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P.M. Productions presents...
Come Away:
The Story of Ruth

"Parting is such sorrow
Must you you leave me on the morrow...
Let me come away with you"

- Ruth, Come Away -
Come Away is a heart-warming musical based on the traditional Jewish love story of Ruth. A foreigner chooses to leave her own culture and follow her mother-in-law, Naomi, to a strange land and the promise of love.

"Broadway bound"
Angie Fyke, Theatre News

"quality musical theatre…with a good dose of entertainment"
Allie Vered, The Varsity

"a...catchy soundtrack"
Carlos Obillos, The Mike

"marriage of...modern music
[to] a thousands-of-years-old story"
Michelle Gardonyi, The Window

Friday, Saturday, Sunday at 8:00 pm

Nov. 27, 28, & 29, 1998
Dec. 4, 5, & 6, 1998
Dec. 11, 12, & 13, 1998
Meet the Cast - Young People's Version


Home Page
Audition Info
Youth Auditions
Meet the Cast - Weeks 1 to 10
Come Away Soundtrack CD

Please note that due to the nature of theatre,
showdates and ticket information are subject to change.
It is best to confirm by calling the Ticket Lady, (416) 410-JILL.