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A United Cats Web Page


I have made every effort to make this a family safe web site. A few of the stories have some mature content, but I do not think there is anything offensive. I.E. there are no swear words, pornography, or sexually explicit text or images. In the same vein, I only publish "good" cat news. While disturbed people sometimes do sad things to cats, you won't read about them here.

I am not responsible for the content of external web sites. Again, I have made every effort to only link to family safe sites, nonetheless the content of external web sites is beyond my control. If a link from my site takes you to a patently offensive or pornographic web site please email me immediately and I will make the necessary changes.

While this is a free site, nonetheless I have had to include some advertising. This is to both pay for the site, and to generate reciprocal traffic. The pop up ads are also a part of this. Agelfire/Lycos does a great job hosting the site, so it's a small price to pay. Until I am independently wealthy, or someone offers to sponsor the site, advertising is unavoidable. Again, I am not responsible for the content of advertising. If you see any advertising that is patently offensive, email me and I will make the necessary changes.

This is a spam free site. If one sends email to United Cats, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will I ever sell, give away, beam into space, or otherwise abuse your email address.

I have not knowingly included any unauthorized copyrighted material. Please let me know if you see anything that violates this principle. The graphics, stories, and articles on United Cats are virtually all original copyrighted material and may not be used without my permission. If you come across any of my material on another site without clear acknowledgement that it is my copyrighted material, please let me know.

You may link to any or all of my pages without permission, as a courtesy I appreciate notification if you do. I am always interested in exchanging links with other cat related sites. Here is a banner and site description you may freely use to link to United Cats:

"A practical and amusing guide to cats of all sizes, with regularly updated cat news. Cat questions answered. Also includes cat: facts, history, care, stories, spirituality, pictures, and resources. And calicos."

I have used Canadian spelling on the United Cats web site. Yes, there is such a thing as Canadian spelling. Sadly however there are virtually no Canadian spell checking programs, so I apologize for any oversights. For more information see Dave VENCNV's Truly Canadian Dictionary of Canadian Spelling.

Thank you for visiting my site; comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome.

Doug Stych
May 4 2002

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