary (It is about a man whos mother was sexually abuse by dementally people, one day that she when to visit the hospital where there are all kind of crazy people. "I should be there" and when everyone left the doctors left the mother of fredy inside and then was when she was abused, and then born fredy and he was a ugly kid that grew hateing people, so Fredy start to kill all his that someday told him that he was ugly and didn't let their children play with him")

6. I know what you did last summer.(I like it)

7. The Craft.

8. Alien 3.

9. Halloween V.

10. Friday the 13th.

And What you think about this movies?