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sabelkromheid warp
sabelvormigheid cupping
saccharine saccharin
saffiaanleer morocco; morocco leather
saffier sapphire
saffiernaald sapphire stylus
salariëren to salary; to pay
salariëring remuneration
salaris salary; wages; wage; pay
salarisbureau salary department; payroll department
salariscommissie salaries committee
salarisherziening salary revision; salary adjustment
salariskorting salary reduction
salarisnorm salary standard; scale of salaries
salarisschaal salary scale; pay scale; scale of pay
salarisstaat salary list
salarisverhoging salary raise; salary advancement
salarisverlaging cut in salaries; salary cut; salary reduction
salarisvoorstel salary proposal
salarisvoorwaarden salary conditions
salderen to balance
saldo balance
salmiak sal ammoniac
salpeter saltpetre
salpeterzuur nitric acid
salpeterzuurbeits nitric-acid pickle
salvo burst
salvoamplitude burst amplitude
salvodiscriminator burst discriminator
salvofilter burst-gating circuit
salvopoort burst gate
salvopoortsignaal burst-gate signal; burst-flag signal
salvoscheider burst separator
salvosignaal burst signal; burst
salvosleutelschakeling burst-gating circuit
salvosleutelsignaal burst-gating pulse
salvoversterker burst-amplifier
samen together
samenbinden to bind together; to tie together
samenbouw assembly
samenbouwen to assemble
samenbrengen to bring together
samendraaien to twist together
samendrukbaar compressible
samendrukbaarheid compressibility
samendrukken to compress; to squeeze; to press together; to press onto each other
samendrukking compression; squeezing; pressing together
samenflansel patchwork
samenflansen to patch together; to knock together; to concoct
samengaan to go together; to be compatible; to agree; to tally; to be attended by; to be accompanied by
samengedrukt beeld compressed picture
samengesteld composed; constituted; assembled; constructed; compiled; compound; composite
samengestelde antenne beam array
samengestelde hypothese composite hypothesis
samengestelde kaart composite map
samengestelde kromme composite curve
samengestelde ligger composite girder
samengestelde matrijs split mould
samengestelde negatieve roostervoorspanning combination bias
samengestelde opbrengst compound yield
samengestelde toon complex sound
samengestelde transistor compound transistor
samengestelde vorm combination bias
samengesteld kleursignaal composite colour signal
samengesteld object compound object
samengesteld onderdeel assembled part
samengesteld product assembled product
samengesteld staafdiagram compound bar chart
samengesteld systeem composite system
samengesteld TV-signaal composite TV-signal
samengesteld type composite type
samenhang cohesion; coherence; context; connection; relationship; association; correlation
samenhangen to cohere; to be connected; to be related; to be associated; to correlate
samenhangend coherent; contextual; connected; related; associated; correlated; connectance
samenhechten to fasten together; to staple; to glue together; to bond together
samenklemmen to clamp together
samenkleven to stick together
samenklinken to rivet together; to harmonize
samenklonteren to clot; to coagulate
samenknijpen to compress; to squeeze
samenknopen to tie together
samenkoeken to cake together
samenkomen to meet; to come together; to get together; to assemble; to join; to converge
samenkomst meeting; getting together; assembly; junction; convergence
samenkopppelen to couple together; to link together
samenleving society; community
samenlopen to converge; to meet; to join
samenlopende worm mating worm
samenmengen to mix; to mix together
samennemen to take together
samen opwikkelen to wind simultaneously
samenpakken to take together; to pack together
samenpassende delen mating parts
samenpersen to press together
samenplakken to glue together
samenrollen to roll together
samenschakelen to connect together
samensmelten to melt together; to merge; to fuse; to amalgamate
samenstellen to compose; to constitute; to assemble; to construct; to compile
samenstellend deel constituent
samenstellende delen component parts; constituent parts; constituents; components
samenstellend onderdeel constituent part
samenstellen uit to compose of
samenstellen van blokken to block
samenstelling composition; constitution; assembly; construction; compilation
samenstellingsspecificatie assembly specification
samenstellingstekening assembly drawing
samenstellingsverzameltekening collective assembly drawing
samentrekken to contract; to concentrate; to join; to unite
samentrekking contraction; concentration; joining; uniting
samenvallen to coincide
samenvallen met to coincide with
samenvatten to sum up; to summarize; to recapitulate
samenvattende stuklijst summarized bill-of-material
samenvattende traceringslijst summarized where-used
samenvattend testverslag test summary report
samenvatting summary; summing-up; recapitulation
samen verpakken to pack together
samenvloeien to merge; to blend
samenvoegen to join; to unite; to combine; to collate; to merge; to assemble; to coalesce
samenvoegen van takken branch merging
samenvoeging junction; union; combination; collating; merging; assembling; coalescence
samenvouwbaar collapsible; folding
samenvouwen to fold; to fold up
samenwerken to work together; to act together; to cooperate; to collaborate; to mate
samenwerkend productiebedrijf co-maker
samenwerkend wiel mating gear
samenwerking cooperation; collaboration; working together; acting together; mating
samenwerkingsdiagrammen collaboration diagrams
sanctie sanction
saneerder garbage collector
saneren to reorganize; to reconstruct; to re-engineer; to put on a sound basis
sanering garbage collection; reorganization; reconstruction; re-engineering; putting on a sound basis
sanitair sanitary; sanitated; sanitation; plumbing; sanitary fittings
sapeli sapele
satelliet satellite
satellietantenne satellite antenna; satellite aerial
satellietcentrale community dial office: CDO
satellietcommunicatie satellite communication
satellietstation satellite station
satellietsteunzender satellite relay
satellietverbinding satellite link
satellietvermogen satellite power
satellietvervoer satellite delivery; satellite orbiting
satelliet voor directe uitzendingen direct broadcast satellite: DBS
satijn satin
satineren to satin; to glaze
scalair scalar
scalaire bewerking scalar process
scalaire computer scalar computer
scalaire functie scalar function
scalaire uitdrukking scalar expression
scalaire variabele scalar variable
scalaire verwerking scalar processing
scalaire verwerkingseenheid scalar processor
scalair item scalar item
scalair objecttype scalar type object
scalair product dot product
scandium scandium
scannen to scan
scanning scanning
scantest scan-test
scenario scenario; script
scenario van een gebruiksgeval use case scenario
schaaf plane; slicer; shredder
schaafbank carpenter's bench; planing machine; planer; shaper
schaafbankarm planer ram; shaper ram
schaafbeitel planing iron; planing tool; shaping tool
schaafbewerking planing operation
schaafmachine carpenter's bench; planing machine; planer; shaper
schaafmes planing iron
schaafsel shavings
schaakbordpatroon checker board pattern
schaal scale; dial; station scale; tuning dial
schaalaandrijving dial drive; scale drive
schaalaanwijzing reading
schaalachtergrond dial background; scale tray; reflector; scale backing
schaalaflezing reading
schaalafwijking deviation from dial; dial deviation
schaalbak dial background; scale tray; reflector; scale backing
schaalbedrukking dial printing; scale printing
schaalbereik dial range; scale range
schaaldeel division; scale division
schaalfactor scale factor; scaling factor
schaalfactoren invoeren to scale
schaalfout dial error; scale error
schaallengte dial length; scale length
schaalmodel scale model
schaalopening scale aperture
schaalplaat scale
schaalstreepje dial mark; scale mark
schaal van Celsius Celsius scale
schaal van Rankine Rankine scale
schaal van Réaumur Reaumur scale
schaalverdeling graduation; scale marks
schaalverlichting dial lighting; scale lighting
schaalverlichtingslamp pilot lamp; dial lamp
schaar scissors; shear; shears; link; linkage
schaarbeweging link motion
schaarblad shear blade
schaars scarce; rare
schaarste shortage; scarcity
schacht shank
schachtboor shank drill; twist drill
schade damage; injury; loss
schadelijk harmful; detrimental; injurious; noxious
schadelijke interferentie harmful interference
schadelijk geluid harmful noise
schadelijk voor harmful to
schaduw shadow
schaduwcompensatie shading compensation
schaduwcompensatiesignaal shading-compensation signal
schaduwcorrectie shading
schaduwgenerator shading generator
schaduwmasker shadow mask
schaduwmaskerbuis shadow-mask tube
schakel link
schakelaar contactor; switch; sampler
schakelaarhuis switch casing
schakelaarschuif switch slide
schakelaarvet switch grease
schakelalgebra switching algebra
schakelapparatuur switch gear
schakelarm switch arm
schakelas switch spindle
schakelautomaat switch
schakelbaar switchable
schakelband stop foil; switch foil
schakelbeugel switch bracket
schakelblok switch block
schakelbord switch board; plug-board; patch-board; patch-panel; problem-board
schakelcentrum switching centre
schakeldetector switching detector
schakeldiode switching diode; booster diode
schakeldoos conduit box
schakeldraad connecting wire; hook-up wire
schakeldrempelwaarde selection ratio
schakelduur switching speed
schakeleenheid switch unit
schakelelement switch element; circuit element; control element
schakelen to switch; to connect; sampling
schakelen met cellen cell switching
schakelfolie metal switch-leader
schakelfrequentie sampling frequency
schakelfunctie switching function; logic function
schakelgedeelte circuiting section
schakelhefboom switch lever
schakelimpuls switching pulse; sampling pulse
schakelimpulsgenerator sampling-pulse generator
schakeling circuitry; circuit; connection; switching
schakelkaart circuit board
schakelkam stepped slide
schakelkast switch box; control box
schakelkern switch core
schakelklik switching click
schakelklok timer
schakelkoppel switching torque
schakelkracht switch operating force; switch actuating force
schakellogica switching logic
schakelnetwerk switching network
schakelnok switch cam
schakelpakket spring bank; spring assembly
schakelpaneel switch board; control panel; jack panel; plug board
schakelpaneel voor het verlenen van assistentie dial service assistance switchboard
schakelproces switching process
schakelproef switching test; controls actuating test
schakelprogramma switching program
schakelrelais switching relay
schakelreproduceerbaarheid switch reproducibility; reset accuracy
schakelrichting switching sense
schakelschema circuit scheme; plugging chart
schakelschokken switching surges
schakelschuif switch slide
schakelsignaal control signal; drive signal
schakelsimulatie switch level simulation
schakelsnelheid switching speed; switching rate
schakelspanning switching voltage
schakelstroom switch current
schakelstroomstoot switch surge
schakelstuk stop foil; switch foil
schakelsysteem circuitry
schakeltheorie switching theory
schakeltijd switching time
schakeltraject differential
schakeltransistor switching transistor
schakeltrap switch step
schakelvariabele switching variable; logic variable
schakelvlak switch pad; switch face
schakel V-riem link V-belt
schakelwals drum controller
schakering shade; graduation; variegation
schalen to scale
schalm link
schap shelf
schapevet lanolin
schapewollen polijstvacht polishing bonnet
scharnier hinge
scharnieras pivot; hinge pin
scharnierbeugel hinge bracket
scharnierbeweging hinge movement
scharnierblad hinge flap; hinge leaf
scharnieren to hinge; to be hinged; to pivot; to be pivoted
scharnierend hinged; hinging
scharnierend chassis hinged chassis
scharnierende stang hinging bar
scharnierende stangoverbrenging pin-jointed linkage
scharniergat pivot hole
scharniergewricht hinge joint
scharnierpen pivot; hinge pin
scharnierpunt hinge point; pivoting point; pivot
scharniersoldeermachine dip-soldering machine with hinge movement
scharnierverbinding hinged connection; hinge joint
schatten to estimate; to value; to appraise; to gauge
schatter estimator, valuer; appraiser
schatting estimation; estimate; valuation; appraisal
schattingsafwijking deviation of estimation
schattingsfout error of estimation
schattingsfunctie estimator
schatting van de omvang sizing
schaven to plane; to chafe; to scrape
schaven langs to chafe against
schavielen chafing
schede sheath
scheduling scheduling
scheef oblique; skew; out of true; out of alignment
scheefheid obliquity; skewness; out of trueness; out of alignment
scheefstaan to be cocking; to be out of true; to be out of alignment
scheeftrekken to pull out of alignment; to pull out of true; to warp; to become warped
scheerapparaat shaver
scheerbeitel shaving cutter
scheerblad blade; cutting blade
scheereenheid shaving unit
scheerhoofd shaving head; shaver head
scheerhoofdbeugel shaving-head bracket; shaver-head bracket
scheerkap shaving-cutter guard
scheerkop shaving head; shaver head
scheerunit shaving unit
scheiden to separate; to part; to isolate; to divide; to sort; to shift
scheidend vermogen resolution
scheiding separation; parting; isolating; division; sorting; shifting; divorce
scheidingsbit framing bit
scheidingscondensator blocking capacitor; isolating capacitor
scheidingsdiode isolating diode
scheidingsfilter separating filter; dividing network; crossover filter
scheidingsfout resolution error
scheidingsisolatie separating insulation
scheidingslaag separating layer
scheidingslijn dividing line; partition line; parting line; line of demarcation
scheidingsschakelaar isolating switch; isolator
scheidingsteken delimiter; separator; separating character; data delimiter; information separator
scheidingstransformator isolating transformer
scheidingstrap buffer stage; separator stage
scheidingsvariac isolating variac
scheidingsverlies isolation loss
scheidingswand partition
scheidingsweerstand isolating resistor
scheikunde chemistry
scheikundig chemical
scheikundige chemist
scheitrechter separating funnel
schel shrill; bright
schellak shellac
schellakverf shellac paint
schellakwas lac wax
scheluw twisted; warped
schema diagram; graph; schematic diagram; scheme; schedule; schema
schema in een database data base scheme
schemarestrictie schema restriction
schemasymbool schematic symbol
schematekening artwork; schematic diagram
schematisch schematic; schematical; skeleton; diagrammatical
schematisch overzicht skeleton survey; schematic survey
schepgaasje dipping screen
scheplichaam dipping body
schepsolderen spot soldering; scoop soldering
scheptank dipping tank
schepvorm dipping form; dipping mould
scheren to shave
schering warp
scherm screen; guard; protector; cover plate
schermcircuit screen circuit
schermdiameter screen diameter
schermdissipatie screen dissipation
schermgekoppelde versterker screen-coupled amplifier
schermmodulatie screen modulation
schermopmaakprogramma screen editor
schermregeneratie screen regeneration
schermrooster screen grid
schermroosterbuis tetrode
schermroosterdissipatie screen-grid dissipation
schermroostermodulatie screen-grid modulation
schermroosterspanning screen voltage; screen-grid voltage
schermroosterstroom screen current
schermroosterterugkoppeling screen-grid feedback
schermspanning screen voltage
schermspiegel metal backing
schermstroom screen current
schermuitloper screen terminal
schermweerstand screen resistance
scherp sharp; acute; keen; fierce; strict; stringent; highly selective; highly discriminating
scherp berekende prijs closely calculated price
scherp concurrerende prijs keenly competitive price
scherpe afbreking sharp cutoff
scherpen to sharpen; to whet
scherpe vlam stiff flame; sharp flame
scherpfilter notch filter
scherphoekig acute-angled
scherpklinkend shrill
scherpsteldiameter cocking diameter
scherpstellen to focus; to cock
scherpstelling focusing; cocking
scherpte sharpness
scherptediepte depth of focus
scherpte-instelling focusing
scherpteregelaar focusing control
scherpteverlies loss of sharpness; loss of definition
schets sketch; outline; diagrammatic drawing
schetsblok sketchpad
schetsen to sketch; to outline
schetsmatig schematic; schematical; skeleton; diagrammatical
schetsnummer mounting plate; gusset; gusset plate
scheur crack; tear
scheuren to crack; to tear
scheurlijn axis with breaks
scheurproef tear test
scheurstrip tear-off strip
scheurtjes cracks; scratches; fissures; crevices
scheurvast tear-resistant; crack-resistant
scheurvastheid tear resistance; crack resistance
scheurverschijnsel fracture phenomenon
scheurvorming crack formation
scheurvrij crack-free
scheurweerstand resistance to cracking
scheve sinuslijn oblique sine line
scheve verdeling skew distribution
schiften to sort; to sort out; to sift; crawling; creeping; beading; contracting; cissing; floating; flooding
schijf dial; disk; slice; dial; blade; wafer; floppy disk
schijfanode disc anode
schijfbestand disc file
schijfcondensator disc capacitor
schijfcopieer/afdrukprogramma disc copy/dump program
schijfdiode disc diode
