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Shyknight's Awards Page

I am extremely proud of the awards bestowed upon these humble pages. I hope to always maintain the high standards these awards represent! Thank you to all of you for these awards.

It is an honor to be in the Bottom 95% of all Web Sites! Who knows? Maybe it is the top 6 per centile!

I am honored to get this award. Jimmy said," You are among the elite. You rule! Your Site rules! Viva la France....No wait I don't like France. Take off that last one!

Scottish Lady said,"This is a really cool site. I spent an hour here!" Thank you so much Marie. An award from such a classy lady with such a great site herself is truly heartwarming and humbling!

A Blue Jay award, so hard to get! Thank you.

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The Clip Art Connection

I am a member of:
The HTML Writers Guild

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
DigitSmith, Inc. - Embroidery Digitizing & Custom Embroidery Services
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts
