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Hi it's AJ again with another add on to the Warhammer page. I do not colect Lizardmen but my cousin and Caleb do as you probibly know if you went to my Bretonnian part.

My cousin has a lizardmen home page I dont know the adress right now but will talk to him and add a link to the lizardmen part. there is not a lot to the page right now but I will add some stats of the lizardmen to it later this week.

This is the new part of AJ AND CALEB'S WARHAMMER PAGE, but I don't know what I will add next to the ever growing page, maby a High Elf or Chaos Dwarf page.


SKINKS...........5 pts per modle
ProfileMWSBSS T W I A Ld

NOTES:Skinks have 'scaly skin' (counts as light armour) and saves cannot be reduced to less than 6 by enemy's Strength (S) modifiers.All leadership (LD) tests are taken on 3D6 dscarding highest score.


SAURUS WARRIORS...........15 pts per modle
ProfileMWSBSS T W I A Ld

NOTES:Skinks have 'scaly skin' (counts as light armour) and saves cannot be reduced to less than 6 by enemy's Strength (S) modifiers.All leadership (LD) tests are taken on 3D6 dscarding highest score.



LIZARDMEN Many thousands of years ago, befor the Time of Chaos, befor the fathers of the Elves and Dwarfs knew of speech or song, thw world was visited by a race of travellers. Elven legend dimly recall them as the Old Ones. They came from beyond the stars by means of an inter-dimensional gateway which they created above the north pole of tohe world. Their silver craft brought the Old Ones to the Warhammer World where they discovered the ancestors of the the Elves and Dwarfs, and secretly nurturned them, reaching them the arts of civilisation, though to what end remains a mystery.


It is impossable to say whatever terrible disaster overtook the OLd Ones and destroyed the ordered world which they had created. Their gateway, the source of all their arcane power, collapsed onto the northern pole creating a region of seething energy, a wasteland daturated in magical power, an open door into the dimension of daemonds and gods. Rhis disaster initiated the Time of Chaos and unleashed new and horrifying gods into the world. It made the Realm of Chaos where dwell to this day the daemonds of men and other things too mind-destroying to consider

The Old Ones and their deeds were forgotten. Their children, the Dwarfs and Elves who they had placed on the ladder of civilisation, survived the Time of Chaos and began to develop in their own fashion. Man, the Old Ones' newest and most vulnerable protege, was left to learn by contact with the older races, remembering nothing of their ancient contacts, In Lustria the cities and temples of the Old Ones gradually fell into ruin.


Although the Old Ones were gone the lands of Lustria were not completely emptied of intelligent life. For the Old Ones did not come to the Warhammer World entirely alone.

The Old Ones built fabulous cities and temples away from the areas inhabated by the growing races of the Warhammer World. They raised their cities in the lands known today as Lustria, on the western continent, in the warm equatoral regions which best suited their alien metabolism. They were the masters of the world in those days, and perhaps the masters of the universe too. Their technical skills were unthinkable advanced, their command of sorcery unparalleled. Indeed, such was their knowleage that to them magic and science were as one, blended into a single galaxy-spanning arcane technology. Their polar gateway was a device crafted from this technology, a portal between the very dimensions.


It is impossable to say what terrible disaster overtook the Old Ones and destroyed the ordered world which they had created. Their gateway, the source of all their arcane power, collapesed onto the northern pole creating a region of seething energy, a wasteland saturated in magical power, an open door into the dimension of daemonds and gods. This disaster initiated the Time of Chaos and unleashed new and horrifying gods into the world. It made the Realm of Chaos where dwell to this day the daemonds of men and other things too mind-destroying to consider. The Old Ones and their deeds were forgotten. Their children, the Dwarfs and Elves who they had placed on the ladder of civilsation, survived the Time of Chaos and began to delelop in their old fashion. Man, the Old Ones' newest and most vulnerable protege, was left to learn by contact with older races, remembering nothing of their ancient contacts. In lustria the cities and temples of the Old Ones gradully fell into ruin.


Although the Old Ones were gone the lands of Lustria were not completely empited of intelligent life. For the Old Ones did not come to the Warhammer World entirely alone. They brought with them their slaves and servants, creatures whose minds or bodies the Old Ones found useful. Of these creatures the most intelligent were the Slann. The Slann were the organisers and builders, the scientist-sorcerers whose endeavours built the cities of Lustria and moulded the Warhammer World into a shape commanded byt heir masters. It was the Slann Mage Lords who built the polar gateways and whose spells maintained its intergrity. It was the Slann who moved the whole world closer to the sun to warm it, and who charged the shape of the lands to create hydor-atmosphere stability. The Slann were second only in understanding to the Old Ones themselves.


From the beginning the Slann were few in number and since those days their number has dwindled. Their knowleage, the inheritance of the Old Once, has gradually been forgotten leaving a memory of greatness and much superstition. Still, even today, the Slann are the greatest wizards of the Warhammer World. Though they do not possess the power of their ancestors, they are more potent than the greatest of the Elven Mages.

The Old Ones replied upon the intelligence and sorcerous abilites of the Slann, but they never rated the creatures as warriours. Their bloated toad-like bodies left them sluggish and vulnerable, and lacking in aggression if pnot in-blooded malice. For their warriors the Old Ones chose another race, though whether they brought these soilders to the Warhammer World or whether they found them and adapted them is not clear.

Perhaps the Saurus, as these reptiles are called, were tge first race cultivated by the Old Ones, an ancient race that never quite developed to a stage satisfactory to the Old Ones, and which was eventually superceded in their attentions by the Elves. Saurus are brutish creatures with slow minds that register little emotion except a simple single-minded savagery. They can use straightforward weapons but are unable to master more complex devices. In terms of protecting the cities and temples of Lustria however, they were just what the Old Ones needed.


The need for a more physically adaptable as well as mentally agile wokeforce led the Old Ones to creat a smaller race of Lizardmen called Skinks. These were weaker than Sauruses, but capable of fare more tasks. They formed the mass workforce of the Old Ones as they do the Slann today, and they are capable of operating more complex weapons. Although physically weak compared to the mssive Sauruses, they are competent archers and rider.

In addition to the Slann, Saurus and Skinks the Old Ones created or adapted many other creatures of reptilian origin which they put to use either as workers, beasts of burden or as warriors. The creatures called Cold Ones were made as riding beasts to carry Skinks. The gigantic Kroxigors were made as towering construction slaves, capable of carrying and placing massive boulders. Creatures of the air were made that could ride the wind and carry their masters all over the world, and the Old Ones also fashioned huge monsters that were used to carry heavy burdens over long distances.

Saving Throws

Sauruses have scaly skin which protects them heavly armour, giving them an armour saving throw of 5+. Furthermore, their skin is so hard and knobby that strenght modifiers can never reduce their save to below 6. Even against a Strenght 10 attack they have a save of 6. Only if the attack ignores armour saves altogether, such as a cannon hit, do they get no save.

Skinks also have scaly skin but theirs is slighty less think and counts as light armour rather than heavy. Skinks therefor have an armour save of 6 from their skin, and like Sauruses this cannot be ruduced to less than 6 by Strenght modifiers.


Sauruses and Skinks roll all Break tests, phychology tests and any other Leadership-based tests on three dice and discard the highest result. So, a roll of 3,4 and 6 would count as 7 for example.


Note that neither Sauruses nor Skinks have Lord characters - the role of mighty leaders is taken by their Slann masters.