schijfeenheid disc unit
schijffrees side and face cutter; side mill; side milling cutter
schijfgeheugen disc memory; magnetic disc store; magnetic disc; disc; disc storage; disc store
schijfgeheugeneenheid disc-storage drive
schijfgelijkrichter disk rectifier
schijfje wafer
schijfmagneet disc magnet
schijfremmen disc brakes
schijfsorteerprogramma disc sort program
schijfsysteembesturing disc system management
schijfveld disc field
schijfvoorbereidingsprogramma disc initialization program
schijfvormig disc-shaped
schijfweerstand disk resistor
schijnactiviteit dummy
schijnbaar apparent
schijnbaar vermogen apparent power
schijnopdracht dummy instruction
schijvengeheugen magnetic disc store; magnetic disc; disc; disc storage; disc store
schijvenpakket disc pack
schil peel; skin; shell
schildembleem shield emblem; escutcheon
schilfer flake; scale
schilferen to flake; to scale
schimmel mould; fungus
schimmeldodend middel fungicide
schimmelgroei fungus growth; moulding
schimmelwerend fungicidal
schliff metallographic specimen; microsection
Schmitt-trigger Schmitt trigger
schoep blade
schoepenwiel blade wheel
schoffelen shearing
schok jolt; shock
schokabsorberend shock-absorbing
schokbestendig shock-resistant; impact-resistant
schokbreker shock-absorber
schokdemper shock-absorber
schokexcitatie shock excitation
schokgevaar shock hazard
schokken to shock; to shake; to jolt
schokkerig jerky
schokproef shock test; bump test
schoktafel shock table; bump table
schokvast shock-resistant; impact-resistant
schokvastheid shock resistance; impact resistance
schokvrij shock proof
scholen to train
scholing training; education
schommelbeweging wobble motion; oscillatory motion; rocking motion
schommelen to wobble; to oscillate; to swing; to rock; to fluctuate; to vary
schommelende pulsherhalingssnelheid jittered pulse repetition rate
schommeling wobbling; oscillation; swinging; swing; fluctuation; variation
schommelserie swing set
schone kamer cleanroom
school school
schooltelevisie educational television; school television
schoon clean
schoonblazen to blow clean
schoonborstelen to brush clean
schoongemaakte stand cleared condition
schoonhouden to keep clean; to clean
schoonmaak cleaning
schoonmaakmiddel cleaning agent
schoonmaakpersoneel cleaning-staff
schoonmaakster office cleaner
schoonmaken to clean; to clear
schoon seizoenpatroon clean seasonal pattern
schoonwasresultaat washing performance
schooperen metal spraying
schoor strut; brace
schoorsteen chimney; chimney stack
schoorsteenbevestiging chimney mounting
schoorsteenmontage chimney mounting
schootcomputer laptop computer
schor raspy
schorheid raspiness
schort apron
schot partition; shot
schotel dish
schotelklep poppet valve; mushroom valve
schotelslijpsteen dish grinding wheel
schotelveer cupped spring washer; Belleville washer
schotelvormig dish-shaped
Schotseruitpatroon cross-hatch pattern
Schottky barrierdiode Schottky barrier diode
Schottky-defect Schottky defect
Schottky-diode Schottky diode
Schottky-effect Schottky effect
Schottky-ruis Schottky noise
schouder shoulder
schouderriem shoulder strap
schraapijzer scraper
schraapmes scraper
schraapsel scrapings
schraapstaal scraper
schranken to set oblique; to set; to tilt
schrapen to scrape; to grate; to shred
schraper scraper; grater; shredder
schrapmachine peeler
schrappen to delete; to cancel
schrapteken delete character
schrenspapier grey paper
schrift writing; handwriting; script; recording
schriftelijk by letter; in writing; postal correspondence
schrifteren to inscribe
schriftlezen character recognition
schriftlezer character reader
schriftteken graphic; graphic character
schrifttekenlezen character recognition
schrijfbeletimpuls inhibit pulse
schrijfblokkering write lock-out
schrijfdichtheid recording density
schrijfimpuls write pulse; writing pulse; full write pulse
schrijfinkt writing ink
schrijfkop writing head; write head; record head
schrijfmachine typewriter; character-at-a-time printer
schrijfmachineschakelaar typewriter control
schrijfmachinetoetsenbord printer keyboard
schrijfmachine van het bedieningspersoneel console keyboard
schrijfstang type bar
schrijfsteunimpuls enable pulse
schrijfstift tracer; recorder pin; stylus
schrijfvlek scanning spot
schrijfwiel type wheel
schrijfwijze style of writing; spelling; orthography; notation
schrijlings astride
schrijven to write; to scan; to trace
schrijver writer; author; recorder
schrikkerig jerky
schril sill; strident; glaring
schroef screw; helix; vice; propeller
schroefaftasting helical scan
schroefas shaft
schroefbeugel screw bracket
schroefbevestiging screwed fastening
schroefbeweging helical motion
schroefblad propeller blade
schroefboor screw augur
schroefbout screw bolt
schroefdeksel screw cap
schroefdop screw cap
schroefdraad screwthread; thread
schroefdraaddiepte (van bout) depth of external thread
schroefdraaddiepte (van moer) depth of internal thread
schroefdraadkaliber screwthread gauge
schroefdraad met 2 gangen two-start thread
schroefdraadprofiel screwthread profile
schroefdraadrollen screwthread rolling
schroefdraadsnijden screwthread cutting
schroefgang lead; start
schroefgat threaded hole; tapped hole
schroefkern threaded core; slug
schroefknop screw knob
schroefkooi screw carrier
schroefkop screw head
schroefkoppeling screw coupling
schroeflijn helical line
schroefmal screwing jig
schroefnippel threaded nipple
schroefoog screw eye
schroefpatroonhouder screw cartridge holder
schroefpers screw press; fly press
schroefsleutel wrench; spanner
schroefsluiting screw plug; screw cap
schroefspil lead screw
schroeftransporteur screw conveyor
schroefveer coil spring; helical spring
schroefveerophanging helical-spring suspension
schroefverbinding screwed connection; screwed joint
schroefvlak helicoidal surface
schroefvormig helical
schroefvormige aftasting helical scanning
schroefwiel helical gear
schroefwinding helix
schroeven to screw
schroevendraaier screwdriver
schroevendraaier met slipkoppeling screwdriver with slip coupling
schroevendraaierpal screwdriver pawl
schroeven op to screw on
schrompelen to sink
schroot scrap; scrap metal
schroothoop (verwijzen naar to scrap
schub scale
schubvormig scale-like; flake-like; flaked
schudbak shaking tray
schudbeweging shaking motion
schudden to shake
schudgewicht bulk density
schudgoot shaker conveyor
schudinrichting shaking device
schudmachine shaking machine; agitator
schudvolume bulk volume
schudzeef vibrating strainer; shaking strainer; shaking screen
schuif slide; slider; valve; sliding lid; bolt; vernier
schuifafsluiter slide valve
schuifas sliding shaft
schuifbaar slidable
schuifbalk slider bar
schuifbelasting shear load
schuifbeweging sliding motion
schuifbewerking shift
schuifblok slide block
schuifbus sliding bush
schuifcode chain code
schuifcontact slide contact
schuifdak sliding roof
schuifdeksel sliding lid; side lid
schuifdeur sliding door; sliding panel
schuifdoos sleeve and box
schuifgewicht sliding weight; rider weight
schuifgoot chute
schuifhamer tack-hammer
schuifkabel Bowden cable; control cable
schuifkerneenheid permeability tuner
schuifkernspoel permeability tuning coil
schuifknop slide knob
schuifkoppel sliding torque
schuifkoppeling sliding clutch
schuifkracht sliding force
schuiflade drawer; rack-type panel
schuifmaat vernier calipers; caliper gauge
schuifmagneet slide magnet
schuifmal sliding jig
schuifnok sliding cam
schuifpaneel sliding door; sliding panel
schuifpasser slide caliper
schuifpassing sliding fit
schuifpen sliding pin
schuifpotentiometer slide potentiometer; slide pot
schuifpuls shift pulse
schuifregister shift register; shifting register
schuifregisterteller shift-register counter
schuifrij chain
schuifring sliding ring
schuifschakelaar slide switch
schuifschakelaareenheid slide-switch unit
schuifslede slide
schuifspanning shear stress
schuifstang sliding rod
schuifsterkte shear strength
schuifstrip slide strip
schuifvast shear resistant
schuifverbinding sliding connection; sliding joint
schuifvlak sliding surface
schuifweerstand slide resistor; shear resistance; slide-wire resistor
schuim foam; scum
schuimachtig foamy
schuimblaasje foam bubble
schuimblusapparaat foam extinguisher
schuimbuffer foam cushion
schuimen to foam; to froth
schuimfluxen foam fluxing
schuimkunststof foam plastic
schuimkunststofband foam-plastic tape
schuimmiddel foaming agent; blowing agent
schuimplastiek foam plastic
schuimpolystyreen foam polystyrene
schuimproces foaming process
schuimrubber foam rubber
schuimspaan skimmer
schuimvorming foaming; frothing
schuimwerend anti-foaming; anti-foam
schuin inclined; oblique; slanting; sloping; bevelled
schuin aflopen to slope; to slant
schuin afsnijden to cut bias; to cut to the bias; to cut obliquely; to bevel; to chamfer
schuine kartel helical knurl
schuine kegel oblique cone
schuine komslijpsteen taper cup grinding wheel
schuine las scarf joint
schuine stand oblique position; inclined position; sloping position
schuine streep oblique stroke; fractional bar; virgule
schuine vertanding helical
schuin houden to tilt; to hold in oblique position
schuin plaatsen to place obliquely; to place in inclined position
schuinspooraftasting helical scan
schuin staan to slant; to slope; to be inclined
schuinte slope; taper
schuitje boat
schuiven to slide; to shift
schuren to grind; to scour; to rub; to polish; to finish; to sand; to linish; to chafe along; to abrade
schurende deeltjes abrasive particles
schurende werking abrasive action
schutkoker protective cap; cover; chassis, guard
schutlaag backing
schuurband sanding belt; grinding belt
schuurborstel scrubber; scrubbing brush
schuurkatoen abrasive cloth; emery cloth
schuurlinnen abrasive cloth; emery cloth
schuurmachine grinding machine; refining machine; refiner; abrader
schuurmiddel abrasive
schuurpapier abrasive paper; emery paper; glasspaper; sandpaper
schuurpoeder scouring powder; abrasive powder
schuurschijf abrasive disc; sanding disc; grinding wheel
schuurtafel sanding table
schuurvast abrasion-resistant
schuurvastheid abrasion resistance; resistance to abrasion
schuurvloeistof scouring liquid
schuurwerking abrasive action
scoop scope
S-correctie S-correction
scriptietaal scripting language
sealen to seal
secans secant
secondair secondary
secondaire draaggolf subcarrier
secondaire emissie secondary emission
secondaire kleur secondary colour
secondaire spoel secondary coil
secondaire wikkeling secondary winding
seconde second
secretariaat secretariat
secretaris secretary
sectie section
sectie-aanhef section header
sectiehoofd section leader
sectienaam section name
sector sector
secundair secondary
secundair circuit secondary circuit
secundaire capacitantie secondary capacitance
secundaire draaggolf subcarrier
secundaire emissie secondary emission
secundaire emitter secondary emitter
secundaire impedantie secondary impedance
secundaire inductantie secondary inductance
secundair elektron secondary electron
secundaire pols-assen wrist secondary axes
secundaire spanning secondary voltage
secundaire stroom secondary current
secundaire weerstand secondary resistance
secundair geheugen backing store; backing storage
secundair vermogen secondary power
sediment deposit; sediment; settlement; precipitation
sedimentair sedimentary
sedimentatie sedimentation; settlement
segment segment; section; chapter
segmentatie segmentation
segmenteren to segment; to section; to partition
segmentschakelaar segment switch
seignettezout sodium potassium tartrate; Rochelle salt
sein signal; flag; sentinel
seinen to signal; to flag; to wire; to cable
seinsleutel hand key
seismisch seismic
seismograaf seismograph
seizoen season
seizoenanalyse seasonal analysis
seizoencomponent seasonal component
seizoencorrectie seasonal correction
seizoeneffect seasonal effect
seizoenfactor seasonal factor
seizoenfluctuaties seasonal fluctuations
seizoengebonden seasonality
seizoenindex seasonal index
seizoenpatroon seasonal pattern
seizoenpercentage seasonal percentage
seizoenproductie seasonal production
seizoenschommeling seasonal fluctuation
seizoentrendpatroon clean seasonal pattern
seizoenverkopen seasonal sales
seizoenvoorraad seasonal inventory; seasonal stock
seizoenvraag seasonal demand
selectantie selectance
selecteren to select; to extract
selectie selection
selectiecriteria selection criteria
selectiecriterium selection criterion; search key
selectief selective
selectief collationeren to match
selectief collationeren van patronen pattern matching
selectief speurprogramma snapshot program
selectiepuls selector pulse
selectieve dump selective dump
selectieve fading selective fading
selectieve inductie selective induction
selectieve interferentie selective interference
selectieve oproep selective call
selectieve trace selective trace
selectieve versterker selective amplifier
selectieve wisoperatie selective erase
selectiviteit selectivity
selectiviteitskromme selectivity curve
selector selector
seleen selenium
seleencel selenium cell
seleengelijkrichter selenium rectifier
selenium selenium
seleniumdiode selenium diode
semafoor semaphore
semantiek semantics
semantische en specificatietaal voor de stijl van documenten document style semantics and specification language: DSSSL
semantische fout semantic error
semantische interpretatie semantic interpretation
semantisch netwerk semantic network; association network
semi-applicatieve programmering semi-applicative programming
semi-bankwikkelen scrambled winding
semi-directioneel semidirectional
semi-enkelzijbandtransmissie vestigial sideband transmission
semi-mechanisch semi-mechanical
semi-professioneel semi-professional
sensatie sensation
sensibilisator sensitizer
sensor detector; sensor
sensorbesturing sensory control
sententie sentence
separaat separate
separaat verzenden to send separately; to send by separate post; to send under separate cover
separatie detection
separator separator
separeren to separate
sequent sequential
sequente analyse sequential analysis
sequente toets sequential test
sequentie sequence
sequentieel sequential
sequentieel geheugen sequential memory; sequential storage
sequentieel proces sequential process
sequentiële aftasting sequential scanning
sequentiële analyse sequential analysis
sequentiële besturing sequential control
sequentiële cohesie sequential cohesion
sequentiële logica sequential logic
sequentiële opdracht sequential instruction
sequentiële processor sequential processor
sequentiële schakeling sequential circuit
sequentiële toegankelijkheid sequential access
sequentiële verwerking sequential processing
sequent steekproefschema sequential sampling plan
sequent steekproefsysteem sequential sampling
serge serge
serie series; lot; batch; serial; suite
seriebewerking serial operation
seriecapacitantie series capacitance
seriecircuit series circuit
serie computerinstructies computer instruction set
seriecondensator series capacitor
seriecondensatoren series capacitors
seriediodedetector series diode detector
seriedoos series-feed tap
seriedozensysteem series-feed tap system
serieel serial
serieel-parallel serial-parallel
seriefabricage batch production; serial production; quantity production
seriefabricageproces batch fabrication process
seriefout systematic fault
seriegeschakeld connected in series
seriegewijs lot for lot; serial; in series
seriegewijze fabricage lot for lot manufacturing
seriegewijze identificatie serial identification
seriegrootte lot size; batch size; batch quantity; size of series
seriegroottebepalingsalgoritmen lot sizing algorithms
seriegroottebepalingsmodellen voor groepen van producten multiple item lot-sizing models
seriegroottebepalingstechnieken lot sizing techniques
seriegrootte per periode period order quantity
seriegroottevoorraad batch stock; lot-size stock
seriegroottevoorraadbeheer-interpolatietechniek lot-size inventory management interpolation technique: LIMIT
seriegroottewachttijd stacking waiting time
serie-impedantie series impedance
serie-inductantie series inductance
serie-inductoren series inductors
seriële constructie serial construct
serielengte run length
seriële overdracht serial transfer
seriële toegankelijkheid serial access
serie-massaproductie batch-mass production
seriemodulator series modulator
seriemontage series assembly; serial assembly
serienummer lot number; serial number
serienummerbeheer lot number control
serieopteller serial adder
serieparallel serial-parallel
serieparallelcircuit series-parallel circuit
serieparallelinductoren series-parallel inductors
serieparallelschakeling series parallel circuit
serieplanning series scheduling
serieproductie batch production; serial production; quantity production
serieresistentie series resistance
serieresonantie series resonance
serie-resonerend circuit series-resonant circuit
serie schakelen (in) to connect in series
serieschakeling series connection; series circuit
seriesplitsing lot splitting
seriespoel series coil
serie-stukproductie batch-job production
serieterugkoppeling series feedback
serietraceerbaarheid lot traceability
serieverliesweerstand equivalent series resistance
serievoeding series feed
serieweerstand series resistor
serieweerstanden series resistors
seriewerk repetition work
