This Article will be focused on what it means to be bitter, and how it affects our lives. Listen carefully, and you might pick up something that someone before you has learned.
Websters defines bittertness as the following: characterized by strong feeling of hatered, resentment, cynicism, exc. In this particulare article, i want to talk about it in the context of forgiveness, or the lack of it. What happens when we are hurt, either in reality, or in perception? We are faced with a choice. Are we going to do what Jewsus would do, as the saying goes, or are we going to hold something inside our hearts that God never intended to be there. When we chose to forgive, and do what Jesus did already, we say to that person, though you may have hurt me, possibly very deeply, I am going to chose to forgive, and not look at this situation as something that is going to continue to hinder me anymore. This is not something that you can say to that person, look at me, I have forgiven you, because that leaves that person nowhere to go. You forgive and forget. Its not always easy, and most of the time it is something that we in ourselves don't have the ability to do. The ability to forgive comes from a place of having relationship with god, and from that place, he empowers you to do all that he has called you to, which includes forgiving every one that has ever hurt. Are there terrible things that have happened to you, I'm sure tere are, a couple of them have happened to me. But by the grace of God, I have been able to forgive. There is a feedom that comes as a result of having foprgiven. It says to Satan, I am going to take part in what Jesus did when he died on the cross. I am going to give me life away, on behalf of other people! I'm not going to live my life as if it doesn't affect other people. Because every choice I make has an eternal impact on something, and usually on a person somewhere. Jesus is calling us to a higher standard of living for the benefit of other people, not just ourselves! So go for it. Get on your faces,a dn let the forgiving power of Jesus flow through you!!!!!