Wiggie's Corner FAQ

Welcome to WC's Frequently Asked Questions. Well, no questions are actually frequently asked, but I'm sure some people are scratching their heads wondering what the heck WC actually is. This is version 2.0 of the FAQ, as I felt that since I've gotten close to 100 corners by now, I should re-do this with some updated info. Read, and see if you learn anything.

Question 1: What is Wiggie's Corner, and why do you do it?
Answer: Glad you asked. Simply put, WC is a humour column. Recently with the corner changing to WC98, I've added a message board to the corner as well, which is an entity almost seperate, in a way, from the corner column. Even though I'm not really that funny a person, I (Brian Skinner) enjoy writing a humour column. Since everyone else does what they like on the internet, I felt some good, clean, fun would be harmless enough to enjoy.

Question 2: Why is it called "Wiggie's" Corner, instead of "Brian's" Corner?
Answer: Brian's Corner sounds really boring. Simple enough? Though it would fit with how my corner's are actually boring, Wiggie's Corner sounds more interesting, and people look at it just to see what WC really is. Wiggie would be my nickname, it's what my friends at school, university, etc, call me. No, I don't wear a wig, it's just one of those foolish nicknames that have no base in reality.

Question 3: How did the corner start?
Answer: A long time ago, in a place called The Halifax Herald IMPress BBS, Wiggie's Corner was born. Obviously different than it was now, it was much less structured. Being a prominant "member" of that BBS, I used the corner to make fun of people who were only on the BBS to "get chicks" and who I just basically found annoying. Oh the stories I could tell about that BBS. About a year later, I made my first homepage in a computer class. Then I forgot how to make homepages for awhile. But eventually I made a personal homepage, and called it "Wiggie's Corner" after my BBS column. That page eventually became "Brian's Boogie-Woogie Summer page", and is now known as "Skinnerville". At some point I started writing columns on that page, and they became the internet Wiggie's Corners. Then I made "Spooky Wiggie's Corner" (now known as the Hallowe'en Corner). It was my first really successful homepage thanks to Yahoo!. Soon after I made a seperate homepage for Wiggie's Corner. Through links to all my popular Skinnerville family of homepages, WC has gotten more and more exposure, though it remains relatively unpopular. When 1998 rolled along, I renamed it "Wiggie's Corner '98", and that's where we stand now. Long boring story eh? But I enjoy telling it, and it's my webpage dagnabit.

Question 4: "I don't get it" The "jokes" in the Corner don't make sense to me. Why is that?
Answer: WC is mainly for the amusement of a select number of people I know, or have stumbled upon WC over time. . I've just expanded it to be put available to my more worldwide popular pages (ie. Scooby Doo page, Hallowe'en Corner, Christmas Corner, etc). The "jokes" or things I talk about, on a whole, are mainly "inside jokes". You know, the jokes that only a few people understand, and annoys the heck out of everyone else? I figure my life is an inside joke to someone out there, so I write like that. I personalize WC to whomever my current audience is, as WC has a audience "turnover" every few months.

Question 5: Why WC'99?
Answer: I just want to be able to call WC, Wiggie's Corner 2000 someday, and now I have a reason to do so. It started out as WC, then WC98, and now we're getting closer.

Question 6: What's with the Evil Scientists stuff constantly?
Answer: My friend, Sean Despres, brought to my attention an article in one of the tabloid newspapers, that wrote about how Evil Scientists are trying to kill God. I thought I'd make sure to warn everyone about it now and then. It's a running joke, and one that I'm sure regular readers are extremely tired of by now. But I still use it if I have no ideas of what to write on a certain week.

Question 7: What's with the interviews? Who are those people?
Answer: Variety is the spice of life. Just to change of things every now and then, I do interviews with everyday people (heck, I don't know anyone famous). Sean Despres (The man who I think knows Lawerence Gowan) is my friend from high school, who I just came up with a gimmic for (Gowan is a Canadian recording artist) that I thought would make little sense. Stacy Henley is my...ahem...girlfriend (perhaps one of the things I'll have to change on the old FAQ someday, but haven't had to yet), who used to go to Acadia University (she goes to DalTech now). Seeing as I go to another university, which she used to ridicule, I enjoy poking fun at the university in the interviews, and calling Acadia a moon campus...Todd MacLean has been my best friend, since...well since he was too young to talk (I'm two years his elder), and he does mouse drawn pictures for my pages sometimes. I might not do "real" interviews anymore, but just incase you look at older back issues.

