A Little bit about me

Hello Curious Peeps =_)

My Name is Michael and I have been on the net now for like
3 years, I am 35 and Live In San Leandro, California U.S.A.
I have Brown hair, Blue Eyes, weigh about 150 lbs and Im 5'11
my Icq # is XXXXXXXX dont wear it out *lol* UPDATE: I Finally
got around to putting up a pic of me here on my website! great!
ALSO: I will be adding more to the Gallery Soon! [been so busy!]

My Hobbies include: Computers, Attending Parties, Reading, hiking
flirting with babes! and other hobbies which I can not Mention!

Here are some more boreing facts about me that you may like a bit.
My Favorite Foods: Pizza!, Veal, Taco Bell, some chinese food's
any MEXICAN food!, uhm and home made chili cheese burgers!

My Favorite Movies: Armageddon, Titanic, All Star Trek Series, The Car
Amityvile Horror, Night of the living dead, all Cheech n Chong flicks!

My Favorite Music: I love Metal alot and some pop music
I also love to listen to old rock like The Doors, Eagles
Led Zeppelin, Creedance clear water revival, and some Van Halen

Hello Sharon!

ADDICTION! im so addicted to networdz and #scrabble at NEWnet it's pathetic!... I also play on DALnet, DREAMnet, and GALAXYnet servers. nick: _wicked_

Pic of the WebMaster

Here are some more pics of me and my wonderful daughter Jessica, she is 9 years old.

This is "RED" our beautiful cat that loves to cuddle with ANYONE

Have a swell day
- Mad
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this page was added on 1/4/99 at 10:55pm Pacific Standard Time
and it was last updated on 5/24/2002 at 12:05 am [P.S.T.]

Heres some things i made at a craft shop at my daughters school

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