Hello. First of all, thank you for visiting my page!! I really appreciate you staying long enough to hear me ramble. (hehehe) But if something of what you have heard has struck a cord in your heart, and you mabey realize that your life is empty, let me make a suggestion. The only way you will ever find peace for your heart is through Jesus!! He is the source of an abundant life, and the only way to heaven!! The Bible sez that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. And that no one can come to the Father except through Jesus. When mankind first sinned, he forever doomed himself to hell! If you don't want to go to hell, and I don't blame you, I don't either, then Jesus is the only way! Jesus preached repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. If we want to live with him for eternaty, we must repent and live for him!! That doesn't mean that you are forbidden to make mistakes. God knows I've made plenty. But it does mean that you stop living life for good ol number one. And live it for Jesus. It is a call not for the fainthearted. He will take you places that will not be easy to go!! But in the end, if you obey him, your reward will be great!! So if you want to ecxept Jesus as your saviour, pray this prayer. . .
Jesus, I recognize that I am a sinner,
But I know that your blood can cover my sins,
And wash them away!!
Right now I repent and ask you to forgive me,
Come be my Lord, and give me your strength.
I want to live my life for you, and not for me anymore.
I renounce my past, my ways, my old thought paterns,
And I now take on yours.
Come Jesus and make me new!! Amen!!
If you prayed this pray, drop me an email, so I can rejoice with you!!
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