I just recently linked up with Rock.com and you can now buy OLP's music, (and tons of other music)right from my site. Check it out on the main page!!!- Monday, December 28th, 1998
Well, This site has been up and running for over a year!! I finally have pictures up! See them here! I've decided to add Audio after OLP's new album, and maybe some videos. If you have any ideas for the page, e-mail me at whir@mindless.com- Tuesday, November 3, 1998
There isn't much to do, except clean up the page a bit, erase tour dates that have long since past, and delete news that expired months ago. I haven't had the greatest amount of time to work on the page between school(which I'm doing horrible in) and work, but i'm trying. I hope to add some new sections soon, including the Picture and Sounds pages that i've promised for a long time.- Sunday June 28, 1998
Added more Links to the Other OLP Pages section, Updated the News section, as well as the Tours section. Plan on adding pictures, sounds, and maybe a chat room soon.- Wednesday July 1, 1998
Changed order of links on index page, Changed font on the page title, and all the links at the bottom of each page, Converted the main page links to Clumsy and Naveed to one link, The Albums. Also added "contest" and "the site" to the bottom links menu and main page links menu.
{home} {the band} {the albums} {the pictures} {tours} {news} {other OLP pages} {vote} {contest} {the site} {non-OLP pages}