seriewikkeling series winding
server server
servet serviette; napkin
service service
service-afdeling service department
servicedocumentatie service documentation
servicedoeleinden servicing purposes
servicegegevens service data
servicegenerator service generator
servicegraad service level
servicehandboek service manual
service-interval service interval
serviceman service man
servicen to service; servicing
service-onderdeel service item
service-onderdelen service parts
service-onderdelenstuklijst service parts bill-of-material
service-onderdelenvraag service parts demand
serviceopdruk service printing
serviceprentpatroon ghost print
serviceproduct service item
serviceschakelaar service switch; norma-service switch
servicetas servicing bag
servicetijdvak service period
servicevoorraadlijst service stock list
servicewobbulator service wobbulator
servicing servicing
servlet servlet
servobesturing servo control
servobestuurde robot servo-controlled robot
servocoördinatenomzetter servo resolver
servogedeelte servo section
servo-integrator servo integrator; velocity servo; velodyne
servolus servo loop
servomanipulator servomanipulator
servomechanisme servo-mechanism
servomotor servo motor
servoregeling servo control
servostabiliteit servo stability
servosysteem servo system; closed loop control system
servotechniek servo technique
servotheorie servo theory
servovermenigvuldiger servo multiplier; potentiometer multiplier
servoversterker servo amplifier
sessie session
set set
sferisch spherical
sferische afwijking spherical aberration
sferische robot polar robot; spherical robot
shell shell
shellprogramma shell program
shell-script shell script
sherardiseren sherardizing
shunt shunt
shuntcircuit shunt circuit
shuntcompensatie shunt compensation
shuntcondensator shunt capacitor; by-pass capacitor
shunteffect shunting effect
shunten to shunt
shuntmotor shunt motor
shunt-terugkoppeling shunt feedback
shuntweerstand shunt resistor
siccatief siccative; drying oil; drier
siemens siemens
sierchroom decorative chromium; ornamental chromium
sierdeksel decorative cover; ornamental cover
sierglansbewerking decorative brightening; ornamental brightening
sierkap decorative cap; ornamental cap
sierkoord decorative cord; ornamental cord
sierlaag decorative layer; ornamental layer
sierlijst decorative frame; ornamental frame
siermateriaal decorative material; ornamental material; ornamental trim; decorative trim
sier opzetstukken overriders
sierplaat decorative plate; ornamental plate
sierprofiel decorative profile; ornamental profile
sierraam decorative frame; ornamental frame
sierrand decorative frame; ornamental frame
sierrooster decorative grille; ornamental grille
sierschijf decorative disc; ornamental disc
sierstrip decorative strip; ornamental strip; finisher
siervenster decorative window; ornamental window; escutcheon
sierverchromen decorative chromium plating; ornamental chromium plating
siervergulden decorative gold plating; ornamental gold plating
sigarenaansteker cigar lighter
sigma-telling sigma-count; S-count
signaal signal
signaalafstand signal distance; hamming distance
signaalamplitude signal amplitude
signaalbemonstering signal sampling
signaalbewerking signal processing
signaal/brom-verhouding signal-to-hum ratio
signaalbron signal source
signaalbuffer latch
signaalcomponent signal component
signaal dat aangeeft dat een verbinding tot stand wordt gebracht connection-in-progress signal
signaaldempingseenheid attenuator
signaaldiode signal diode
signaaldistributie signal distribution
signaal/doordruk-verhouding signal-to-print-through ratio
signaalfrequentie signal frequency
signaalgeneratie keying
signaalgenerator signal generator
signaalgolf signal wave
signaalimpuls signal pulse
signaalinjector signal injector
signaalinterferentie intersymbol interference
signaalinvoermethode signal injection method
signaalkanaal signal channel
signaalklok alarm clock
signaalkring signal circuit
signaallamp pilot light; pilot lamp
signaalmengapparaat signal mixer
signaalmengsel composite signal
signaal met merktekens met wisselende polariteiten alternate mark inversion signal: AMI signal
signaalniveau signal level
signaalniveaudiagram signal level diagram; level diagram
signaalomhullende signal envelope
signaalomkering signal inversion
signaalomvorming signal conversion; signal transformation; signal normalization
signaalomzetter inverter
signaalontleding signal decomposition
signaalopvanger data sink
signaaloverdracht signal transfer; signal transmission
signaalpad signal path
signaalreflecties signal reflections
signaalruimte signal space
signaal/ruis-verhouding signal-to-noise ratio
signaalspanning signal voltage
signaalsplitsing signal splitting
signaalsterkte signal intensity; signal strength
signaal/stoor-verhouding signal-to-noise ratio
signaalstoot burst
signaalstroom signal current
signaalsturing signal drive
signaal-tijdsvertraging signal time delay
signaalverdeler signal splitter
signaalverlies signal loss
signaalvermogen signal power
signaalvernieuwing signal regeneration
signaalverslechtering signal degradation
signaalversterking gain; signal gain
signaalvertragingstijd signal delay time
signaalverwerker signal processor
signaalverwerking signal processing
signaalverzwakker attenuator
signaalverzwakking loss; signal attenuation
signaalvoerend signal-carrying
signaalvolger signal tracer
signaalvolgmethode signal-tracing method
signaalwisselspanning AC signal voltage
signaalzoekende ontvanger signal-seeking receiver
signaalzoeker signal tracer
signaleren to signal; to signalize; to point out; to monitor; to post
signalering signalling; monitoring; posting
signalering met twee stroomsoorten double-current signalling
signaleringsgrenzen signalling limits
signaleringssysteem monitoring system
signatuur signature
signatuuranalyse signature analysis
significant significant
significant cijfer significant figure; significant digit
significantie significance
significantieniveau significance level
significantietoets significance test
silicaat silicate
silicaatbedekking silicate coating
silicaatverf silicate paint
silicagel silicagel
silicium silicon
siliciumblok silicon die
siliciumcarbide silicon carbide
siliciumcompiler silicon compiler
siliciumdiode silicium diode
siliciumgelijkrichter silicon-controlled rectifier; silicon rectifier
siliciumgestuurde gelijkrichter silicon-controlled rectifier
siliciumijzer silicon iron
siliciumjunctiediode silicon junction diode
silicium op saffier silicon on sapphire: SOS
siliciumoxide silicon oxide
siliciumplaatje silicon specimen
siliciumplak silicon wafer
siliciumswitch silicon-controlled switch
siliciumtransistor silicon transistor
silicon silicone
silicone silicone
siliconenmatrijs silicon mold
siliconeren to siliconize
siliconglasweefselplaat silicone glass fabric sheet
siliconhars silicone resin
siliconolie silicone oil
siliconpasta silicone paste; silicone compound
siliconrubber silicone rubber
siliconrubberkous silicone-rubber sleeve
siliconverf silicone paint
siliconvernis silicone varnish
siliconvet silicone grease
simpel simple
simplex simplex
simplexalgoritme simplex algorithm
simplexkanaal simplex channel
simplexsysteem simplex system
simplexverbinding simplex circuit
simplificatie simplification
simulatie simulation
simulatie in ware tijd real-time simulation
simulatiemethode simulation method
simulatiemodel simulation model
simulatie op schakelniveau circuit level simulation
simulatietaal simulation language
simulator simulator; simulator program
simuleerprogramma simulator program
simuleren to simulate
simultaan simultaneous
simultaangeheugen parallel storage; parallel memory
simultaansysteem simultaneous system
simultaantelevisiesysteem simultaneous colour television system
simultaanvolgsysteem sequential simultaneous system
simultane besturing concurrent control; simultaneous control
simultane bewerking concurrent processing; simultaneous operation
simultane productie simultaneous engineering; concurrent production; concurrent engineering
simultane recursie simultaneous recursion
simultane rekenautomaat simultaneous computer; parallel computer
simultane verwerking interleaving; simultaneous processing
sinaasappelschileffect orange-peel effect
singelband webbing
sintel slag; dross
sinter sinter
sinteren to sinter
sinteren met behulp van een selectieve laser selective laser sintering
sinterglas sintered glass
sintermatrijs sintering matrix; sintering mould
sintermetaaltechniek sintered-metal technology
sinteroven sintering furnace; sintering oven
sinterpot magneetsysteem sinterpot magnet system
sinus sine
sinusbeeld sine wave
sinusgenerator sine-wave generator
sinusgolf sine wave
sinuskromme sine curve
sinuslijn sine curve; sine wave; sine line; sinusoid
sinusoïdaal sinusoidal
sinusoïde sinusoid
sinusoscillator sine-wave oscillator; sine-wave generator; harmonic oscillator
sinussignaal sine-wave signal; sinusoidal signal
sinusspanning sine-wave voltage; sinusoidal voltage
sinustoon sinusoidal tone
sinustrilling sinusoidal oscillation
sinusvermogen sinusoidal power
sinus/vierkantsgolfgenerator sine and square wave generator
sinusvormig sinusoidal; sine-shaped
sipboren jig boring
siphon siphon
sirene siren
sisal sisal
situatie situation
situatietekening site plan; key plan
situationele calculus situational calculus
situeren to site; to position
sjabloneerinkt stencil ink
sjabloneerverf stencil paint
sjabloneren to stencil; physical masking
sjabloon stencil; lettering guide; templet; template
sjirpen to chirp
sjorren to lash
sjorring lashing
skeletachtig skeletal
skeletachtig plan skeletal plan
skinplate skinplate
slaaf slave
slaafprocessor slave processor
slaan to strike; to blow; to beat; to whip; to strand; to loop round
slaapkwab temporal lobe
slaapziekte sleeping sickness
slag stroke; blow; strand; twist; turn; travel; revolution; beat; wobble; run-out
slagafstelling stroke adjustment
slagarbeid impact energy
slagbegrenzing stroke limitation
slagbreedte stroke
slagbuigproef impact-bending test
slagcijfer figure punch
slagduur beat
slagen to succeed; to be successful
slagen/mislukken criteria pass/fail criteria
slagenteller revolution counter
slaggewikkelde spoel cross-wound coil; universal wound coil
slaglengte length of stroke
slagletter letter punch
slagmechansime shuttle
slagmes chopper
slagmolen hammer mill; disintegrator; crusher
slagpers impact moulding press
slagproef impact test
slagruismolen cross beater mill
slagschaar guillotine shears
slagschaduw cast shadow
slagschijf traversing cam
slagschroef hammer-drive screw
slagsterkte impact strength
slagtrekproef impact tensile test
slagvaardig agile
slagvaardigheid agility
slagvast impact proof; impact-resistant
slagvastheid impact strength; impact resistance
slagverstelling stroke adjustment
slagvolume swept volume; stroke volume
slagwikkelen cross-winding; universal winding
slagwikkelspoel cross-wound coil; universal wound coil
slagzin slogan
slak slag
slakinsluiting slag inclusion
slakkenwol slag wool
slakvorming slag formation
slang hose; hosepipe; tube
slangaansluiting hose connection
slangklem hose clip; hose clamp
slangkoppeling hose coupling
slangkraan hose cock
slangpilaar hose coupling
slangtuit hose spigot
slangtule hose socket
slangwartel attachment for hose; union
slanke client thin client
slap slack; weak; soft
slapte slackness
slecht bad
slechte plek blemish
slecht-geïnformeerd ill-informed
slecht-gestructureerd probleem ill-structured problem
slede slide; carriage; saddle; slide rail; ram; cradle
slede-en-nok slide-and-cam
sledestofzuiger tank vacuum cleaner
sleepcontact slider; wiper; slide contact
sleepdraad slide wire
sleepring slip ring; collector ring
sleepringloze koppeling coupling without a slip ring
sleepsolderen surface soldering; drag soldering
sleepveer slip spring
sleepwijzer sliding pointer
slepen to track
sleuf groove; slit; slot
sleufcel slot cell
sleufgat slotted hole
sleufisolering slot insulation
sleufkop slotted head
sleufvormige groeven slotted grooves
sleutel key; wrench; clef
sleutelbuis key valve
sleutelen to gate out; to key
sleutelfrequentie keying frequency
sleutelimpuls keying pulse; gating pulse
sleutelpositie key position; key post
sleutelschakelaar key switch; key-operated switch
sleutelsignaal gating pulse; keying pulse; gating signal
sleutelstation key station
sleuteltrap keyer stage
sleutel voor boorkop chuck key
sleutelwijdte width across flats; dimension across flats
sleutelwoord keyword; key word
sleutelwoordparameter keyword parameter
sleuven to slit; to slot; to groove
sleuven frezen to slot
sleuven zagen to slot
slib sludge; mud; slime
slibachtig sludgy; muddy; slimy
slibafzetting sludge deposit; slime deposit
slibkrijt elutriated chalk
slibvorming sludge formation; slime formation
sliert thread
slijk mud; dirt; sludge
slijpbaar grindable
slijpbank grinding machine; grinder
slijpbarstje grinding crack; polishing crack
slijpbewerking grinding operation
slijpbraam grinding burr
slijpdiepte grinding depth
slijpdruk grinding pressure
slijpeffect grinding effect
slijpen to grind; to sharpen; to polish
slijp- en polijstdoos buffing and polishing accessories
slijper grinder; grinding machinist
slijperij grinding shop
slijpfout grinding defect
slijphoek grinding angle
slijphulpstuk grinding attachment
slijpkant grinding edge; abrasive edge
slijpkop grinding-wheel head
slijpkras grinding score
slijpkwaliteit grinding quality
slijpmachine grinding machine; grinder
slijpmal grinding jig
slijpmiddel grinding medium; abrasive
slijpolie grinding oil; abrasive oil
slijppasta grinding compound
slijppatroon finish pattern; surface pattern
slijppoeder grinding powder; abrasive powder
slijpproces grinding process
slijpproducten work to be ground; ground products
slijprendement grinding efficiency; grinding performance
slijprichting direction of grinding
slijpschijf grinding wheel; abrasive wheel
slijpsel grinding chip; grindings
slijpsnelheid grinding speed
slijpspoor grinding mark
slijpsteen grinding wheel; abrasive wheel
slijptoegift grinding allowance
slijptolerantie grinding tolerance
slijpvlak grinding face
slijpwerking grinding action; abrasive action
slijtage wear
slijtage- en storingsperiode wearout-failure period
slijten to wear
slijtlaag wear layer
slijtproef wear test
slijtvast wear-resistant
slijtvastheid wear resistance; resistance to wear
slinger pendulum; handle; crank; cranked handle; eccentricity; waving; starting handle
slingeramplitude amplitude of oscillation
slingerapparaat pendulum device
slingerbeweging oscillatory motion; pendulum motion
slingeren to oscillate; to swing; to run-out; to wobble; to be out of true; to be out of centre; to rock; to bump; to roll
slingerfrequentie frequency of oscillation
slingergroef lead-out groove
slingering oscillation; swing; run-out; wobble; out-of-trueness; eccentricity; rocking; bumping; throw; total indicator movement
slingerperiode period of oscillation
slingerproef wobble test
slingerrobot pendular robot
slingerschijf swinging wheel; oscillating wheel
slingertijd time of oscillation
slingertolerantie run-out tolerance; wobble tolerance
slingervrij wobble free; free of runout
slinken to shrink; to diminish; to become depleted
slip slip
slipgevaar risk of skidding; risk of slip
slipgrens limit of slip
slipinrichting slipping device
slipkoppel slipping torque
slipkoppeling slip-action clutch; slip coupling; slipping clutch
slipkrachtmeter slip force meter
slippen to skid; to slip
sliprol slip roller; slip pulley
slipsleutel slip wrench
slipvrij non-slip; non-slipping
slipzekerheid slipping security
slobgat slotted hole; elongated hole
slof sleeve; shoe; guide shoe; slide block
sloop pillow case; demolition; breaking up; scrap
sloopwaarde scrap value
slopen to scrap; to dismantle; to break up; to demolish
slordig scruffy; untidy; careless
slot lock; end; conclusion; close; slot
slotconclusie final conclusion
slotfase final phase; closing stage
slotopmerking concluding remark; concluding observation
slotplaat apron
slotschroef coach bolt
sluier fog; scum
sluierdistributie fading distribution
sluiereffect fading
sluiervorming fogging
sluimerschakelaar slumber switch
sluipstroom sneak current
sluipweg sneak path
sluitbeweging closing motion
sluitdop cap
sluitdruk closing pressure; clamping pressure
sluiten to close; to shut; to fasten; to seal; to lock; to turn off; to conclude; to fit; to close down; to shut down
sluiter shutter
sluitersnelheid shutter speed
sluitersnelheidsaanduiding shutter speed number
sluiterwerking shutter operation
sluithaak fastening; fastener
sluithefboom locking lever; closing lever
sluiting closure; fastening; locking; turning-off; conclusion; close; fitting; close-down; shut-down; bridging
sluitkracht closing force; clamping force
sluitmaat reference dimension
sluitmoer lock nut
sluitnok locking cam; cam lock
sluitnokpen cam-lock stud
sluitplaat closing plate; square washer; washer plate
sluitring washer
sluitsnelheid closing speed
sluitveer lock spring
sluitvlak land area
sluitzijde movable platen side
smaakvrij tasteless
smakeloos tasteless
smal narrow
smalbandig narrowband
smalbandige frequentiemodulatie narrowband frequency modulation
