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September-December 2001 About Kim

All About Kim


September 2001

I started a part-time job working for Hallmark this month. I am now the "Retail Merchandiser" for the Nob Hill grocery store in my town. That is a fancy title for "card lady". There is a lot to learn, I feel a little overwhlemed, but I think I am getting it. I have been helped a lot by my boss, Bob and another R.M. in town, Maryjane. It is definitely not like anything I have done before.

October 2001

I am juggling 3 jobs: the Hallmark job, my sewing classes, and sewing and alterations for people. It is getting a little hectic around here. Meghan finished high school this month and received her diploma in the mail. She is officially a high school graduate, but it doesn't feel like it. The ceremony is actually in June 2002, maybe she will feel like a real graduate then. We are starting to plan a surprise party for her! It may have to wait a few months, as there are a lot of things coming up.

November 2001

Well, I wanted to work for Hallmark! I received 47 boxes of Xmas products and cards for display in my store! Not to mention the Thanksgiving products! I couldn't believe there could be so much stuff! I kept very busy setting up displays, cards, and trying to find room for it all!

Over the Thanksgiving holiday Mike and I went to visit our friends Sherry, Brett, and Whitney in Victorville, Ca. We arrived during one of the biggest windstorms they've had! People had their roofs blown off and signs were down all over town! Despite that, we had a good time visiting and catching up. Our friends Vikki and Devin even got to come and visit for a little while. The next day we all piled into the van and went up to Big Bear to see the snow and do some touristy shopping. It was a lot of fun.

December 2001

Meghan and I drove to the San Diego area this month to visit friends. It was the first long road trip with just the two of us, Meg did most of the driving. My friend Vikki and I left the kids with Vikki's great hubby Henry and went to L.A. to meet our other friend Sherry for a 'mom's weekend'. Vikki surprised us all by showing up in a 2002 black PT Cruiser! We went to L.A. in style! We stayed at the downtown Marriott, the one where Christopher Walken dances in the Fat Boy Slim video!

Our first stop was Micelli's, our favorite Italian restaurant, the one where the waiters and waitresses are all actors and singers and they sing during dinner! It is SO much fun! We went on a lamplight tour of some historic homes where there were scenes acted out in period costume. It was really quite well done. We shopped in the new mall next to Mann's Chinese Theater and even got to see a new Swatch store opening with Shaquiel O'Neal appearing in person.

On the way home Meghan and I stopped to visit the Perrys, friends I had lost contact with and had recently located again. They had never met Meghan, so it was a great visit catching up. It was all lots of fun.


'About Me' up to March 1999
March-July 1999
August-December 1999
January-April 2000
May-August 2000
September-December 2000
January-April 2001
May-August 2001
January-April 2002