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Here are some wavs lying around my computer and they're cool, but they're taking up to much space so they're going on here. Enjoy!!!


Welcome To Paradise
Basket Case
Basket Case 2
;a href="/fl/greendazze/images/sher.wav">She
Longview 2
Hitchin' a Ride
Time Of Your Life
Time Of You Life 2

Looney Toons

Looney Toons Open 1
Looney Toons Open 2
Looney Toons Open 3
"Be Very Very Quiet...." - Elmer Fudd
"Ooooooo...Just Wait till I get that...." - Elmer Fudd
"This Is The Last Time...." - Elmer Fudd
"Hello My Baby, Hello My Honey...." - Michigan Frog
"So Long Sucker! Ahaha Ahaha....." - Yosemite Sam
"Whoa, Camel...." - Yosemite Sam


"Ave Adore" - Smashing Pumpkins
"D Minor" - South Park (Cartman)

Me & My Friends

"Be Happy" - Tim Van Boening
This is about me. Tim sent me it when I was like SO depressed!!!!!

"Help!" - Charmaine Jennings
No, Charmaine is not mentaly retarded, this whole "You need help" thing started when Charz got pissed off and yelled "You Need HELP!", It's really funny!!!!

"Oceana" - Tim Van Boening & Sheridan Rose
My nickname used to be Oceana and Tim loved it, so we made a Calvin Klien commericla about it!!

"My Sister And I" - Sheridan & Kimberley Rose
This is My Dorky sister and I!!!!!

"Sher" - Tim Van Boening
Tim wrote this little song about me with his friend Jake on the 22nd of Febuary, 1998. It's really sweet of him to write it for me....Thanks Tim


Some of these Wavs are in full coz I have't enough Web Space....Sorry. Well, hope you enjoyed yaself, ta ta!!!