smalbandige interferentie narrowband interference
smalbandschakelaar narrow-band switch
smalle band narrowband
smalle-bandas narrow-band axis
smalle bandbreedte narrow bandwidth
smal spoor narrow track
smeden to forge
smeedbaar forgeable; malleable
smeedhamer forging hammer
smeedijzer wrought iron
smeedpers forging press
smeedstaal forged steel
smeedstempel swaging tool
smeedstuk forging
smeer grease
smeerapparaat lubricator; lubricating device
smeergroef lubricating groove
smeerinrichting lubricator; lubricating device
smeermengsel lubricating mixture
smeermiddel lubricant
smeernippel oil nipple; grease nipple
smeerolie lubricating oil
smeerplaat lubricating plate
smeerpot grease cup
smeerpunt lubricating point
smeerring oil ring
smeersysteem lubricating system
smeervet grease; lubricating grease
smeervoorschrift lubricating instructions
smelt melt
smeltbaar fusible
smeltdraad fuse wire
smelten to melt; to fuse; to liquefy; to smelt
smeltindex melting index
smeltketel melting pot
smeltkroes crucible; melting pot
smeltlas fusion weld
smeltlassen fusion welding
smeltlegering fusible alloy
smeltmassa compound; melting compound
smeltmetaal fusible metal
smeltoven melting furnace
smeltpatroon cartridge fuse
smeltpatroonhouder cartridge-fuse holder
smeltpot melting pot
smeltproces melting process; fusion process
smeltpunt melting point; melt point; point of fusion
smelttemperatuur melting temperature; fusing temperature
smelttraject melting range; fusing range
smeltveiligheid fuse
smeltwarmte melting heat; fusion heat
smeltwater melt water
smeren to lubricate; to grease; to oil; to smear
smerig dirty; filthy; soiled
smering lubrication; greasing; oiling; smearing
smetteloos spotless; stainless
smeuren to smear; to smudge
smoorklep choke
smoorschakeling suppressor
smoorspoel choke; filter choke; choke coil; inductor
smoorspoel in een drager carrier choke
smoren to choke
snaar belt; cord; string
snaaraandrijving belt drive
snaargeleiding belt guide
snaaromlegger shift piece
snaaroverbrenging belt transmission
snaarprofiel belt section; belt profile
snaarschijf pulley
snaarschijf met rubberband rubber-tyred pulley
snaarspanning belt tension
snaartrommel drum
snaarwiel pulley
snaarwielbeugel pulley bracket
snapfunctie snap function
snap-offdiode snap-off diode
snappen to snap
snapshot dump snapshot dump
snapslot snap lock
snavelkromme beak curve
snede cut; edge; cutting edge; slice
sneeuw snow
sneeuwerig snowy
sneeuwploegeffect snowplow effect
sneeuwvrij snow-free
snel fast, rapid; speedy,; quick
snel afbrekend quick break
snelbuffet quick-service department
snel contact makend quick make
sneldraaiend high-speed; fast-running
sneldraaistaal high-speed steel
sneldrogend fast-drying; quick-drying
snel Ethernet fast Ethernet
snelfix onderdelen quick-lock components
snelhardend quick-curing; quick-setting; fast-curing
snelheid speed; rapidity; quickness; fastness; rate; velocity
snelheidsaanwijzer speed indicator
snelheidsafstelling speed adjustment
snelheidsafwijking speed deviation
snelheidsbereik speed range
snelheidsconstante velocity constant
snelheidsdiagram velocity diagram
snelheidseffect rate effect
snelheidsfactor velocity factor
snelheidsfout velocity error
snelheidsgrens speed limit
snelheidskiezerhandle speed-selector lever
snelheidslichter velocity trip
snelheidsmeter speedometer
snelheidsmodulatie velocity modulation
snelheidsmodulatiebuis velocity-modulated tube
snelheidsmodulatieoscillator velocity-modulated oscillator
snelheidsmodulatieversterker velocity-modulated amplifier
snelheidsnauwkeurigheid speed accuracy
snelheidsomschakelaar speed-change switch
snelheidsomschakeling speed change
snelheidsregelaar speed control; speed governor
snelheidsregeling speed control
snelheidsschakelaar speed selector
snelheidsvariatie speed variation
snelheidsverandering speed change
snelheid van een deeltje sound particle velocity
snelheid van een specifieke as individual axis velocity
snelheid van radiogolven velocity of radio waves
snelkoker quick cooker
snelkoppeling quick-connect coupling; speed coupler
snelle jank flutter
snelle omstelling single minute exchange; speedy change-over
snelle overdracht highspeed carry; fast transfer
snelle tijdconstante fast time constant: FTC
snellopend fast-running; high-speed; fast
snellopende pers high-speed press
snel opspoelen fast winding
snelroerder high-speed stirrer; quick stirrer
snelscheerapparaat speed shaver
snel selecteren fast select
snelsnijkwaliteit fast-machining grade; free-cutting grade
snelsnijstaal fast-machining steel; free-cutting steel
snelspanklem quick-acting clamp
snelspankop quick-acting chuck
snelstaal high-speed steel: HSS
snelstoprem pause brake
snelstoptoets pause control; quick stop; stand-by switch
snelverkoperen high-speed copper plating
snelvernikkelen high-speed nickel plating
snel vervaardigen van prototypen rapid prototyping; fast prototyping; desk-top manufacturing
snelverzilveren high-speed silver plating
snelweger automatic scales
snelwerkend quick-acting
snelwisselkop quick-change chuck
snijapparaat cutting device; cutting apparatus
snijbeitel cutting stylus; cutting tool
snijbeweging cutting motion
snijbewerking cutting operation
snijblok stock-and-dies
snijbrander cutting torch; flame cutter
snijbuigmatrijs pierce, blank and form die
snijbuigpons lancing and bending punch; cropping and bending punch
snijbuigstempel cutting-off and bending tool
snijcapaciteit cutting capacity
snijcirkel cutting circle
snijcompensatie cutter compensation
snijden to cut; to intersect; to slice
snijden uit to cut from
snijder cutter; punch
snijdiepte depth of cut
snijding intersection
snijdoordruknippel piercing and extruding punch
snijdoortrekpons piercing and extruding punch
snijfilm cutting film; cut-and-strip film; strip-coat film; scribing film
snijgat pierced hole
snijgereedschap cutting tool; cutting device; cutting apparatus
snijgroef cut groove
snijhoek cutting angle
snij-ijzer die
snij-inrichting cutter
snijkant cutting edge; cut edge
snijkracht cutting force
snijlijn intersecting line; line of cut
snijmachine cutting machine
snijmes cutter; cutting knife
snijolie cutting oil
snijpickup cutting head
snijplaat die
snijprofiel cutting profile
snijpunt intersection; point of intersection
snijrichting direction of cutting; cutting direction
snijschijf cutter
snijsnelheid cutting speed
snijspleet clearance; clearance between punch and die
snijstaal tool steel
snijstempel cutting tool; piercing tool; blanking tool; shearing tool
snijtand cutter; cutting tooth
snijtrekstempel cutting and drawing die
snijverlies cutting loss; kerf
snijvlak cutting face; cut surface; plane of intersection
snijvloeistof cutting liquid
snijwerking cutting action
snijwerktuig cutting tool
snipper cutting; clipping; scrap; chip
snipperbak chip box
snipperdag odd day
snoeien to prune
snoeimes pruning shears
snoer cord; flex; lead; flex-cord; flexible; patch-cord; patch-lug; plug; wire; string; bead
snoer compleet cordset
snoerhaak flex hook
snoerhouder cord holder; flex holder; lead holder
snoerloos cordless
snoerloze verbinding cordless plug
snoerontlasting cord relief; flex relief; cord clamping; cord anchorage
snoeropwikkelaar flex winder
snoerset cordset
snoerverbinding cord connection; flex connection
snuffelaar browser
snuifklep snifting valve
sociaal social
sociaal-economisch social-economic
sociale verzekeringen social insurances
sociale zekerheid social security
soda soda; sodium carbonate
sodaoplossing soda solution
soepel pliable; flexible; elastic
soepelheid pliableness; flexibility; elasticity; smoothness
soepel lopen to run smoothly
soepel toepassen van de regels to apply rules with elasticity
soevereinen to countersink
software software
software-applicatie software application
software-architectuur software architecture
software-asset software asset
softwarebibliotheek software library
softwarebus software bus
softwarecompatibel software compatible
softwarediversiteit software diversity
software-eisenspecificatie software requirements specification: SRS
software-engineering software engineering
softwaregereedschap software tool
software-item software item
softwarekarakteristiek software characteristic
softwarekenmerk software feature
softwaremetingen software metrics
softwaremonitor software monitor
software-ontwerpbeschrijving software design description: SDD
software-ontwikkeling software engineering
software-ontwikkelingsbestand software development file: SDF
software-ontwikkelingsbibliotheek software development library
software-ontwikkelingscyclus software development cycle
software-ontwikkelingsomgeving software engineering environment: SEE
software-ontwikkelingsplan software development plan: SDP
software-ontwikkelingsproces software development process
softwareproduct software product
softwarerepository software repository
softwarespecificatiebeoordeling software specification review: SSR
softwaresysteem software system
softwaretestincident software test incident
softwarevergaarbak software repository
sokkel base
soldeer solder
soldeerafschermlak solder resist; solder stop-off
soldeeraftrekkracht pull-off strength after soldering
soldeerapparaat soldering apparatus
soldeerbaar solderable
soldeerbaarheid solderability
soldeerbad solder bath
soldeerbadproef solder-bath test
soldeerbestendigheid soldering resistance
soldeerbout soldering iron
soldeerboutpunt soldering bit; soldering iron tip
soldeerbusje soldering bush
soldeerdraad soldering wire; wire solder
soldeerdruppel solder drop
soldeerfelslip riveting solder tag
soldeergereedschap soldering tool
soldeerglas solder glass
soldeerhars resin flux; soldering flux
soldeerkant soldering side
soldeerknobbel solder blob
soldeerkussen pressure pad during soldering
soldeerlegering solder alloy; brazing alloy
soldeerlip solder tag; solder lug; solder terminal
soldeerloos solderless
soldeermachine soldering machine
soldeermal soldering jig
soldeermaskerverf soldering masking paint
soldeermessing soldering brass; hard solder
soldeernaad soldered seam
soldeernippel solder nipple
soldeeroog solder eyelet
soldeeropstelling equipment
soldeerpasta resin flux; soldering paste
soldeerpen soldering pin
soldeerplaats solder point; solder joint; thermojunction
soldeerpoeder soldering powder
soldeerpunt solder point; solder joint
soldeerrek terminal strip; connecting strip
soldeerstaaf solder stick; solder bar
soldeerstrip terminal strip; connecting strip
soldeertekening solder plan
soldeertin solder; soft solder; soldering tin
soldeertransformator soldering transformer
soldeerveer solder spring
soldeerverbinding soldered joint; solder joint
soldeervet soldering grease; soldering paste
soldeervlak soldering surface; soldering face; soldering land; soldering pad
soldeervloeimiddel soldering flux; flux; solder flux
soldeerwater soldering water; soldering fluid
solderen to solder
solenoïde solenoid; single layer coil
solide solid; substantial; strong; reliable
solid state solid state
solospel solo playing
solostem solo voice
som sum
somber sombre
somcontrole summation check
somfrequentie sum frequency
somkanaal integrating channel
somkromme cumulative frequency curve
sommatie summation
sommeerpunt summing junction
sommeerschakeling adder circuit; adder
sommeertrap mixing stage
sommeren to sum
sommerende integrator summing integrator
sommering summation; summing
somregel addition law; law of addition
somsignaal sum signal
somspanning sum voltage
somvector sum vector
somversterker summing amplifier
sonde probe; sonde
sondemicrofoon probe microphone
sonderen to probe
sondering probing
sonoor sonorous
sonorisatie sonorization
sonoriseren to sonorize
soort kind; sort
soortcode designator
soortcode van een circuit circuit designator
soortcode van het frequentiespectrum frequency spectrum designation
soortelijke dichtheid specific density; density
soortelijke eluctantie reluctivity
soortelijke geleiding conductivity; specific conductivity
soortelijke massa specific mass
soortelijke warmte specific heat
soortelijke weerstand resistivity
soortelijke weerstand van een oppervlak surface resistivity
soortelijk gewicht specific gravity
soortelijk gewicht van het bad solution density
soortelijk volume specific volume
soortgelijke volumeweerstand volume resistivity
sop suds; soapy water; soapy leather
sopfilter suds filter
sopniveau suds level
sopraan soprano
sopverdunning suds dilution
sorteerband sorting belt
sorteergegeven control field
sorteermachine sorter
sorteerprogramma sorting program
sorteer/samenvoegprogramma sort/collate program; sort/merge program
sorteerveld control field
sorteervolgorde collating sequence
sorteren to sort
sortering sorting; assortment; range
sorteringsconflict order clash
souplesse pliableness; flexibility; elasticity; smoothness
spaak spoke
spaan chip; skimmer
spaanafnemend chip removing; metal removing
spaanafvoer chip removal; chip disposal
spaanbreker chip breaker
spaanderplaat wood chipboard; chipboard
spaangroef rake angle; rake
spaanloos without metal removal
spaanplaat wood chipboard; chipboard
spaanruimte chip clearance
spaanwerking chip straining
spaarbad drag-out bath
spaarbeits inhibitor; pickling inhibitor; inhibition agent
spaardiode booster diode; efficiency diode
spaarschakelaar economy switch
spaarschakeling dimmer circuit
spaarspoelbad drag-out rinse
spaartransformator autotransformer
spanapparaat stretching device
spanbeugel clamping bracket
spanbout clamping bolt
spanbus clamping bush
spandraad tie-wire; bracing wire; guy
spangereedschap clamping tool
spanhuls spring dowel; clamping pin
spaninrichting clamping device; fixture; work-holder; tensioning device
spankop chuck
spankracht tensile force; tension; clamping force; elastic force
spanmoer tightening nut; securing nut
spannen to clamp; to stretch; to strain; to tension; to tighten; to tauten
spanner tensioner
spanning voltage; tension; stress; pressure
spanning aanleggen to connect a voltage to; to apply a voltage to; to feed a voltage to
spanningafhankelijkheidscoëfficiënt voltage coefficient
spanninggedreven eenheid voltage-actuated device
spanning in de doorlaatrichting forward voltage
spanning over voltage across
spanningsafhankelijk voltage dependent
spanningsafhankelijke condensator voltage-dependent capacitor
spanningsafhankelijke weerstand voltage-dependent resistor
spanningsafhankelijkheid dependence on voltage; voltage dependence
spanningsafname voltage tapping; voltage take-off
spanningsbegrenzer voltage limiter
spanningsbegrenzing voltage limiting
spanningsbereik voltage range; voltage rating
spanningsbeveiliging voltage protection; surge arrester
spanningsbron voltage source; voltage supply; power source
spanningscarrousel voltage adapter
spanningscoëfficiënt voltage coefficient
spanningscoëfficiënt van capacitantie voltage coefficient of capacitance
spanningscoëfficiënt van resistentie voltage coefficient of resistance
spanningscorrosie stress corrosion
spanningscyclus voltage cycle
spanningsdaling decrease in voltage
spanningsdeler voltage divider
spanningsdeling voltage division
spanningsdetector voltage detector
spanningsgestuurde versterker voltage-controlled amplifier
spanningsgevoeligheid response to voltage; voltage sensitivity
spanningsgevoeligheid in het vrije veld free-field voltage sensitivity; free-field voltage response
spanningsimpuls voltage pulse
spanningskalibrator voltage calibrator
spanningsklem voltage terminal
spanningskromme voltage characteristic; voltage curve
spanningsloos voltageless; dead
spanningsmaximum maximum voltage
spanningsmeetapparatuur voltage measuring equipment
spanningsmeter voltmeter
spanningsmeting voltage measurement
spanningsminimum minimum voltage
spanningsniveau voltage level
spanningsomschakelaar voltage adapter
spanningsomschakelplaat voltage tapping plate
spanningsomvormer voltage converter; transformer
spanningspiek voltage peak
spanningsproef voltage test
spanningsreeks range of stress
spanningsreferentiebuis voltage stabilizer; voltage-stabilizing tube
spanningsregelaar voltage control; voltage regulator
spanningsregeling voltage control; voltage regulation
spanningsrimpel voltage ripple
spanningssprong voltage jump; voltage step
spanningsstabilisatie voltage regulation; voltage stabilization
spanningsstabilisatiebuis voltage-stabilizer tube; voltage-stabilizer valve
spanningsstabilisatieschakeling voltage-stabilizer circuit
spanningsstabilisator voltage stabilizer; voltage regulator
spanningsstijging voltage rise
spanningsstoot voltage surge; impulse
spanningsstroomkromme voltage-current curve
spanning/staandegolfverhouding voltage/standing wave ratio: VSWR
spanningstegenkoppeling voltage feedback
spanningstransformator voltage transformer
spanningsval voltage drop
spanningsval in de doorlaatrichting forward voltage drop
spanningsvariabele condensator voltage-variable capacitor
spanningsvariabele weerstand voltage-variable resistor
spanningsvariatie voltage fluctuation; variation in voltage
spanningsverandering voltage change
spanningsverdeling voltage distribution
spanningsverdubbelaar voltage doubler
spanningsverdubbeling voltage doubling
spanningsverdubbelingsapparaat voltage doubler
spanningsverhouding voltage ratio
