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January-April 2002 About Kim

All About Kim


January 2002

The new year is starting off fine except the weather is really putting a crimp in our style. When it isn't raining, it is very cold. Either condition makes it impossible to pour asphalt. Mike hauls the hot oil they use to make asphalt so he is not working much lately. Thankfully, I have been keeping busy with the take-down of the Xmas and New Years' Hallmark cards and related products in my store. I have been too busy to do any sewing lately, which is depressing. My sewing classes have slowed down too, as people are just getting back into the swing of things after the holidays.

February 2002

My brother Keith got married this month to a lovely young lady named Michielle! We went up to the Napa area, where they had the ceremony and a small reception afterward. The area and surroundings are just wonderful and we had a great time. The weather even cooperated!

The weather at home though, is making things tight moneywise around here. Mike still isn't working full time and that means I am trying to pick up as much extra work as possible. Besides all my other work,I have been helping out with installations of Hallmark fixtures and cards around the area and in San Jose area. The work is tiring but pays well, so I am taking on as much as I can. Thankfully, my sewing classes are picking up too. Busy! Busy! Busy!

March 2002

This is turning out to be another busy month for me. I am sewing three bridesmaids dresses for a wedding at the end of the month, and also doing alterations on the bridal gown. I also have just agreed to do alterations for another bridal gown for the first week of April. My Sewing classes are back in full swing and I am also still working for Hallmark and it is one of our biggest seasons, Easter! Besides all that, I have been trying to do a little sewing for myself and I am also helping to plan a graduation party for my daughter Meghan and her friend Allyson! Crazy!

April 2002


'About Me' up to March 1999
March-July 1999
August-December 1999
January-April 2000
May-August 2000
September-December 2000
January-April 2001
May-August 2001
September-December 2001