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May-August 2001 About Kim

All About Kim


May 2001

This month I have been trying to get back into the "groove". It has been very hard, I am out of practice. I did some alterations for two upcoming weddings and some lite sewing repair work for myself. I also made a bridemaids' dress for another wedding. My sewing classes are going again, and I started a private sewing student who seems very bright and eager to learn all about her new sewing machine! We are learning together since it is a computerized one with all the bells and whistles!
My daughter Meg finally moved back home this month, letting Mom try it on her own. I had not realized how much I'd missed her until she came back home. Mom is getting used to being alone. We all have good days and bad days. As a treat, we took one day off and went to the beach. It was a good day.

June 2001

The month for weddings and graduations! Which means for me, alterations for weddings and grads! Between classes, sewing, and family--I have been too busy to do much in the way of writing!

July 2001

This is the time of the year for the 5th annual Hollister Gypsy Tour Motorcycle Rally on July 4th weekend. The event commemorates the Original Gypsy tour 53 years ago, where bikers rode into Hollister and had a little fun and caused a little trouble. (the movie "The Wild Ones", starring Marlon Brando, is loosely based on this event) Upwards of 75,000 bikers and spectators descend on our little town of 28,000 for the event! This year's event was the biggest ever! It is always fun, noisy, and rowdy. There was a free live concert that was really good, and lots of good food.

Also that weekend, my hubby convinced me to go to Laguna Seca motorcycle races. It was funner than I thought it would be! I would go again, but next time I will wear the proper shoes! I wore sandals, not knowing I would be hiking! I had blisters and stickers in my feet by the end of the day. Also a strange "zebra" tan on my feet!

Mom had cataract surgery on her eyes this month. She has needed it for a long time, but put it off because Dad was sick. She was scared to have it done, but after the good results with the first one, was already talking about having the other one done! That happened 2 weeks later, and although she is still recovering, she is so impressed with what she can see now!

August 2001

I turn 45 this month! Enough said!

'About Me' up to March 1999
March-July 1999
August-December 1999
January-April 2000
May-August 2000
September-December 2000
January-April 2001
September-December 2001
January-April 2002