~~~StUfF AbOuT ShEr RoSe~~~
This is the Page where you guys get to bag me! On This page, I'm going to type all the weird things about me.....enjoy!
Why I am Weird
- I sing 'Spice Up Your Life' in the Shower.
- I can't bear all of my CD Rom's to be unorganised.
- I think Rich from the group 'Five' is an absolute babe.
- I draw fake tatoos on my feet.
- I always comb the left side of my hair first.
- I want a belly button ring.
- I prefer Men's button up shirts to cute, tight, little girls tee shirts.
- I yell at my computer when it beeps unwantly at me.
- I like my toast and crumpets done a different way everytime I cook them.
- I yell at the Tv.
- I am blonde but I like Dark clothes.
- I love Clumsy Smurf.
- I always wait for my new computer programs to say "Installed incorrectly".
- I plan on reading the dictionary someday.
- I actually wrote this list.
- I stick toothpicks in Ice cubes and use them as icey poles.
Why I am Boring
- My favorite drug is caffeine.
- My favorite bag is a black satchel.
- My best friend is my computer.
- My saviour is the Tv.
- My preference to a footy match is a seminar.
- My posters on my walls haven't changed in about 3 months.
- My life consists of eating, chatting, sleeping and somehow getting to school bright and cheery.
- I prefer Internet Relationships to Reality Relationships because I don't have to leave my computer to talk to him.
Why I am Cool
- I eat Nachos religiously.
- I can cook Stir Fry.
- I listen to Greenday.
- I love South Park.
- I made this whole Webpage.
- I just am.
- I figured out how to use shareware.
- I know my spirit guardian, Vanessa.
- I love vodka.
- I dance at an academy.
- I got a scholarship to a Private School nearby.
- I can't think of anything else to say.
Tata now people!
Email: shace@hotmail.com