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Well here comes the really exciting part ...where you get to know all about the creator of this pathetic homeplace!!!

let's do the physical stats(oh it comes)

Well those things above are basically the physical aspects but let me give you now a brief synopsis of my life(YAWN!)

HAIR GOES........... It all began in a manger in a far away place....oops...that's NOT ME!!!..not me!!! (I sometimes get confused!)
I'll take it again......

19 years ago God decided in order to save the earth he needed to send another representative of the heavenly regions down to earth to help unite people and all that that's just what he did! on the 14th April 1979 into this world came me!!!!!TADAA!!!!!

Well God didn't realise his mistake until this being came to form and began to develop..but by then it was too late..i was about two years old by now and had become SHIV THE TERRIBLE..famed for breaking things(especially my Head!)and making those you babysat me want to retire to something less stressful like ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION....Needless to say i was a terror tot!

Anyways..i was educated at the primary school level at the MONTROSE VEDIC SCHOOL where I excelled(if I do say so myself)at stuff and made many lasting friendships.

I then moved on to the ST.Mary's College (CIC) for another 6 years where I did more stuff.

from SAINTS I got a job at the Internationally renowned ERNST&YOUNG ...a professional services firm where I was employed as an audit Semi-senior. I now work in my family's customs brokerage firm DG's Customs Brokerage as the accounts manager. I am also pursuing studies In Accountancy and am In the second phase of level 2

but enough of the academic stuff.............. When I'm not doing all those thing I mentioned above , I liking gyming out Clubbing(Nuts and Pier 1 ) and doing interactive things. I also moonlight(if you're from the Board Of Inland Revenue ignore this paragraph) as the lead male singer for a crossover indian orchestra called 2001 Xsitaaz


this takes you back to where you just came from!!