spanningsverlies voltage loss; loss of tension
spanningsverloop voltage curve; voltage gradient
spanningsvermenigvuldiger voltage multiplier
spanningsverschil difference in voltage; potential difference; difference of potential; voltage difference
spanningsversterker voltage amplifier
spanningsversterking voltage amplification; voltage gain
spanningsversterkingsfactor voltage-amplification factor
spanningsverval voltage gradient
spanningsverzwakking voltage attenuation
spanningsvoeding voltage feed
spanningsvorm voltage form; waveform
spanningsvrij gegloeid stress-relieved annealed; stress-relieved
spanningsvrij gloeien to stress-relieve
spanningswaarde voltage Value; voltage rating
spanning verlagende weerstand dropping resistor
spanningvoerende delen current-carrying parts; live parts
spanplaat clamping plate
spanraam stretcher
spanring tensioning ring; clamping ring
spanrol tensioning roller; tensioning idler
spanschroef tightening screw
spanstift spring dowel; clamping pin
spantafel stretching device; clamping table
spantang collet chuck; collet
spanveer tension spring
spanwiel tensioning wheel
spanwijdte span
spanzaag frame saw
spat spatter; splash; speck
spatbol globular splash glass
spateffect spatter effect
spatel spatula
spatellepel spatula spoon
spatetsmachine splash-etching machine; splash etcher
spatglas cover glass
spatie space; spacing
spatiëren to space
spatsmering splash lubrication
spatten to spatter; to splash
spatwaterdicht splashproof
speciaal special
speciaalgereedschap special-purpose tool
speciaalpers special-purpose press
speciaal teken special character; additional character; symbol
speciaal type special type
specialisatie specialization
specialiseren to specialize
specialist specialist; expert
specificatie specification; entry
specificatieblad specification sheet
specificatieboom specification tree
specificatie- en ontwerptaal specification and design language: SDL
specificatielijst specification list
specificatienormen specification standards
specificatieopdracht specification statement
specificatietaal specification language
specificatie (van de kwaliteit) specification
specificatievorm entry format
specificatiewijzigingsnotitie specification change notice: SCN
specificeren to specify; to detail; to itemize
specifiek specific
specifiek behoeftedefinitiemodel particular requirements definition model
specifieke akoestische impedantie specific acoustic impedance; unit-area acoustic impedance
specifieke akoestische reactantie specific acoustic reactance; unit-area acoustic reactance
specifieke akoestische resistantie specific acoustic resistance; unit-area acoustic resistance
specifieke commerciële regels exception policies
specifieke diëlektrische sterkte specific dielectric strength
specifieke gegevensverwerking specialized data processing
specifieke lijn dedicated line
specifieke opmaak specific markup
specifieke programmatuur dedicated software
specifieke schakeling dedicated circuit
specifieke taal special-purpose language
specifieke weerstand resistivity
specifiek implementatiebeschrijvingsmodel particular implementation description model
specifiek niveau particular level
specifiek ontwerpspecificatiemodel particular design specification model
specimen specimen
spectraal spectral
spectraalanalyse spectral analysis
spectraalverkamming frequency interlacing
spectraalzuivere kleuren spectrum colours
spectrale dichtheid spectral density
spectrale distributiekromme spectral distribution graph
spectrale energieverdeling spectral energy distribution
spectrale gevoeligheidskarakteristieken van de camera camera spectral sensitivity characteristics
spectrale karakteristiek spectral characteristic
spectrale kleur spectral colour; spectrum colour
spectrale kleursoort spectrum colour
spectrale opneemkarakteristiek pickup spectral characteristic
spectrofotometer spectrophotometer
spectrografisch spectrographic
spectrometer spectrometer
spectroradiometer spectroradiometer
spectroscoop spectroscope
spectrum spectrum
spectrumanalyse-apparaat spectrum analyzer
spectrumgebied spectrum range
spectrumkromme spectral curve
speculatieve voorraad speculation stock
speednut speednut
speelduur playing time
speelfrictie play friction; playback friction
speelgoed toy; plaything
speelgoedsysteem toy system
speelklaar ready for playback
speellade console
speelproef playing test; operating test
speelruimte clearance; play; allowance; slack; float; latitude; margin
speelstrip playback strip
speeltechniek playing technique
speelwiel capstan idler wheel
speermaat measuring rod; slip gauge
speerpuntproject spear-head project
speerpunttechnologie key-technology
spekkerzuur spekker acid
speksteenpoeder steatite powder; soap-stone powder
spelen to play
speler player
spelerdek player deck
spelergedeelte player deck; player section
spelerplank player mounting board
speling play; clearance; space for motion; slack; float
spelingsafstand clearance distance
spelingtolerantie variation of fit
spelingvrij without play; play-free
spelregel rule of play; rule of the game
speltheorie theory of games
spercondensator blocking capacitor; isolating capacitor
sperdemping protection between outputs; isolation
sperfactor rejection factor; blocking coefficient
sperfilter band-stop filter; rejection filter; band-rejection filter; band-elimination filter; wave trap; rejector circuit
sperfilter tegen overspraak cross-talk suppression filter
sperfineer veneer underlay; cross-band
sperkring rejection filter; rejector circuit; stopper circuit; wave trap
sperkringspoel coil for rejection filter
sperlaag barrier layer
sperlaagcapacitantie junction capacitance
sperren to block; to lock; to stop; to inhibit
sperrichting reverse direction; back direction
sperrichtingsstroom back current
sperschakeling blocking circuit
sperspanning back voltage; inverse voltage; reverse voltage
sperspanningsval reverse voltage drop
sperstroom backward current; current; reverse current; inverse current
sperstroomsterkte reverse-current intensity
spervoorspanning reverse bias
sperweerstand reverse resistance
sperzuigkring wave-trap and absorption circuit
spettereffect spatter effect
spetteren to spatter-finish
speurprogramma trace program
speurwerk research
spie key
spieas spline-shaft
spiebaan key-way; key-seating
spiebaanfrees key-way cutter; key-seating cutter
spieën to key
spieënstaal medium carbon steel
spiefrees key cutter
spiegel mirror; label area
spiegelantenne reflector antenna; reflector aerial
spiegelbeeld mirror image
spiegelbeeldschakelaar mirror image switch
spiegelen to mirror
spiegelende reflectie specular reflection
spiegelend polijsten to polish to mirror-finish; to mirror-finish
spiegelfrequentie image frequency
spiegelfrequentiestoring image-frequency interference; image interference; second-channel interference
spiegelglans high gloss
spiegelglanzend high gloss; mirror bright; high lustre; high lustrous
spiegelglas plate glass
spiegeling reflection
spiegelkast mirror box
spiegelonderdrukking image rejection
spiegelselectie image rejection
spiegelstelsel set of mirrors
spiegelverhouding image ratio
spiegelvormend leafing
spiegelvorming leafing
spiegleuf key-way; key-seating
spiegleuffrees key-way cutter; key-seating cutter
spierug spline
spieverbinding keyed connection
spijker nail
spijkerdop nail washer
spijkeren to nail
spijkerkop nail head
spijkertang nail puller
spijl bar
spil spindle; arbor; pivot
spilkop spindle head
spilneus spindle nose
spilpers spindle press; fly press
spint sapwood
spiraal spiral; coil; helix
spiraalaftasting helical scanning
spiraalboor twist drill
spiraalbuis flexible metallic tube; tube coil
spiraaldraad spiral wire; coiled wire
spiraalfrees helical mill; helical cutter
spiraalgroef spiral groove; helical groove
spiraallijn helix; spiral line
spiraalsgewijs spirally; spiral-wise; helically
spiraalsnoer retractile cord; coiled cord
spiraalspoed helical feud; helical pitch
spiraaltandwiel helical gear
spiraalveer spiral spring; coil spring; coiled spring, volute spring
spiraalvormig spiral; spiral-shaped; helical
spiraalvormig model spiral model
spiritus spirit
spits pointed; sharp; point; tip; peak; top; forward
spitsuur peak hour
spitsvijl pointed file
spleet gap; clearance; slit; slot; fissure; split; crevice; crack; chink
spleetafzuiging slot exhaust
spleetbreedte gap width
spleetcorrosie crevice corrosion
spleetlengte gap length
spleetmateriaal gap material
spleetmondstuk crevice tool
spleetrand gap edge
spleetsluiter focal-plane shutter
spleetverlies gap loss
spleetzuigmond crevice nozzle
splijten to split
splijting fission
splijtnagel bifurcated rivet
splijtplaat splitter-plate
splijtsterkte splitting strength; tensile strength perpendicular to the plane
splijtstof fission material
spline spline
splinter splinter
splintervrij free from splinters; splinter-proof; shutter-roof
splitpen split pin; cotter pin
splitring split ring
splits splice
splitsdoos bridger gap
splitsen to split; to split up; to divide; to subdivide; to splice; to fork; to bifurcate
splitsen van een bewerking operation splitting
splitsen van een order order splitting
splitsing splitting; splitting up; division; subdivision; splicing; bifurcation
splitsingspunt junction point
splitter splitter
splitter/transformator splitter/transformer
splitter/versterker amplified splitter
spoed pitch; urgency; thread
spoedbehandeling urgency treatment
spoedbestelling rush order; rush delivery
spoedbus threaded brush
spoedhoek lead angle; pitch angle
spoedopdracht rush order
spoedorder rush order; urgent order
spoedrichting hand
spoedverloop lead reduction; difference in lead
spoedwerk rush work
spoedzending urgent shipment
spoek spook
spoel coil; reel; spool
spoelaftakking coil tap
spoelapparaat open-reel recorder; rinsing machine
spoelas reel spindle
spoelbak rinsing tank; rinse tank
spoelblad coil specification sheet
spoelbus coil can
spoelcyclus rinsing cycle
spoeldiameter reel diameter
spoeldissipatie coil dissipation
spoeldraad coil wire
spoeldrager coil base
spoelen to wind; to rinse; to wash; to flush; to spool
spoelencassette reel-to-reel cassette
spoelenrecorder reel-to-reel recorder; open-reel recorder
spoelflens coil flange; spool flange
spoelframe coil frame; bobbin
spoelfreem coil frame; bobbin
spoelgang rinsing cycle
spoelhouder coil base; coil holder
spoelhuis coil housing
spoelkern core; slug
spoelkoker coil former; coil bobbin; form; coil form
spoellichaam coil former; coil bobbin; form
spoelmachine rinsing machine
spoelmechanisme winding and rewinding mechanism
spoelmicrofoon moving-coil microphone
spoelmiddel rinsing agent; flushing agent; rinse aid
spoelpapier coil paper
spoelproces rinsing process; washout process
spoelrecorder open-reel recorder; reel-to-reel recorder
spoelrol pulley
spoelronde rinsing cycle
spoelschotel reel disc
spoelschotelbasis reel-disc base
spoelstrip fast-wind strip
spoeltijd fast-wind time
spoeluitloper coil lead
spoelvergrendeling reel lock; hub lock
spoelvoet coil base
spoelvorm coil shape
spoelwater rinsing water
spoelweerstand coil resistance
spoelwikkelmachine coil winding machine; coil winder
sponning rabbet; rebate; slot; groove; mortise
sponningfrees rabbeting cutter
sponningschaaf rabbet plane
spons sponge
sponsachtig spongy
sponsrubber sponge rubber
spontane desintegratie spontaneous disintegration
spook spook
spoolen to spool
spooler spooler
spoor track; conductor; trace; trace amount; railway; railroad
spoorafstand track pitch; track-to-track spacing
spoorbreedte track width; track
spoorinstelling track adjustment
spoorkeuzeschakelaar track selector
spoorwagen wagon; railway wagon
spoorwegvervoer railway transport
sporadische storing sporadic fault; intermittent fault
sporen to run true; to track right
sporengroep band
spotcorrectie aperture correction
spotcorrectieschakeling differentiating equalizer
spotfrequentie spot frequency
spotjamming spot jamming
spotmodulatie spot modulation
spotwobbelen to spot wobble
spouwmes riving knife
spraak speech
spraakanalyse voice analysis
spraakdigitalisering voice digitizing
spraakfilter voice filter
spraakfrequenties voice frequencies
spraakgenerator voice generator
spraakherkenning voice recognition; speech recognition; speech understanding
spraak/muziekschakelaar speech/music switch
spraaksynthese voice synthesis
spraakversterker speech amplifier
spreek- en hoorgarnituur headset
spreekspoel voice coil; speech coil
spreekwijze locution
spreiden to spread; to interleave; to unpack
spreidend vermogen throwing power; uniformity of layer thickness
spreiding spread; spreading; scatter; dispersion
spreidingsbreedte range
spreidingsbreedte van het proces process range
spreidingscoëfficiënt scatter coefficient
spreidingsdiagram scatter diagram
spreidingsgrenzen limits of variation
spreidingshoek angle of divergence
spreidingsindex dispersion index
spreidingsparameter parameter of dispersion
spreidingsverlies spreading loss
spreidingsvermogen throwing power
spreidspectrum spread spectrum
spreken to speak
sprietantenne telescopic antenna; telescopic aerial; set-op antenna; set-top aerial; rod antenna; rod aerial
springen to jump; to spring; to bounce; to branch; to burst; to crack; to blow
springsignaal step-function signal
springveer spring ring; spiral spring; coil ring
springweerstand spring resistor; fuse resistor
springzender jumping-frequency transmitter
sproeiarm spray arm
sproei-elektrode sparking electrode; brushing electrode
sproeien to spray; to wash; brushing; corona discharge
sproeier atomizer; spray; sprayer; sprinkler; screen washer; jet
sproei-etsmachine spay-etching machine; spray etcher
sproei-ontlading brush discharge; brushing; corona; corona discharge
sproeipijp spray pipe
sprong jump; leap; bound; spring; control transfer; controlled transfer; branch; skip; skipping
sprongconditie branch condition
sprongfunctie step function
spronginstructie branch instruction; jump instruction
sprongkarakteristiek step-function response; transient response
sprongopdracht branch; branch instruction; jump instruction; control transfer instruction; transfer instruction
sprongpunt branch point
sprongresponsie step response
sprongverval droop
sprongweergave gradient reproduction
spuit spray; sprayer; syringe
spuitapparaat spray device
spuitbaarheid suitability for spraying
spuitbek spray nozzle
spuitbus spray
spuitcabine spray booth
spuitcompartiment spray compartment
spuitdoorn extrusion mandrel
spuiten to spray; to spray paint; to paint-spray; to squirt; to spray wash; to spray clean; to jet clean
spuitfles spray bottle
spuitgieten to die cast; die casting; transfer moulding; injection moulding
spuitgieten met schroefplasticering injection moulding with screw plastication
spuitgieten zonder aanspuiting runnerless injection moulding
spuitgietmachine die-casting machine; injection-moulding machine
spuitgietmassa die-casting mass; die-casting compound; injection-moulding compound; transfer-moulding compound
spuitgietmatrijs diecasting matrix; diecasting mould; transfer mould; injection mould; high-pressure diecasting mould
spuitgietmessing die-casting brass
spuitgietpers die-casting machine; injection-moulding machine
spuitgietplunjer injection plunger
spuitgietproduct die casting; injection moulding
spuitgietstuk die casting; injection moulding
spuitgietzink die-casting zinc
spuitinrichting spray installation
spuitkanaal die channel
spuitkop extrusion head
spuitmachine spraying machine; extruder
spuitmal spraying jig
spuitmasker spray mask
spuitmassa die-casting mass; die-casting compound; injection-moulding compound; transfer-moulding compound
spuitmatrijs die-casting matrix; die-casting mould; injection mould; transfer mould
spuitmiddel spray; spraying agent
spuitmond nozzle
spuitmondstuk spray nozzle
spuitneus nozzle
spuitontvetten spray degreasing
spuitontvettingsinstallatie spray-cleaning equipment; spray washer; spray-washing machine
spuitopening nozzle opening
spuitpen extruding punch
spuitpers transfer-moulding press
spuitpersen to transfer-mould; transfer moulding
spuitpersmatrijs transfer mould
spuitpistool spray gun
spuitplamuur spray filler
spuitpot extruding die
spuitslang hose; spray hose
spuitspoelbad spray rinse; spray will
spuitstuk nozzle
spuitverf spraying paint
spuitvloeistof spraying liquid
sputteren to sputter; to spatter; cathode sputtering
sputterweerstand sputtering resistor
sQ-systeem sQ system
S-signaal S-signal
sS-systeem sS system
staaf bar; rod; pin; stick; round bar
staafanode bar anode
staafantenne rod antenna; rod aerial; ferroceptor
staafbatterij flashlight battery; torch battery, tubular cell
staafdiagram bar chart; line chart
staafgevoeligheid ferroceptor sensitivity; ferrite-aerial sensitivity; rod-aerial sensitivity
staafijzer bar iron; iron bars; rod iron
staafje rod; pin; stick
staafjes zien scotopic vision; noctovision
staafmagneet bar magnet; magnetic bar; rod magnet
staafmateriaal bar stock
staal steel; sample
staalachtig steely; steel-like
staalband steel band; steel strip
staalbandklem seal
staalbewerker steel worker
staalblauw steel-blue
staalborstel steel brush; wire brush
staalconstructie steel structure
staaldraad steel wire; wire rope
staaldraadborstel wire wheel brush
