To use the search engine below, enter the subject of your query. Search by names, email addresses, phone numbers, anything.

Enter Query:

"The Intelligent Massively Fast Parallel Web Search"


Email Searches

Email Change Find someone's new email address by searching for their old one. Also search by names.

Infospace Reverse Email Directory

Internet Address Finder Reverse Directory

Mesa Claims to be the largest email directory anywhere. Conducts a multiple engine search.

The UI Finger Enter an email address; you may get some info, you may not.

The World Email Directory Search over 18,000,000 email addresses world wide.

Yahoo People Search Look up an email several different ways. Very thorough. I found someone here when nothing else turned up anywhere.


Reverse Telephone Number Searches

AnyWho Reverse Directory

Canada 411

DataBase America Reverse Directory 

Infospace - Reverse Area Code Directory

Infospace Reverse Directory The neatest thing about this one is that you can enter your own address, and it will give you an option of seeing who your neighbors are.

Jeff's Reverse Payphone Directory

Lookup USA You have to complete a sign up for this one; still free, though.

The Payphone Project Look up payphone locations by number.

Pc411 Reverse Directory


Reverse Address Directories

Infospace Reverse Address Directory


Social Security Lookup

Informus Tells you if a Social Security Number is valid, when and where it was issued.

Social Security Death Index Tells you if the person you are searching for is dead.

Social Security On-Line Real time / instant access "SSN Tracking" and verification reports, for name and address identification, previous address information and age, over 300 million files, immediate turnaround, three nationwide database(s) / index available.

Where Were You Born?  Enter the first three digits of a number and get the state in which you were born.


Assorted Searches's reunion registry.

Ahoy Personal home page locator. Enter a name, get a page.

BDT Find out who owns that domain name, along with their address, phone number, etc.

Chamber of Commerce Directory

Complete Listing of College Domain Names

Federal Bureau of Prisons Search for inmates and prisoner information.

Directory of Database Searches Listing of search services you can subscribe to <pay for> for more in depth information.

Military City On-line Look for people who were in the military. There is a sign-up fee.

Where did they move to? Search for people who have moved, changed emails, urls, addresses, etc. Lists those who have chosen to have their info made public.

Starting Point

World Pages Multiple task search engine with names, numbers, more.

World Wide Profile Registry Free search for people. Lists those who have chosen to have their info made public.

ess Directory


Social Security Lookup

Informus Tells you if a Social Security Number is valid, when and where it was issued.

Social Security Death Index Tells you if the person you are searching for is dead.

Social Security On-Line Real time / instant access "SSN Tracking" and verification reports, for name and address identification, previous address information and age, over 300 million files, immediate turnaround, three nationwide database(s) / index available.

Where Were You Born?  Enter the first three digits of a number and get the state in which you were born.


Assorted Searches's reunion registry.

Ahoy Personal home page locator. Enter a name, get a page.

BDT Find out who owns that domain name, along with their address, phone number, etc.

Chamber of Commerce Directory

Complete Listing of College Domain Names

Federal Bureau of Prisons Search for inmates and prisoner information.

Directory of Database Searches Listing of search services you can subscribe to <pay for> for more in depth information.

Military City On-line Look for people who were in the military. There is a sign-up fee.

Where did they move to? Search for people who have moved, changed emails, urls, addresses, etc. Lists those who have chosen to have their info made public.

Starting Point

World Pages Multiple task search engine with names, numbers, more.

World Wide Profile Registry Free search for people. Lists those who have chosen to have their info made public.