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Jeff Rense- Aquarius
Susan Elizabeth Moore
granny's place

I'm so glad I found you! This is Venus Research, our goal is to try to determine "IF" some of us are hybrids, part man and part "alien". Didn't you ever wonder why all great inventions came in a dream? All of the great inventions were gifts to mankind from above! It is NEVER to make money! Ideas were stolen by the greedy who just wanted to make a profit. LIFE is more important than profits. It is cheaper to discard waste of all kinds in the ocean, with no concern of the eco-balance and the destruction of some of our vital links to clean air and water.We must try to stop them before it's too late. Together we can try to find out what is reall going on at Area 51 and other secret places. The US spends over $3 billion to "Keep Secrets From Us!" They should tell us if they are responsible for "cloning" all kinds of "creatures" that terrorize people the world over. We know most if not all "New" diseases are created in labs like Fort Dietrick, MD, paid for by us! We spend so much money on research just to give the patents to their buddies or more like it, their Contributers. The Roswell crash technology gained with US dollars was given out the same way, starting with the transister. When are we going to say "Hell No, we won't take it anymore? Maybe we're just lemings." I'd like to tell you a few things that have happened to me. Please leave some of your own experiences in my guestbook. On July 5, 1982, the night of the full moon that turned to "Blood". I was outdoors watching the most beautiful moon I had ever seen. I felt my hands getting moist and sticky. I went in to the light and found "Blood" on the palms of my hands! I washed it off and looked for cuts or scratches but didn't find any reason why my hands were bleeding. I later found blood on the soles of my feet and on my solar plexis. I had read about "Stigmata" before but was led to believe it only occurred to devoutly religious people, not someone "worldly" and very "Hep" as I was. I always questioned everything! I'm very "Spiritual" but NOT religious! At 10 years of age I drove my Sunday school teachers crazy with questions they had NO answer for, like "why do they trace the lineage of Joseph" to prove "Jesus" is "The One" when he isn't supposed to be the father! What no "Virgin Birth" by some unknown alien? I felt it was a message from "above" that I was one of the "Chosen Few" and I needed to do everything I could to help mankind and teach them what I've learned. The person I was with, gazing at the moon, totally freaked out and went running up the street "screaming that I was the devil" A few weeks later I discovered that an old console tv-stereo (fine furniture) I had brought with me from San Francisco, would play "ONLY" Janis Joplin records. It would actually stop if another lp was put on it! The same person who had ran up the streett, freaked out again because it wouldn't play something else. He took a sledge hammer to it and it is "NO MORE" Fear of the miracles or "coincidences" or the "Unknown" is more than some people can handle. I managed to keep in one piece the old acoustic guitar case that was owned by Janis Joplin, given to me by a "roadie" about 2 mos. before her death from "China White" sent from Vietnam. It was mailed to the states pure and uncut, so deadly that one snort could kill you. Sometimes a "good deal" is a lethal dose. Her guitar case has "Her" aura, it scares people.

Another time I was heading north on Hwy 101 at Army St. in San Francisco, CA. I wasn't aware that there was NO merging lane onto the freeway. (That's illegal!) I looked over my left shoulder to see if it was clear, you couldn't see before that point, I saw a gigantic 18 wheeler about to hit me. I closed my eyes and said "Goodbye World", when I opened them I was in the center lane, 2 away from where I was when I shut my eyes. I looked overmy right shoulder and saw the truck was exactly where "I" was before I shut my eyes! I don't know how me and my car could "dematerialize" and move 2 lanes over out of the path of certain death. I was and still am "amazed" but I wasn't drinking or using drugs and I'm not prone to delusions. It was a "Miracle" Be sure to put your stories in the "guestbook" for all to read and learn from. Kids,J.B.M.E.N.D.Image by
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