staaldraadkabel wire cable; wire rope
staaldraad omdoen to strap
staalkabel steel cable; wire rope
staallegering steel alloy
staalplaat sheet steel; steel sheet; steel plate
staalplaatanode sheet-steel anode
staalprofiel steel section
staalsoort kind of steel
staalstralen shot blasting; steel grit blasting; shot peening
staalstrip steel strip
staalwol steel wool
staan to stand
staand standing; upright
staand bad still bath; still tank
staande braam vertical flash; vertical burr
staande golf standing wave
staande-golfverhouding standing-wave ratio: SWR
staande-golfverhoudingsmeter standing-wave ratio meter
staande start standing start
staart tail; lower bend; bottom bend; anode bend; trailing end
staartaandrijving tail drive
staartlabel trailer label
staartrecord trailer record
staartstroom tail current
staat state; condition; status; list; schedule; record
stabiel stable; steady
stabiele eenheid stable device
stabiel element stable element
stabiele toestand stable state
stabilisatie stabilization; regulation
stabilisatieschakeling stabilizing circuit; stabilizer circuit; regulating circuit
stabilisatiespanning stabilizing voltage; regulating voltage
stabilisatietijd van de pose pose stabilization time
stabilisatieweerstand ballast resistor
stabilisator stabilizer
stabiliseren to stabilize; to regulate
stabiliteit stability; steadiness
stabiliteitsbeoordeling stability evaluation
stabiliteitsfactor stability factor
staccato staccato
stadium stage; state
stadsgas town gas; city gas
stadsnetwerk metropolitan area network: MAN
stadswater tap water; city water; mains water
staf staff
stafafdeling staff department
staffel token
staffunctionaris staff executive
staforganisatie staff organization
stagnatie stagnation; hold-up; obstruction
stagneren to stagnate
staken to cease; to stop; to strike
stalen hangconstructie suspended steel structure
stambestand master file
stam-etswerk artwork master
stamgegevens master data
stamkaart master card
stamleiding trunkline
stamoplossing standard solution
stampafval scrap from stampings
stampbraam stamping burr; blanking burr
stampen to pitch; to stamp; to pierce; to punch; to blank; to crush; to pulverize; to reduce to powder
stampende beweging pitch
stamper pestle
stamperij stamping shop
stampgereedschap stamping tool; piercing tool; blanking tool
stampproduct stamping; blank
stamprichting direction of stamping; direction of piercing; direction of blanking
stamrecord master record
stand position; status; stand; booth; level height
standaard standard; stand; support
standaardafmeting standard dimension
standaardafwijking standard deviation
standaardartikel stock item
standaardasmethode standard-shaft practice
standaardbadoplossing standard-bath solution
standaardband standard tape
standaardcel standard cell
standaardcel ontwerptechniek standard cell design technique
standaardcommunicatieplan voor de luchtpatrouilles aircraft communication standard plan
standaard condensator standard capacitor
standaard cyclus standard cycle
standaard deviatie standard deviation
standaard formaat standard size
standaard fout standard error
standaard frequentie standard frequency
standaard-gatmethode standard-hole practice
standaard gedragscode code of ethics standard
standaard gegevensformaat standard data format
standaard indeling standard layout
standaard inkoopprijs standard purchase price
standaard interface voor de gegevenstoegang standard data access interface: SDAI
standaardisatie standardization
standaardiseren to standardize
standaard kaliber reference gauge
standaard-kanalenkiezer standard channel selector
standaard-kleurenpatroon standard colour pattern
standaard kosten standard costs
standaard lichtbron standard source; luminator for colorimetry
standaard lopende passing normal running fit
standaard maat standard gauge; standard measure; standard size
standaard methode method standard
standaard microfoon standard microphone
standaard monster standard sample; reference sample
standaard ontwerp standard design
standaard pakket standard package
standaard-PAL standard-PAL
standaard plaat standard record; standard disc
standaard prijs standard price
standaard product standard product; off-the-shelf product; stock product
standaardproduct met varianten standard product with variants
standaard schakeling standard circuit
standaard seriegrootte standard batch quantity: SBQ
standaard-seriegroottebesturing standard batch control
standaard snelheid standard speed
standaard systeemactie standard system action
standaard tijd standard time
standaard tolerantie standard tolerance
standaard toonhoogte standard pitch
standaard transmissie-interface standard transmission interface
standaard type standard type
standaard uitrusting standard equipment
standaard uren standard hours
standaard vergelijkingsapparaat standard comparison apparatus
standaard verpakkingseenheid standard packing unit
standaard voorschrift standard specification
standaard voorstelling standard form
standaard waarnemer standard observer
standaard wit standard white
standalone stand alone
standby standby
standby redundantie standby redundancy
standby van ontvangststation listening silence
stander support; stand
standolie stand oil; bodied oil
standpunt point of view; standpoint
standtijd tool life; life; standing time
stang rod; bar
stangafdrukeenheid bar printer
stangenstelsel linkage
stangenveelhoek polygon linkage
stangoverbrenging linkage
stank smell; bad smell
stankafsluiter stench-trap
stankloos inodorous; odourless
stank voor dank to get small thanks for one's pains
stannaat stannate
stannaatbad stannate bath; stannate solution
stanniet stannite
stannigehalte stanni content
stanniool tin foil
stannogehalte stanno content
stans die
stansdegel platen
stansen to die cut; to cut; to punch; to blank; gangpunching
stansmachine die cutter; cutting machine; punching machine; blanking machine; gang punch
stansmes dinking die; dinking punch
stansmodel punch pattern
stanspers punch press
stansproduct stamping; die-cutting; blank
stap step
stapel stack; pile; heap
stapelaanwijzer stack, pointer
stapelbaar stackable
stapelbak stackable container
stapelbord pallet
stapeldiagram compound bar chart
stapelen to stack; to pile
stapelfout stacking fault
stapelgeheugen push-down store; stack; nesting store; cellar; running accumulator
stapelhoogte stacking height
stapeling stacking; piling
stapelmal stacking jig; piling jig
stapelpijp stacking trough; piling trough
stapelplaat stacking plate; piling plate
stapelplank stacking board; piling board
stapelproef stacking test; piling test
stapelrooster stacking grid
stapelschakelaar disc built-up switch
stapelsteker adapter
stapelwachttijd stacking waiting time
stappencircuit step circuit
stappenmotor stepping motor
stappenrelais stepping relay
stappenverzwakker step attenuator
stapsgewijs stepwise; in steps; in stages; successively
stapsgewijze bewerking single-step operation; step-by-step operation
stapsgewijze verfijning stepwise refinement
stap-voor-stap-verwerking single-step operation; step-by-step operation; single-shot operation; one-shot operation
star rigid
starheid rigidity
starre ordergrootte fixed order size
start start
starten to start; to trigger; to initiate
starter starter
starterslot starter lock
startknop start button
startkoppel starting torque
startmotor starter; starting motor
startpen starting pin
startstrip starting strip
starttijd starting time
starttoets start key; start button
statampère statampere
statcoulomb statcoulomb
statement statement
state-of-the-art state of the art
statfarad statfarad
stathenry stathenry
statica statics
statief stand; support; tripod
station station
stationair stationary
station dat een constante bewaking verzorgt constant-watch station
stationsnamenschaal sial; station scale
statisch static
statisch analysegereedschap static analyzer
statisch breekpunt static breakpoint
statische analyse static analysis
statische belasting static load
statische binding static binding
statische collector static collector
statische compliantie static compliance
statische convergentie static convergence
statische druk static pressure
statische dump static dump
statische eenheid static device
statische eigenschap static characteristic
statische elektriciteit static electricity; static
statische fout static error
statische klasse static class
statische lading static charge
statische methode static method
statische ontlading static discharge
statische ontladingsweerstand static discharge resistor
statische oplading static buildup; static charging
statische tijdverificatie static timing verification
statische voltmeter static voltmeter
statiseerder staticiser
statisticus statistician
statistiek statistics
statistisch statistical
statistische controle statistical check
statistische grootheid statistic
statistische kwaliteitsbeheersing statistical quality control
statistische kwaliteitscontrole statistical quality control
statistische patroonherkenning statistical pattern recognition
statistische voorspelling statistical forecasting
statistisch testen statistical testing
statmho statmho
statoersted statoersted
statohm statohm
stator stator
statorblik stator lamination
statorkern stator core
statorpakket stator packet
statorplaat stator plate; stator vane
statorspoel stator coil
statorstrip stator strip; biscuit
status state; status
statuscode status code
statusconsistentie state consistency
statusindicator van een document status indicator of a document
statusintegriteit state integrity
status-modificatieverzoek state modifying request
statusrapport status report
status van de leveringsopdracht supply order status
statvolt statvolt
statweber statweber
stearaat stearate
stearine stearin
stearinezuur stearic acid
steatiet steatite
steek pitch; grid spacing; grid pitch; stitch
steekbeitel firmer chisel; gouge; cutter; cutting tool
steekbreedte pitch width
steekcirkel pitch circle
steekcontact plug contact
steekhoogte pitch height
steekleiding feeder line
steeklengte pitch length
steekpasser dividers
steekproef random sample; test sample; random test; experimental sounding; sample
steekproefamplitude sample range
steekproefexemplaar sample unit
steekproefgemiddelde sample average
steekproefgetal sample number
steekproefgrootte sample size
steekproefkeuring sampling inspection
steekproefmediaan sample median
steekproef met teruglegging sampling with replacement
steekproef nemen to sample
steekproefneming sampling
steekproefomvang amount of inspection; sample size
steekproefonderzoek sampling enquiry; sampling investigation
steekproefparameter sample statistic
steekproefplan sample plan
steekproefruimte sample space
steekproefschema sampling plan; sampling inspection plan
steekproefsgewijs at random
steekproefsysteem sampling
steekproeftabel sampling table
steekproefvariantie sample variance
steekproefverdeling sampling distribution
steekproefvoorschrift sampling instructions
steekproef zonder teruglegging sampling without replacement
steeksleutel open-ended spanner
steek van een wikkeling pitch of winding
steekveer spring washer
steekverbinding plug-and-socket connection
steekvlam shooting flame; tongue of fire
steel handle; shank; neck
steelhechter handle holder
steelstofzuiger upright vacuum cleaner
steelvijl needle file
steen stone; brick; wheel; die
steenachtig stony
steendruk lithography; lithographic printing
steenkool coal; pit coal
steil steep; erect; upright; very straight
steile flank steep side
steilheid steepness; slope; mutual conductance; variable-u; mu; remote cut-off
steilheidsmeter mutual-conductance tester
steker plug
stekerbus jack; socket; socket; hub; pin-bushing
stekerbusafdekplaat socket mask
stekerbusbeugel socket bracket
stekerdeksel plug cover
stekerdoos wall socket; socket outlet; wall receptacle; tap
stekerhuis plug housing
stekerpaneel plug strip
stekerpen plug pin
stekerpenplaat plug-pin plate
stekerschuif plug slide
stekervoet plug base
stekker plug
stel set; deck; pack
stelbeugel adjusting bracket
stelblok adjusting block
stelbout set screw
stel- en spangereedschap setting and clamping tools
stellage scaffold; stage; rack; stand
stellen to place; to erect; to set; to adjust; to assume; to determine; to pose
steller setter
stelling theorem; scaffold; stage; rack; stand
stelmoer adjusting nut
stelpen dowel pin
stelring adjusting ring; collar
stelschroef adjusting screw; set screw; grub screw
stelsel system; scheme; numeration; set
stelsel met variabele recordlengte variable-length record system
stelsel met vaste recordlengte fixed-length record system
stelspie adjusting wedge
steltijd setting time
stem voice
stemmen to tune
stemming mood; tuning
stempel die; press tool; punch and die; punch, stamp; mark
stempelconstructie die construction
stempelen to stamp; to mark
stempelhouder punch holder; punch plate
stempelhuis die set
stempelhuis bovenplaat die-set top plate
stempelhuis onderplaat die-set bottom plate
stempeling stamping; marking; mark
stempelinkt stamping ink; stamp-pad ink
stempelkussen stamping pad; stamp-pad
stempelmaker die maker
stempel met leidingpen pillar-guided tool
stempelpasta marking paste
stempelplaat punch holder; punch plate
stempelraam screen frame
stempelstaal tool steel; punch steel
stempelverf marking paint
stempelvernis marking lacquer; marking varnish
stempelzuur marking acid
stemvork tuning fork
stemvork-FET tuned-gate FET
stemvorkgenerator tuning-fork oscillator
stencil stencil
stenen pot stone jar
stengel stem
ster star
steradiaal steradian
stercodering star rating
sterdriehoekschakelaar star-delta switch; star-delta connection
stereo stereo; stereophonic
stereoachtcassette stereo-eight cartridge
stereoadapter stereo decoder
stereoapparaat stereo apparatus
stereoapparatuur stereo equipment
stereobalans stereo balance
stereobanddek stereo tape deck
stereobandopnemer stereo tape recorder
stereocassette stereo cassette
stereocassetterecorder stereo cassette recorder
stereochemie stereochemistry
stereoconsole stereo console
stereodecoder stereo decoder
stereoeffect stereo effect; stereophonic effect
stereoexpanderknop stereo expander button
stereofiel stereophile
stereofonie stereophony
stereofonisch stereophonic; stereo
stereofonische microfoon stereophonic microphone
stereofonische opname stereophonic recording
stereofonische weergave stereophonic playback
stereogeluid stereo sound
stereografie stereography
stereografisch stereographic
stereogram stereogram
stereogrammofoon stereo gramophone
stereohoofdtelefoon stereo headphone
stereohulpsignaal stereo signal; steering signal; S-signal
stereolithografie stereo-lithography: SL
stereometrie stereometry
stereomultiplexgenerator stereo multiplex generator
stereo-ontvanger stereo receiver
stereo-ontvangst stereo reception; stereophonic reception
stereo op band stereo on tape
stereo op plaat stereo on disc
stereopentaplug stereo five-pin plug
stereophoob stereophobic
stereoplaat stereo disc
stereoplatenspeler stereo record player
stereoscheiding stereo reparation
stereoscoop stereoscope
stereosignaal stereo signal; S-signal
stereotapedek stereo tape deck
stereotiep stereotype; literal; figurative constant; stereotyped; standard; stock
stereotuner stereo tuner
stereotyperen to stereotype
stereotypie stereotypy; stereotype printing
stereouitzending stereo broadcast
stereoversterker stereo amplifier
stereovoorversterker stereo preamplifier
stereowisselaar stereo record changer
stergewikeld Y-wound
stergreep star-grip handle
steriel sterile
sterische hindernis steric hindrance
sterk strong
sterke-armschaafbank shaping machine; shaper
sterke gegevenstypering strong typing
sterk gebonden consistentie tight consistency
sterk geprofileerd gedeelte deeply recessed part; irregularly shaped part
sterk getypeerde taal strongly typed language
sterk magnetische materialen hard magnetic material
sterk signaal strong signal; large signal
sterkstroom heavy current; high-tension current
sterkte strength; resistance; intensity; volume; loudness; power
sterkteregeling gain control; volume control
sterk vergroot strongly magnified; greatly magnified
stermoer star nut
sternetwerk star network
sterpunt neutral point
sterschakeling star connection
stervormig star-shaped; radially arranged
stervormige aanspuiting spider-like sprue
sterwiel star wheel
stethoscoop stethoscope
stethoscoopkoptelefoon stethoscope headphones
steun support; arm rest; foot rest; assistance; stay; heel rest; tone-arm rest
steunbalk supporting beam; brace; strut
steunband reinforcement band
steunbeugel supporting bracket; support
steunblok supporting block
steunbout stay bolt
steunen to support; to assist; to back; to promote; to rest on
steunkolom support pillar
steunlat reinforcement strip
steunmal supporting jig
steunpen supporting pin
steunplaat support plate; supporting plate; backing plate; back-p plate
steunpunt point of support; supporting point
steunrib supporting rib
steunsoftware scaffolding
steunstrip supporting strip
steunvlak supporting surface; bearing face
steunzender relay transmitter; radio relay
stevig strong; solid; robust; sturdy; firm; tight; secure
stift pin; needle; pivot; stylus
stiftlassen stud welding
stiftsleutel pin wrench; socket wrench
