(Cat Logo) UNITED CATS' AWARDS (Jane Logo)

Site' Award Our first award! Many thanks to the nice people and cats at I-Love-Cats for this prestigous award. And yes, there used to be an awards page with many other awards. However, an internet service provider who shall remain nameless had an "accident" and somehow lost our awards page. (And no, it wasn't Angelfire, they have always provided top notch quality service.) However, we will simply regard this as one of those speed bumps in the road of life, and see this as an opportunity to apply for new and exciting awards. Stay tuned!

Site' Award This award was given to us by the Fluffytails Site. The fluffytails in question being the two lovely sisters, Iris and Fern. It's a sweet and wonderful site, with all sorts of cute pics. And very concerned about animal welfare, a subject near and dear to us here at United Cats. And Iris and Fern have, fluffy tails! Did I mention that? We are proud to display their award, and hope you take the time to visit them soon.

Caring Site Award This fine site is maintained as a work of love and charity. Give them a visit, go to their "Click to Help Us" page, and then click on an ad banner. It's easy, yet only 0.15% of the people who visit this page actually click on an ad banner. Cats I understand, humans continue to mystify.

Another excellent site devoted to feline welfare. We can only applaud the efforts of sites like these to make the world a better place for cats.

The Calico Girls were kind enough to give United Cats our first unsolicited award. Clearly some calicos are creatures of great discernment and distinction, we are proud to recommend their site to cat lovers of all persuasions.

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