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Municipality of Thorne,
Quebec, Canada

A Summary of the Regular Sitting of Council
April 7 1998, 7:00pm
Mayor R. Vowles
Councillors B.Krose, D. Thrun, J. Shock-Pulley, M Guitard E. Pasch and L. Pasch

Visitors period was opened to the public

Moved by Clrs Guitard and accept the agenda with the following additions: add items 13), amalgamation, 14)Auditor's report, 15)ice storm, 16) Letter from Mrs. S. Dunlop, 17)Pontiac Agricultural Society and item 18) VARIA 1) Fire Hall,2)Fire Agreement with Alleyn Cawood, 3) Thank you from A)J.Shock-Pulley,B)L.Pasch,C)E.Pasch,4)Burning brush. -crd

Moved by Clrs Thrun and Shock-Pulley that minutes of regular sitting held on March 3, 1998 as circulated be adopted and signed -crd

The Road Committee Report dated March 24, 1998 was tabled. Moved aby Clrs Thrun and guitard to accept the Road Committee's recommendation -crd

Two tenders were received and opened at the Road Committee meeting held on March 24, 1998: Tom Orr Cartage @ $821.00 per kilometre for the 3 years and Maurice E. Lafleur @ 1200.00 for 1998/99, $1,300.00 for 1999/2000 and 2000/2001. It was moved by Clrs E. Pasch and Krose to award the contract to Thom Ore Cartage @ $821.00 per Kilometre for 1998/99, 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 and it is futher resolved that Mayor Voles and Secretary-Treasurer Charette are authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the Municipality of Thorne -crd

Moved by Clrs Krose and Schock-Pulley to place an ad in The Equity, April 15 issue, for a Dump Attendant, resumes are to be subbmitted to the Municipal Office on or befor 4pm on April 24, 1998. Prefference will be given to Thorn residents or ratepayers. -crd

Letter from John Paul II High School was read.

Letter from Gaetan Nadeau Ltd., Emergency Measures and Security Consultant was read. The Secretar-Treasurer is to obtain more information.

Tth letter received from the Minister of Municipal Affaires regarding the Municipal Week was read and discussedd, No ation taken.

Mayor Vowles reports on his attendance at the MRC Pontiac monthly meeting.

Councli discussed the possibility of being forced to amalgamate in the future, it was moved by Clrs Guitard and Krose to send a letter to the Municipalities of shawville and Clarendon expressing our interest to a meeting at a future date to discuss potential amalgamation -crd

The 1997 Financial Report as prepared by G. Labelle, CGA was tabled and discussed, it was moved bu Clsr Thrun and Schock_Pulley to accept the Financial statement -crd

Moved by Clrs Guitard and E. Pasch to authorize the Secretary-Treasurer to complete the documents for reimbursment for expenses incurred during the ice storm -crd

Letter received from Mrs. S. Dunlaop was read, her request is to be passed on the the Road Foreman for his action.

Moved by Clrs Thrun and Schock-Pulley to danate $50.00 to the Agricultural Society of the District of Pontiac -crd


  1. The Fire Hall was discussed, it was moved by Clrs L. Pasch and E. Pasch to release and initial $15,000.00 to the Fire Dept. for renovations to the Fire Hall -crd
  2. A fire agreement with Alleyn-Cawood was discussed,
  3. Members of Council acknowledge the efforts of our citizens in cleaning the streets
  4. Sincere thank ous was received from Clrs L. Pasch and Earnest Pasch
  5. Council had a disscusion on brush burning..

Moved by Clrs E. Pasch and Guitard that invoices totalling $39,545.63 be paid -crd

I, the undersigned, Robert Charette, Secretary-Treasurer of the Municipality of Thorne cerify that there are credits available to pay the expenses listed above.
Whereof, this cerificate is given in Ladysmith, this 15th day of April 1998.


Moved by Clr L. Pasch that this sitting is closed, (9:40pm) - crd
The next regular sitting of Council is at 7:00pm on May 5th, 1998.

(e.& o.e.)
