Enter a couple of search terms, and this application will make a map of the United States showing the geographic locations if the matching Web Sites.

Try queries like skiing, fishing, or drilling for oil and you will see the correlation between the physical locations that match your query.

This example demonstrates our unique ability to easily perform complex text-retrieval and relational database interactions. This GIS application was done in less than 250 lines of Texis Web Script code.

note: The Web data is about a year old, but it's still an effective demo of the concept.

How it Works:

We have two Texis tables:

The first has Domain Registration data and distilled Web site content that was obtained with our web-crawler (Webinator) .

The second table has a list of US cities, their longitude, lattitude, and population.

1: We search the Web site table for your keywords.

2: The City and State are extracted from each match.

3: Group the answers by matches per city.

4: The Longitude and Lattitude of each City is looked up.

5: Create a GIF image of North America and plot red-dots that correspond in size to the number of matches.

6: Create the image hyperlink data so you can click on the dots.

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