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All About Kim


August 1999

It seems when one thing gets taken care of, something else goes wrong. My father has been diagnosed with cancer! He has a tumor on his spine, which is pressing, but not inside, his lung. The doctors are doing tests to see exactly what kind it is and if he has it anywhere else.

He will have to start chemotherapy soon and I will be going to the hospital a lot with my parents in the next few months. The doctors he sees are about an hour's drive away, in a town called Los Gatos. Since a few of us kids live here in Hollister, we will take turns going for treatments with our parents, and helping out when he is home.

My "webbing" may be a little more haphazard for a while, but I will try to keep up to date on a monthly basis. Everything takes a backseat to this family crisis.

September 1999

This has been an eventful month around our place. After many trips to the hospital in Los Gatos for tests and more tests, my dad has started chemotherapy, and is scheduled for once-a-week treatments for 4 weeks, then 2 weeks off, then 4 more weeks, etc. So far he seems to be doing very well, with little sickness. We are very grateful!

My Fall Sewing Class Schedule is also starting now. Next week I start about 8-10 students (kids) and am looking forward to that very much. We meet after school for two hours a week. Everything is scheduled around my dad's chemo so that I can go with my parents on treatment days. I also just purchased a new "mom-mobile" (as my kids call it) mini-van, which is very comfortable for our trips to Los Gatos.

Despite all the recent traveling, I managed to take care of some mending (YUK!) and also finished a dress for my daughter to wear to a wedding in Santa Rosa, Ca. this weekend! It was very nice, New Look Pattern #6862, view C. She chose black velvet for the bodice, and silver/grey tafetta with black velvet-look flocking in a floral design for the skirt. It is fully lined with an invisible zipper. I will try to post a pic of her in it when I get my film developed!

I must apologize to my Newsletter subscribers for being so late with my newsletter this month, I have no excuse except being sooooo busy!

October/November 1999

Well, once again the time has gotten away from me and I find myself so busy I haven't even had time to send out my newsletter! As I mentioned previously, I have been busy taking my parents up to Los Gatos for my father's chemotherapy. I have also been very busy with sewing, kids, and other obligations.

My daughter Meghan and her friend Allyson went on an 8-day tour of Washington DC, Baltimore, New Jersey, New York, and Niagra Falls, Canada! There was lots of last minute sewing for that trip as the dress code required nicer clothes, not just jeans and t-shirts!

I made her a straight black knit skirt from New Look #6871. It is nice because it has no waistband, and the 2" wide elastic is sewn down and folded over to the inside and tacked down at the side seams! Very easy and quick, and easy fit! I also made her a pair of nice lower waist/no waistband pants out of black crepe from Simplicity "Grooves" #8869. They have a faced waistline, a back (invisible) zipper, and flared legs.

Allyson & Meghan in New Jersey with Manhattan behind them!

Add a rayon floral print sundress (Simplicity #8660, made for knits but cut on the bias), and a long rayon floral print skirt cut on the bias, and she had a pretty nifty wardrobe to take with her. Lots of 'mix and matchables', and of course, EVERYTHING with a matching hair scrunchie!

This month I will be making 8 smocks for my son's (Jacob) girlfriend (Amber) and her coworker that are dental assistants! (Simplicity #8351) They picked out some real cute fabrics and want to match each other, so that is my next project. I also have to come up with something for Meghan and I to wear to my niece's wedding on the 27th of November!

December 1999

WHEW! I can't believe November is over and we are already into December! So much has happened around here lately it's hard to know where to begin!

Well, to start off with, the trips to Los Gatos for chemo (for my father) are still going on. He will have about 3 more months of treatments. That is my main focus right now.

Here is a run down of all the things we have had going on in the last 2 months:
  • Late October: Meghan started doing home studies instead of attending regular school, which leaves her more free time to work, travel, play, and study.
  • Early November: I contracted Bronchitis, so was under the weather for 10 days.
  • November 18: Our son Jacob turned 19!
  • November 20: Our niece Ginger had a premature baby (Ethan Christopher Ross, at 7 months), who was born with hypoglycemia, and lung problems. He stayed in an oxygen tent with 2 IVs for a few days and then was allowed to be in his mom's room, but had to be put under a heat lamp for jaundice. He is doing fine now, very tan, and just as cute as a button! (A nice compliment from a seamstress, as I LOVE buttons!) He has the distinction of being the first grandchild, and great-grandchild on my husband Mike's side of the family!
  • November 20-22: As Ginger and hubby Chris weren't expecting Ethan Christopher to arrive until Jan. 22, they had made plans to move into a bigger apartment this weekend. So, we pulled out one of my van's seats and loaded it up. It took us several days on-and-off to get most everything moved and set up for their return. It also required a quick trip to the baby department of our local store to buy things for the new arrival, as they had almost nothing for him yet! I made a quick bassinet skirt and some bumpers for when they brought him home.
  • November 27: Our other niece Alycne got married today! The wedding was in Carpinteria, California, close to Santa Barbara. Very lovely! We got to visit with all the family we have missed lately, including a 3 month old great nephew (Ethan Amory Oliver) we hadn't seen yet!
  • November 30: We picked up our niece Julisa from New York at the San Francisco airport today. She just couldn't stay there and wait for pictures to arrive of little Ethan Christopher, her first nephew!
  • December 1: Mike's sister Esther and her hubby Curtis left today to move to Oklahoma! My brother Ken, his wife Susie, and their baby Haley (2 years old) left today to move to Yucca Valley in Southern California. He will be working at Joshua Trees National Park. He and Susie are expecting a new baby Dec. 22th!

'About Me' up to March 1999
March-July 1999
January-April 2000
May-August 2000
September-December 2000
January-April 2001
May-Current 2001
September-December 2001
January-April 2002