???????WHO IS CAIN???????
???????WHO IS CAIN???????
Who is Kane
That is the question WWF Fans have been asking about
all over the World.Or could it be another plan by
Paul Bearer to Destroy the Undertaker.Could the other half of the burnt Necklace paul Bearer showed the
World a few Monday Night Raw's be enough proof.To me it isnt,But to the Undertaker it could be a piece of his heart.
Throughout the years Paul Bearer,and the Undertaker
were friends.I mean come on, he was the Guys
Manager,and he couldnt tell the Undertaker his
brother was still alive.Kain could of been at the
Undertakers side at his biggest Matches, Even been
his partner.
My prediction for Summerslam Main Event is the
Undertaker will loose.Even if Shawn Michaels is the
Ref.Some how Kain will cost his Brother the
match.Maybe he will interfeer,maybe he wont.What if
you had a brother you found out was still alive,after
mourning his Death when you were a child.How
would you feel your coming weeks of your life.Also
going into a big match at Summerslam, with the Gold
on the line.All he would care about is his blood,his
family,his brother KAIN!We will find out soon who is
Kain.Summerslam or Next Raw perhaps.
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Email: magicman13@webtv.net