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place holder


Neopets are adoptable pets that live online..
no need for a webpage to put them on!
Here are some examples of the neopets you can own.
Just click one to be taken to the site where you can adopt your own!

kougra_yellow_baby.gif (8587 bytes)poogle_red_baby.gif (5890 bytes)
uni_yellow_baby.gif (9215 bytes)elephante_blue_baby.gif (11034 bytes)
cybunny_green_baby.gif (10007 bytes)fuzio_blue_baby.gif (8869 bytes)
peophin_red_baby.gif (9838 bytes)scorchio_green_baby.gif (12651 bytes)
gelert_red_baby.gif (7657 bytes)aisha_yellow_baby.gif (7154 bytes)
usul_yellow_baby.gif (7328 bytes)kau_green_baby.gif (8804 bytes)
nimmo_green_baby.gif (8096 bytes)shoyru_red_baby.gif (10363 bytes)
skeith_yellow_baby.gif (9294 bytes)

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