stifttap grub screw
stiftvijl pillar file
stijf rigid; stiff
stijfheid rigidity; stiffness
stijfheidsmatrix stiffness matrix
stijfheidsproef rigidity test; stiffness test; compliance test
stijfsel starch
stijfseloplossing starch solution
stijfte rigidity; stiffness
stijgen to rise; to ascend; to go up; to increase
stijgend rising; ascending; increasing
stijging rise; ascent; increase
stijgingshoek lead
stijgtijd rise time
stijgtijd van een puls pulse rise time
stijve koppeling rigid coupling; stiff connection
stikken to suffocate; to stitch
stiknaad stitched seam
stiknaald stitching needle
stiksel stitching
stikstof nitrogen
stikstofhoudend nitrogenous
stil still; motionless; silent; quiet
stileren to stylize
stille afstemming squelch tuning; quiet tuning
stilleggen to hold up; to close down; to shut down
stillegging stoppage; shutting down; suspension
stille gordel silent zone; skip distance
stille groef silence groove
stille inschakeling mute start
stilliggen to lie still; to be at standstill; to be idle
stilstaan to be stationary; to stand still; to be at a standstill; to be idle
stilstaand beeld still picture; still frame
stilstand dwell; stagnation; stagnancy; standstill; stoppage; idleness
stilstandtijd unused time
stilte silence
stiltekegel cone of silence
stiltezone zone of silence
stilzetten to stop
stilzetting stoppage
stimulans stimulans
stimulatie stimulation
stimuleren to stimulate
stimulus stimulus
stip dot; point; speck; spot
stippelen to dot
stippellijn dotted line
stippenscherm phosphor-dot screen
stipraster dot pattern
stiprastergenerator dot-pattern generator
stipstreeplijn dash-and-dot line; chain dotted line
stipt punctual; strict
stiptheid punctuality; promptness; strictness
stipulatie stipulation
stipuleren to stipulate
stirlingmotor stirling engine
stochastiek stochastics
stochastisch stochastic; aleatory
stochastische behoeftebepaling stochastic requirements calculation
stochastische database probabilistic database
stochastische grootheid stochastic quantity; aleatory quantity
stochastische variabele stochastic variable; aleatory variable
stochastisch model stochastic model
stochastisch proces stochastic process
stock-out stock-out
stoel chair; bracket; cradle
stoep porch
stof matter; substance; material; cloth; subject; subject-matter; dust
stofafdichting dust seal
stofafscherming dust protection
stofafzuiging dust extraction; dust collection
stofbestrijding dust control; dust prevention
stofbril goggles; eye preservers
stofbus dust bush
stofdeeltje particle of matter; dust particle
stofdeksel dust cover
stofdicht dust-proof; dust-tight
stofdoek duster
stofdroog dust dry
stoffelijk material
stoffen to dust
stofferen to upholster; to furnish
stoffering upholstery; furnishing; fitting
stoffig dusty
stoffilter dust filter
stofgehalte dust content; percentage of dust
stofhoes dust cover
stofjas overall
stofkamer dust chamber
stofkap dust cap
stofketel dust tank; canister
stofmasker dust mask; breathing mask
stofophoping dust accumulation
stofopneming dust removal
stofplaatje dust plate
stofproef dust test
stofvorming dust formation
stofvrij dust-free; free from dust; dust-proof; dustless
stofvrije ruimte dust-free room
stofwerend dust-preventing
stofzak dust bag; dirt bag
stofzuiger vacuum cleaner
stokpasser trammels
stollen to solidify
stolling solidification
stollingstraject solidification range
stollingswarmte heat of solidification
stolp glass cover; bell-jar; bell
stolpunt solidifying point
stolselvermindering restricted gating
stomen to steam
stommel rumble
stomp blunt; obtuse; butt
stompe lasnaad butt weld
stompe punt flat point
stomplassen butt welding
stookgas heating gas
stookmengsel baking mixture
stookolie fuel oil
stoom steam
stoomafsluiter stop valve
stoombad steam bath
stoombuis steam pipe
stoomcursus intensive course
stoomdestillatie steam distillation
stoomdicht steam-tight
stoomdruk steam pressure
stoomhamer steam hammer; power-hammer
stoomketel steam boiler
stoomkracht steam power
stoomleiding steam line; steam pipes
stoomoxidatie steam oxidation
stoomregelaar steam control; steam controller
stoomspiraal steam coil; steam heating coil
stoomstralen pressure steam cleaning
stoomstrijkijzer steam iron
stoomtoevoer supply of steam
stoomverwarming steam heating; heating by steam
stoorafstand signal/noise ratio
stooreffect interference effect
stoorfactor interference factor
stoorfilter noise filter
stoorfrequentie interfering frequency; spurious frequency
stoorgevoelig susceptible to interference; sensitive to interference; susceptible to trouble
stoorgevoeligheid susceptibility to interference; sensitivity to interference; susceptibility to trouble
stoorimpuls noise pulse; interference pulse
stoorimpulsonderdrukking interference-pulse suppression; quieting
stoorkanaal interfering channel
stoorkastje interference box
stoornis disturbance; interference
stoorniveau noise level; interference level
stoorongevoelig insusceptible to interference; insusceptible to trouble
stoorongevoeligheid insusceptibility to interference; noise immunity; insusceptibility to trouble
stoorpatroon interference pattern
stoorsignaal noise signal; interference signal
stoorsignaalcompensatie shading compensation
stoorspanning noise voltage; interference voltage; disturbing voltage
stoorstraling interfering radiation
stoorveld interference filed
stoorvrij interference-free; noise-free; undisturbed
stoorzender jamming station
stoot impact; shock; surge; pulse; push; jerk; jolt
stootbelasting impact load; shock load
stootblok stop; buffer block; setting block; stop block
stootkracht impact force
stootkussen buffer
stootopwekking impulse excitation
stootplaat buffer plate
stootrand buffer edge; stop shoulder; crash pad
stootsgewijs intermittent; pulsating; jerkily; by jerks and jolts; impulsive; in batches
stootsgewijze transmissie burst transmission
stootsgewijze verzending burst mode
stootspanning pulse voltage; surge voltage; transient voltage; impact stress
stootvast impact-resistant; shock-resistant
stootvastheid impact resistance; shock resistance
stop stop; stopper; plug; buffer
stopband stopband
stopbus stuffing box
stopcontact socket; plug socket; wall socket; socket outlet
stopfles stopper bottle
stoplicht stop-light
stoplijst adjusting strip
stoplus loop stop
stopmassa filling compound
stopmes putty knife
stopopdracht hold order
stoporder fill-in order; stop order
stoppasta filling paste
stoppen to stop; to halt
stopper parasitic suppressor
stopstand stop position
stopstrip stop strip
stoptijd stop time
stoptoestand stop
stoptoets stop key; stop button
stopverf putty
stopwas filling wax; bee glue
stopzetten to stop; to bring to a standstill; to cease; to close down; to shut down; to switch off
stopzetting stoppage; closing down; shutting down; close-own; shut-down; cessation; switching off
storen to disturb; to interfere
storend geluid noise; disturbing sound
storing jamming; outage; disturbance; interference; interruption; hindrance; failure; breakdown; trouble; fault; malfunction; defect; downtime
storingsarm antiparasitic; low noise; anti-interference
storingsarme microfoon anti-noise microphone; noise-cancelling microphone
storingsarme overdrager low-noise converter
storingsarme versterker low-noise amplifier
storingsbegrenzer noise limiter; interference limiter
storingsbegrenzing noise limitation
storingsbeschermend fail-soft
storingsbestendig fail-safe
storingsbron noise source; interference source
storingsfilter noise filter
storingsfrequentie failure rate
storingsgevoelig susceptible to interference; sensitive to interference
storingsmonteur failure mode mechanic; fault mode mechanic
storingsniveau noise level
storingsonderdrukker noise inverter
storingsonderdrukking interference suppression; noise inversion; interference absorption
storingsonderdrukkingsfilter interference-suppression filter; noise inverter
storingsongevoelig insusceptible to interference; insusceptible to trouble
storingsongevoeligheid noise immunity
storingsregeling failure control
storingstijd down time
storingstoestand failure mode
storingsveilig fail safe
storingsverslag failure report
storingsvrij interference-free; noise-free; undisturbed; trouble-free
storingsvrije werking trouble-free operation
storingsvrijheid noise immunity
storingzoeken faultfinding
storingzoeker faultfinder
storm gale; storm
stort blackplate; tinned sheet-iron
stortbak shoot; chute
stortbui shower; downpour
storten to dump; to shoot
stortgat shooting hole
stortgoederen bulk goods
stortgoot shoot; chute
stortplaats dump,; dumping place; dumping site
stortregen torrential rain
storttrechter hopper
stortvloed rush; inrush; flood; deluge; avalanche
stoten to push; to strike; to bump
stoten tegen to push against
stoter ram; slide; tappet; knock-out; ejector
stoterbus tappet
stotergeleiding ram guiding
stoterspeling ram clearance
stoterstang plunger rod
straal radius; ray; beam; flash; jet; squirt; stream
straalaandrijving jet propulsion
straalafbuiger beam deflector
straalafbuiging beam deflection
straalafbuigingsbuis beam-deflection tube
straalaftasting beam scanning
straalantenne beam antenna; beam aerial
straalblokkeerschakeling gun disabling circuit
straalbrekend refractive
straalbreking refraction
straalconcentratiebuis beam power tube
straaldeler stream interaction amplifier; beam deflector amplifier; flow divider
straaldraad beam lead
straaldraadisolatie beam-lead isolation
straalelement heating element; heating coil
straalgeheugen beam store
straalhoek beam angle; radian
straalkachel radiant heater; reflector heater
straalmodulatie beam modulation
straalmodulator beam modulator
straalmotor jet engine
straalonderdrukking beam suppression
straalpijp nozzle
straalsgewijs radial; radially arranged
straalsplitser beam splitter
straalstroom beam current
straalstroombegrenzer beam-current limiter
straalstroominstelling beam-current adjustment
straalvector radius vector
straalventilatorkachel radiant fan heater
straalverbinding radio link; microwave radio link; radio-beam link
straalvormig radiated
straalwarmte radiant heat
straalwerking jet action
straalzender radio-beam transmitter; radio relay
straf penalty; severe; strict; stringent
strak clean-cut; smooth; straight; stark; tight; taut
strakheid smoothness
strak oppervlak smoothed surface
strak spannen to pull taut; to tauten; to tighten
stralen to radiate; to blast
stralenbundel beam
stralenbundelgeheugen beam store
stralend oppervlak radiating surface
stralenvanger beam trap
straling radiation
stralingsbron radiation source
stralingscentrum center of radiation
stralingsdiagram radiation pattern; directivity pattern
stralingsdichtheid radiance; radiation density
stralingselement radiating element; radiant element
stralingsenergie radiation energy; radiant energy
stralingsgevoeligheid radiant sensitivity
stralingsgordels van Van Allen Van Allen radiation belts
stralingsimpedantie radiation impedance
stralingsintensiteit radiant intensity
stralingskarakteristiek radiation pattern; directivity pattern
stralingslamp radiation lamp
stralingsmeter radiation meter; bolometer
stralingsmeting radiation measurement
stralingsoppervlak radiating surface
stralingsstroom radiant flux
stralingsveld radiation field
stralingsverliezen radiation losses
stralingsvrij radiation-free
stralingswarmte radiant heat
stralingsweerstand radiation resistance
stramien net; netting; canvas
strategie strategy
strategielaag strategic layer
strategisch strategic; strategical
strategische goederen strategic goods
strategische informatie strategic information
strategische planning strategic planning
strategische voorraad strategic inventory; strategic stock
strategisch model strategic model
strategisch plan strategic plan
stratificatie stratification
stratosfeer stratosphere
streefcijfer target figure
streefdatum target date
streek region; area; district; stroke
streelwiel fingertip wheel; fingertip control; thumb wheel
streep stripe; line; streak; smear; strip; mark; hyphen; fractional bar; oblique stroke
streep en punt dash and dot
streepfineer striped veneer
streepjescode bar code
streepjescodedichtheid bar code density
streepjescodering bar coding
streepjescodesymbool bar code symbol
streepjescodeteken bar code character
streeplijn broken line; dashed line; chain line
streepnummer version number
streeppatroon bar pattern
streepraster cross-hatch pattern
streeprastergenerator cross-hatch generator
streep-stiplijn chain dotted line; dash-and-dot line
streep-stippellijn chain dotted line; dash-and-dot line
streepverlenging streaking
strekbank stretcher-leveller
strekgrens elastic limit
strekken to stretch; to elongate; to straighten; to stretch-form; to level; to unwind
strekkende meter running meter
strekking sense; meaning; signification; tenor; object; aim; purpose; scope; character
streklas butt welding
strekmachine leveller; levelling machine
strekmetaal expanded metal
strekpers stretcher
stremmen to curdle; to coagulate; to solidify; to block; to stop; to obstruct
stremming curdling; coagulation; solidification; blocking; stoppage; obstruction
streng severe; strict; stringent; austere. skein; strand
strepen to stripe; to streak; to become smeary
streperig streaky
strijkdikte brushing thickness
strijkdroog iron-dry
strijken to iron; to brush
strijken langs to brush; to graze; to pass over
strijkers strings
strijkijzer iron; flat iron
strijkijzerhandgreep flat-iron grip
strijkinstrument stringed instrument
strijklaag coating
strijklicht floodlight
strijkmachine ironing machine
strijkmes doctor knife
strijkoppervlak ironing surface
strijktemperatuur ironing temperature
strijkverf brushing paint
strijkwarmte ironing heat
strike-bad strike; flash; strike solution; flash solution
string string
strip strip
striplijn strip line
strippen to strip; to strip off
stripsnelheid stripping rate
striptang stripper; stripping pliers; wire stripper
stripversterker strip amplifier
stro straw
stroboscoop stroboscope
stroboscopisch stroboscopic
stroef stiff; non-slipping; rigid
strokarton strawboard
strokensnijden slitting
strokensnijder slitter
stromen to flow; to stream
stromende lucht circulating air
stromend water running water
stroming flow; current; tendency; trend
stromingsdiagram flow chart
stromingsmechanica fluid mechanics; fluidics
stromingspad flow path
stromingsrichting direction of flow
stromingssnelheid flow rate
stromingsversterker fluid amplifier
strontium strontium
strooibits drop-in
strooicapaciteit stray capacitance
strooien to spread; to scatter
strooi-inductantie stray inductance
strooiing spread; dispersion; scatter; leakage
strooiveld stray filed; leakage field
strook strip; band
strookaanvoer strip feed
strookbreedte strip width
strookdiagram bar chart; histogram
strookgeleider strip guide
strookgeleiderpen strip-guide pin
strookinvoer strip feed
strookleiding strip guide
strooklichter strip lifter
strookmateriaal strip stock; strip material
stroom current; flow
stroomafgifte current output
stroomafname current consumption; decrease in current; collection of current
stroomafnemer collector
stroomafwaartse bewerking downstream operation
stroomanalyse flow analysis
stroombaan circuit
stroombereik current rating; current range
stroombesparing saving in current
stroombesturing flow control
stroombesturingssysteem flow control system
stroombreker circuit breaker
stroombron current source; power source; source of current
stroombuik current loop
stroomcoïncidentiekeuze coincident-current selection
stroomdiagram flow diagram
stroomdichtheid current density
stroomdief false cathode
stroomdoorgang current flow; current passage
stroomdoorgangscontrole current-continuity check
stroomdraad current-supply wire; contact wire
stroomdrager current carrier
stroomgebruik current consumption; current drain
stroomgeleider conductor
stroom-georiënteerde fabriek flowshop
stroomgestuurde logische schakeling current-mode logic gate
stroomgevoeligheid current sensitivity; response to current
stroomgevoeligheid in het vrije veld free-field current sensitivity
stroomimpuls current pulse
stroominductie current induction
stroomketen circuit; electric circuit
stroomkosten power cost; cost of current
stroomkring circuit; electric circuit
stroomkringschema circuit diagram
stroomlevering current supply; provision of current
stroomlijnen to streamline
stroomloop current flow
stroomloos dead; currentless; without current
stroomloos proces process without current; electroless plating
stroomloos schakelen to incorporate in a DC blocking circuit; to incorporate in an AC blocking circuit
stroomloos vergulden electroless gold plating
stroomloos vernikkelen electroless nickel plating
stroommaximum maximum current
stroommeter ammeter; current meter; flow meter
stroommeting current measurement; flow measurement
stroomminimum minimum current
stroomnetwerk flow network
stroomomkeerder commutator
stroomonderbreker circuit breaker
stroomonderbreking current interruption; interruption of current
stroomopdracht flow order
stroomovernamekarakteristiek transfer characteristic
stroomregelaar current regulator
stroomrendement current efficiency
stroomrichting direction of current flow; flow direction; direction of current
