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All About Kim


January 2001

This new year started off with hope! My dad's last chemotherapy was last month and the effects have worn off by now. He is experiencing quite a lot of pain in his back that the chemo medicine had masked. He is on strong pain killers and isn't eating much. They say the radiation treatments may take away some of the pain. They are due to start next Tuesday.

Complications!! Sunday morning my dad suffered a stroke! He is in the hospital and seems to be doing okay, so far. They have him on morphine around the clock. He is very doped up, but we are hopeful.

Dad's not doing real well. The morphine they have him on causes him to have an upset stomach and so he doesn't eat anything. He is a little more lucid now, but has times when he imagines all sorts of things, and has no idea where he is. Everyone says it's the morphine that does that. A physical therapist has him up walking daily, but he isn't really into it much. His left side is very weak and he hasn't got much control over it yet. Several of us kids and grandkids have been taking turns staying nights with my mom, but now my daughter Meghan has volunteered to stay indefinitely.

After a week at the regular hospital, they moved my dad to a convalescent home so that he can recover and have more in-depth physical therapy. He has a private room and we are allowed to be there anytime, and bring personal items from home. The doctor thinks that he has a good chance of recovering enough to get back home and eventually start his radiation treatments. He is still on morphine and is not eating much. The nurses here are just so sweet to him. We are all taking turns sitting with him, trying to get him to eat. One by one all the kids and grandkids have come from around the state to visit him.

After a week at the convalescent home, my dad suffered another stroke and passed away suddenly on Jan. 27. We are beside ourselves! Even the doctor was stunned. It just wasn't what any of us expected to happen. Thank goodness so many of us were here at the time it happened. With such a large family (7 kids, 6 mates, 11 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren) it is easier to comfort one another through these hard times. We have decided to have dad's memorial service in a week (Feb. 3) to allow time for his 2 brothers to make arrangements to fly out here from back east, if they can.

During this week, we have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of gifts, flowers, and food from all our friends. Our whole family is shell-shocked and these kindnesses are so appreciated. We have spent part of the week going through photos and making a collage of pictures to display at the services. We have also written a nice biography about dad to be printed in a brochure by a lovely young friend of ours who has a small printing business. He took some of our photos of dad and the text we had written and made the nicest brochure to hand out at the services, so personal.

February 2001

The services went great, the amount of support was again, overwhelming! About 300 people attended! Special family friends came from all over the state to be with the family in our time of need, and we are so grateful. A generous family in our congregation hosted a dinner for the guests at their home and it was just lovely. Everyone has been so kind, even arranging for the leftover food to be brought to our house for the family to eat later.

Some of the wonderful people in our congregation have been taking turns bringing dinners to mom's house for her and Meghan to eat every night! They just can't eat all the food that is being supplied, and my mom has had to call and ask some of them not to bring anything some nights! All of the other kids have gone back to their homes, leaving my brother Jim and his wife Martha, Meghan and I the main ones 'holding down the fort'. We have flexible schedules and are able to arrange things so we can be with mom. We have been taking turns. She has been with dad almost 55 years, and is not used to being alone.

We are concentrating on taking care of the 'businessy' things, like getting a death certificate, returning borrowed items, and taking care of bank accounts and things. We also started getting the Thank-you card list organized. Doing this 'busy work' helps to keep your mind off things somewhat. We continue to get a lot of visitors and phonecalls, and that helps too.

March 2001

It doesn't seem possible that a month has passed since dad passed away. It just doesn't even seem real, to tell you the truth. We are all having good days and bad days. Mom seems to be doing okay, so far. I know having Meghan stay with her is a real comfort, and we are spending almost every evening there, talking, eating, or watching a movie. All the kids are being good about remembering to call, write, send cards, and email. Sympathy cards are still coming in, also, from ones who hadn't heard about dad yet. We finally got all of the Thank-you cards out, it was a HUGE pile, and we hope we didn't forget anybody!

April 2001

Things this month seem to be starting to feel more normal. I am finally starting to have sewing classes again and am trying to get back into the swing of things. Mom is doing pretty good, although both of us have "weepy" days occasionally. The other day I reminded myself to call my dad about something to do with my car, before I had even realized it! I guess that's normal, at least that's what other people say happened to them in similar situations.

I have some wedding dress and bridesmaids' dress alterations coming up this next month and also am working on a suit for myself that I started several months ago. It is black pinstripe--not exactly a springtime look, but I figure if I don't finish it now, I never will! Plus, taxes are due and I had to file an extension because I couldn't get all my stuff together in time! I have been so neglectful of all my own stuff lately, but I am starting to get things organized around here.

'About Me' up to March 1999
March-July 1999
August-December 1999
January-April 2000
May-August 2000
September-December 2000
May-Current 2001
September-December 2001
January-April 2002