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A United Cats Web Page


Here at United Cats we have continued our research in the calico question. This has led to a stunning discovery about the origins of calico cats. They are not native to this planet. Yes, United Cats has discovered that calicos come from outer space. This clearly explains their bizarre and inexplicable behaviour. We discovered proof of this while examining NASA archival photos for cat related pictures, something we do as a public service. The following photo of the asteroid Ida was discovered:

(Ida Moon)

Notice the small object orbiting the asteroid in the distance. At normal resolution it appears to be simply another small piece of space debris, perhaps even a moon of the larger asteroid. That is the official NASA cover story at least. However when we enlarged and processed the image using highly classified calico imaging filters we obtained the results shown here:

(The Proof)

The results are unambiguous. Clearly calicos have far more abilities and resources than they are given credit for. NASA flatly denies the reality of United Cats' image processing, undeniable proof that the calico conspiracy extends to the highest levels of government. Write to your congressman or senator immediately and insist that this situation be investigated at once, the future of our species may depend on it.

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