stroomrover false cathode
stroomruis current noise
stroomschema flow diagram; flow chart
stroomschemaprogramma flowcharter
stroomshunt current shunt
stroomsnelheid current velocity; rate of flow; flow rate
stroomsoort flow type; kind of current
stroomspanningsbron signal source
stroomsterkte current; current strength; current intensity; amperage
stroomstoot current surge; current rush; surge current
stroomstoring power breakdown; power outage
stroomterugkoppeling current feedback
stroomtoevoer current supply
stroomtransformator current transformer
stroomtrekken to draw current
stroomuitval power breakdown; power outage
stroomvanger false cathode
stroomvariatie current change; current variation
stroomveiligheid current fuse
stroomveld current field
stroomverbruik current consumption; current drain
stroomverdeler distributor
stroomverdeling current distribution
stroomverlies current loss
stroomversterking current amplification; current gain
stroomversterkingsfactor current transfer ratio; current-amplification factor
stroomverzadiging current saturation
stroomverzwakking current attenuation
stroomvloei current flow
stroomvoeding current feed
stroomvoeren to carry a current
stroomvoerend current carrying; live
stroomvoerende delen current-carrying parts; live parts
stroomvoorziening current supply; power supply
stroomvorm form of current
stroomwaarde current value
stroomweg current path
stroomwisselaar commutator
strop strap; sling; bad bargain
stropapier strawpaper
stroperig syrupy
stroperigheid viscosity
stroplaat strawboard
structureel structural
structureel model structural model
structureel testen structural testing
structurele dekking structural coverage
structuur structure; texture; logic
structuurconflict structure clash
structuurdeel structure member
structuurkaart structure chart
structuurreeks array of structures
structuur van Kripke Kripke structure
structuur van reeksen structure of arrays
ST-systeem ST system
stub stub
studie study
studiegroep study group
studiereis study tour
studio studio
studiocamera studio camera
studiokwaliteit studio quality
studio-opname studio recording
studio-opnemer studio recorder
studiotechniek studio technique
studio-uitrusting studio equipment
stug stiff; rigid
stugheid stiffness; rigidity
stuikdruk upsetting pressure
stuiken to upset; to stake
stuikhoogte upsetting height
stuikkracht upsetting force
stuiklas butt weld
stuikmachine upsetting machine
stuikstempel heading tool; upsetting die
stuikverbinding butt joint
stuit stop
stuiten to stop; to arrest; to strike; to bound; to bounce
stuiven to dust
stuk piece; part; section; length; document; paper; defective; out of order
stukarbeider piece-worker
stukdraaikoppel destructive torque
stukfabricage job production; unit production
stukfamilie family of parts
stukfamilieprogrammering family of parts programming
stukgaan to become defective; to go out of order; to break; to go to pieces
stukgoed parcels; mixed parcels; piece goods
stuklijst parts list; bill-of-material; list of parts
stuklijstbestand bill-of-material file
stuklijst met prijsinformatie costed bill-of-material
stuklijst op tekening parts list on drawing
stuklijstprocessor bill-of-material processor
stuklijststructurering bill-of-material structuring
stuklijstverwerkingsprogramma bill-of-material processor
stukloon piece-wages; piece-rates
stukloonsysteem piece-rate system
stuknummer item number
stuk onafgewerkt materiaal blank
stukproductie job production; unit production; job shop production
stuks pieces: pcs
stukspecificatie parts specification
stuksprijs unit price
stuktekening detail drawing; component drawing; part drawing
stuktrekkracht destructive pulling force
stukuur piece-work hour
stukwerk piece-work
stukwerker piece-worker
sturen to drive; to steer; to control; to guide; to direct; to send; to send forward
sturen in het afgeknepen gedeelte to drive into the cut-off region
sturing control; drive
stut prop; support; strut; stay; shore
stutten to shore; to stay; to support; to prop up; to brace
stuur steering wheel
stuurafvoerspanning gate-drain voltage
stuurbuis control tube; control valve
stuurcilinder control electrode; modulator electrode; focusing cup; concentration cup; cathode cup; Wehnelt cylinder
stuurcircuit drive circuit; gate circuit
stuurcommando control command
stuurelektrode control electrode; gate electrode; modulator electrode; gate
stuurelement driver element
stuurfrequentie control frequency; driving frequency
stuurfunctie control function
stuurgegevens control information
stuurgelijkrichter control rectifier
stuurgroep steering committee
stuurimpedantie driver impedance; gate impedance
stuurimpuls trigger; trigger pulse; control pulse
stuurinductantie driver inductance
stuurknuppel joystick
stuurkolom steering column
stuurkring control circuit; gate circuit
stuurkunde cybernetics
stuurlus control loop
stuurontvanger pilot receiver
stuurponsing designation punching; control punching; control hole; function hole; control punch
stuurponsingselector digit selector; digit filter
stuurproces control process
stuurprogramma supervisory program; executive program; executive routine
stuurpuls drive pulse; trigger; trigger pulse; control pulse
stuurregelkring drive control
stuurrooster control grid
stuurroostermodulatie grid modulation
stuurroosterspanning control-grid voltage
stuurschakelaar control switch; master switch; drive circuit; control circuit; driver
stuursignaal control signal; drive signal; gate signal
stuurspanning control voltage; driving voltage
stuurspoor control track
stuurstroom control current; driving current; gate current
stuurstroomketen control-current circuit; driving-current circuit
stuurstroomkring control-current circuit; driving-current circuit
stuurteken control character; functional character
stuurterminal gate terminal
stuurtrafo driver transformer
stuurtransformator driver transformer
stuurtransistor driver transistor
stuurtrap driver; control stage; driver stage
stuurvermogen driving power
stuurweerstand driver resistance
stuurwiel steering wheel
stuurwikkeling control winding; driver winding
stuurzender pilot transmitter
stuwdistributiesysteem push distribution system
stuwen to propel; to thrust; to stem; to stow; to push
stuwing propulsion; thrust; stowage
stuwkracht thrust
stuwsysteem push system
styreen styrene
styreenbutadiëen styrene-butadiene
styroflex styroflex
styroflexcondensator styroflex capacitor
styropor stryropor
subatomaire deeltjes subatomic particles
subblok record
subblokindeling record layout
subblokmarkering record mark
subcommissie sub-committee
suberietring suberite ring
subharmonische subharmonic
subject subject
subjectieve beoordeling subjective evaluation
subjectieve colorimetrie direct colorimetry
subjectieve gewaarwording subjective perception
subjectieve helderheid luminosity; subjective brightness
subjectieve kwaliteit subjective quality
subklasse subclass
sublaag sub-layer
sublijst subarray
sublimeren to sublimate
submicron submicron
submicron-technologie submicron technology
submillimetergolven submillimeter waves
submodulator submodulator
subnormaal sub-normal
sub-optimaal sub-optimal
subpaneel individual board
subprogramma subroutine
subroutine subroutine
subroutine-opdracht subroutine statement
subroutine-oproep subroutine call
subroutinetrace subroutine trace
subsamenstelling sub-assembly
subset subset
substantie substance; matter
substitueren to substitute
substitutie substitution
substitutionele doopstof substitutional impurity
substraat substrate
substraatplak substrate wafer
substraatrooster substrate lattice
substraatvoorbehandeling substrate preparation
subsumptie-architectuur subsumption architecture
subsysteem sub-system
subsysteemspecificatie sub-system specification
subtractief kleurensysteem subtractive colour system
subtractieve kleurmenging subtractive colour mixing
subtractieve methode subtractive transfer method; etched-oil transfer method
subtractieve modulatie downward modulation
subtractieve overneemmethode subtractive transfer method; etched-foil transfer method
subtractieve primaire kleuren subtractive primaries
subtropisch subtropical
subtype sub-type
sudanrood sudan red
sudanviolet sudan violet
sudanzwart sudan black
suffix suffix; subscript
suffixnotatie suffix notation
sulfaat sulphate; sulfate
sulfaatas sulphate ash
sulfaatcelstof sulphate cellulose
sulfamaatbad sulfamate bath; sulfamate solution
sulfer sulphur
sulfide sulphide; sulfide
sulfiet sulphite; sulfite
sulfietcelstof sulphite pulp; sulphite cellulose
sulfiethoutcelstof sulphite wood pulp; sulphite cellulose
sulfietloogpoeder sulphite liquor powder
super super; superheterodyne
superafboekingstechniek superflush
supercomputer supercomputer
superfijnen to superfinish
supergebruiker superuser
supergeleider superconductor
supergeleiding superconductivity
superheterodyne superheterodyne
superheterodyne circuit superheterodyne circuit
superheterodyne ontvanger superheterodyne receiver; superhet
supericonoscoop supericonoscope; image iconoscope
superimpositie superimposition
superklasse superclass
superminicomputer superminicomputer
supermodulatie supermodulation
superorthicon superorthicon; image orthicon
superponeren to superimpose; to superpose
superponerende versterker heterodyne repeater
superpositie superimposition; superposition
supersnel informatiekanaal high speed channel: HSC
supersnelle informatieweg information super highway
supersonisch supersonic
superstuklijst super bill-of-material
supertype supertype
supervisieprogramma executive program; supervisor; supervisory program
superwing superwing
supplement supplement
supplementshoek supplementary angle
support support; tool holder; tool post
surplus surplus; excess
surveillant invigilator; watch dog
suspensie suspension
suspensiepolymerisatie suspension polymerization
S-vervorming S-distortion
S-vormige vertekening S-type distortion
sweep sweep
sweepoperatie sweep operation
sweetware sweetware
switch switch
switchen to switch
sycomore sycamore
symbolenbibliotheek symbol library
symbolenrij symbol string
symbolentabel symbol table
symboliek (in streepjescodering) symbology
symbolisch symbolic
symbolisch adres symbolic address
symbolisch bestand symbolic file
symbolische adressering symbolic addressing
symbolische bewerking symbolic operation
symbolische codering symbolic coding
symbolische computer symbolic computer
symbolische computerverwerkingen symbolic computing
symbolische debugger symbolic debugger
symbolische koppeling symbolic link
symbolische logica symbolic logic
symbolische machinetaal symbolic machine language
symbolische naam symbolic name
symbolische naspeuring symbolic trace
symbolische opdracht symbolic instruction
symbolische parameter symbolic parameter
symbolische programmeertaal symbolic programming language
symbolische taal symbolic language
symbolische uitvoering symbolic execution
symbolische verwerking symbolic processing
symbolisch test-hulpprogramma symbolic debugger
symbool glyph; symbol
symboolsubstitutie symbol substitution
symmetreringstransformator balanced-unbalanced transformer; balun
symmetrie symmetry; balance
symmetrieas axis of symmetry; symmetry axis
symmetriefout error of symmetry
symmetriekraal symmetry bead
symmetrievlak symmetry surface
symmetrisch symmetrical; balanced
symmetrische golf symmetrical wave
symmetrische p-n overgang symmetric p-n junction
symmetrische verdeling symmetrical distribution
synaps synaps
synaptische kloof synaptic gap
synchro synchro; magslip
synchrone aftasting synchronous scanning
synchrone baan synchronous orbit; geostationary orbit
synchrone bewerkingen synchronous operations
synchrone datatransmissie synchronous data transmission
synchrone demodulator synchronous demodulator
synchrone detector synchronous detector
synchrone klok synchronous clock
synchrone logica synchronous logic
synchrone poort synchronous gate
synchrone satelliet synchronous satellite
synchrone transmissie synchronous transmission
synchrone verwerking synchronous working
synchronisatie synchronization
synchronisatiedetector synchronization detector
synchronisatiefout synchronization error; race
synchronisatiegelijkrichter synchronization rectifier
synchronisatie-impuls synchronizing pulse; sync pulse
synchronisatie-informatie synchronization information
synchronisatiekanaal synchronization channel; sync channel
synchronisatiekop synchronization head
synchronisatieniveau synchronizing level; sync level
synchronisatiepiek synchronization peak; sync peak
synchronisatiepuls sync pulse
synchronisatieregenerator synchronizing regenerator
synchronisatiescheider synchronization separator; sync separator
synchronisatiescheiding synchronizing pulse separation; sync separation
synchronisatiesignaal synchronization signal; sync signal; synchronizing signal
synchronisatiesleuteltrap sync gating stage
synchronisatiespanning synchronizing voltage
synchronisatiespoor synchronization track
synchronisator synchronizer
synchroniseren to synchronize
synchroniserend signaal synchronizing signal
synchronisme synchronism
synchroon synchronous
synchroonbandopnemer synchronous tape recorder
synchroondemodulator synchronous demodulator
synchroondetectie synchronous detection
synchroonmotor synchronous motor
synchroon netwerk synchronous network
synchroonversterker synchronous amplifier
synergetica synergetics
synergisme synergism
synoniem synonym; synonymous
syntactische fout syntactic error
syntactische ontleder syntactical analyzer
syntactische regels syntax rules
syntax syntax
syntax-controleprogramma syntax checker
syntaxis syntax
syntaxtaal syntax language
synthese synthesis; building-up
synthesizer synthesizer
synthetisch synthetic; synthetical
synthetische relatie synthetical relationship
synthetische vezel synthetic fibre; rayon blends
synthetiseringseenheid synthesizer
systeem system; format; configuration
systeemaanpak systems approach
systeemanalist systems analyst
systeemanalyse system analysis; systems analysis
systeemarchitectuur system architecture
systeembeheer systems management; management of systems
systeembeheerder system manager
systeembeheergroep systems-management group
systeembeheersentiteit system management entity
systeembeschrijving systems description
systeembibliotheek system library
systeemconfiguratiebeheer system configuration management
systeemconfiguratiebesturing system configuration control
systeemdegradatie system degradation
systeemelement resource
systeemelementbeheerder resource manager
systeem gebaseerd op discrete momenten discrete-time system
systeem gebaseerd op endossementen endorsement-based system
systeemgedachte systems concept
systeemgekozen waarde default
systeemgeneratie system generation
systeeminvoering systems introduction
systeemkennis systems knowledge
systeemkiezer system selector; standard selector
systeemkosten systems cost; system costs
systeemlevenscyclus system life cycle
systeemmanagement systems management; management of systems
systeem met gemeenschappelijke apparatuur common control system
systeemmodel system model
systeemniveau system level
systeem-objectmodel system object model: SOM
systeemontwerp system design; systems design; systems engineering
systeemontwerpbeoordeling system design review: SDR
systeemontwerper systems designer; systems engineer
systeemontwerpgroep systems-design group
systeemontwerpparameter system design parameter
systeemontwikkeling system development; system engineering
systeemontwikkelingscyclus system development cycle
systeemontwikkelingsomgeving system development environment
systeemprestatie system performance
systeemprofiel system profile
systeemprogramma system program
systeemprogrammeur system programmer
systeemrapportage audit trail
systeemschakeling system switching; standard switching
systeemschijf system pack
systeemselector system selector
systeemsoftware system software
systeemspecialist systems specialist
systeemspecificatie system specification
systeemstuklijst system parts list
systeemvertaler television-standard converter
systeemvoorbereidingsprogramma system initialization program; initial program loader
systeem voor het bepalen van de actuele kosten actual cost system
systeem voor het bijhouden van waarheden die op aannames zijn gebaseerd assumption-based truth maintenance system: ATMS
systeem waarin waarheden worden bijgehouden truth maintenance system: TMS
systeemwals system selector
systeemwijde gegevens system wide data: SD
systeemwijde gegevensdialoog system wide data dialogue
systeemwijde gegevenstransactie system wide data transaction
systeemwijde potentie system wide capability
systeemwijde uitwisseling system wide exchange
systematiek systematics
systematisch systematic
systematische bemonstering systematic sample; systematic sampling
systematische fout systematic error; biassed error; bias
systematische spreiding systematic variation
systematisch zelfcontrolerende code systematic error checking code; group code
systematiseren to systematize
systematisering systematizing
systemenkiezer standard selector; system selector
systolische matrix systolic array
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