Contest!! Name that song!
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Contest!! Name that song!

Do you hear a song playing? No? Then I suggest you download Crescendo. If you do hear something, you are eligible to enter a kewl contest! First, listen to the song being played very carefully. You can even fast forward or rewind if you wish. Go ahead, do it now.

Is it starting to sound familiar? Here's a hint: ya know, high school! Follow these simple steps and you're on your way to winner's circle!
  1. send me an e-mail by clicking here.
  2. in the subject line, first put the song's title then the singer/band.
  3. in the message area, include your name or nickname.
  4. I know this isn't the Oscars, but you can also include a short speech thanking your family and friends.
  5. click on send. That's it!

    The winner will be randomly (as in, eyes closed) picked in about two weeks. He/she will get their name and written speech put right on this page and I'll be sending a bunch of virtual presents to that person. Remember, both song and singer/band must be correct to win. Good luck!

    Come visit the winners page!

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    ~*Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend*~