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An Epic Named Dusk

Written by: Phil Webster

Watch now as nighttime falls,

called on forth by heaven's call.

Blindness carried by birds of sea,

unheard of sight we soon will see.

For once we call that fleeting star,

that it will answer from afar.

For what will come will be an end,

but life must and will let us mend.

And once this mantle's cold hands drape,

the life from this world does night escape.

Under stones mankind now does hide,

living only through our human pride.

Darkness screams into evil being,

sending light from our world fleeing.

But at once starlight will abade,

and night's cool grip soon must fade.

Now life will crawl out anew,

the sun's rays have reborn the few.

For nothing can destoy its light,

least of all the defeated night.