Question 8: Aren't those the "Skinnerville Webpage Productions" people from the holiday corners?
Answer: Yes, indeed they are. After the sucess of Spooky Wiggie's Corner (in comparison to anything else I've done, it had something like 4000 hits or something, in 2 weeks), I decided to have my friends help me with my Christmas Corner. I used to called us Arcco. just to have it start with 'A'. It means...well, I'm not sure, it might mean: All Really Cosy Company, All Ruling Class Company, Are Rats Coming Company, Acting Ridiculous Camping Company. Take your pick, we never chose what it was suppose to mean. But soon after, I started hating the name, and came up with my webpage company idea, to connect all my pages, and look professional. No I don't pay them, but they get to hang out with me, and that's enough for anyone to ask...

Question 9: Do you really have any writing skill? I mean, it really doesn't seem like you do.
Answer: Apparently, I actually do. I was an A+ student in enriched English for years, did well in National Testing (top 5%) and other such stuff. Canada's not suppose to be that bad in education, so I think it's fair to say I have a little skill, if I actually try. Recently (March 1998) I even had a book author ask for my permission to publish one of my short stories for a book on regional ghost stories. I've given him permission and we'll see how that goes in the future.

Question 10: Why do you do holiday "corner" pages?
Answer: For fun...okay, I'll give a better answer. I love holidays, plus it passes a couple hours for me to make pages like that. I like drawing up graphics on my computer, it's a bit of a hobby.

Question 11: Why did you do a FAQ if no one asks questions?
Answer: For fun.

Question 12: Does anyone read these things? You always say no one does.
Answer: Well, close enough, but I get about 30+ hits now, up from once having 10 per week. Maybe 3 people a day read the corner, since most are tricked to come to my page from links on my more popular pages. But I have a small, loyal, readership for some reason.

Question 13: What's up with the new message board? I mean, it seems to have little to do with the corners.
Answer: When I decided to make WC more interactive, I added polls, ratings, comments, and now a message board. I encourage people to write whatever they want, so that's what goes on. Hey, a lot of these people are more talented (or warped...) than I am, so it makes for interesting reading at times. Plus, their numerous posts (over 100 in the first month) makes my page look popular. Hell, I'm not even sure if all them actually read the corner. But that's the way I like it, and others seem to enjoy writing there.

Question 14: What do you look like?
Answer: Who cares? But I get asked this more often than I would think people should. Two words: damn ugly. My "picture" is on my homepage in the Links section.

Question 15: Why do you have a guestbook up if no one signs it?
Answer: I just love having guestbooks everywhere. Not like, love. That's right, I love it, I just might marry it. Besides, I get some amusing signings obviously aimed at Scooby Doo. Did you know just hope "dope" I am. I'm, and I quote, "the TOTAL BOMB!". If that isn't a good enough reason to have a guestbook, I don't know what is.

Question 16: Do you ever make a point?
Answer: Indeed I do. I'll slip one in now and then. I do have opinions, and I figure that no one is going to listen or read my opinions through dry facts, so I spice it up. I draw you in and slip an idea in your head when you least expect it. Without a point, writing would be, well, pointless (worst line of the FAQ!!). I want to entertain, but make you think every now and then. Oh, and yes, some of my corners are totally pointless, don't worry if you think that, you're not alone.

Question 17: If you think that the Corner's are stupid, why even do it?
Answer: Similar to an earlier question. Like I said, for amusement. I don't get to write as much anymore, and this keeps me "in practice". I was once told "Brian has a lucid prose style", I don't want to lose it by not writing ever again. Besides the stories I write for the holiday corners, this is practically the only non-essay stuff I do now. You should read the comments I get on my holiday stories. I've had teachers from the Pacific Rim to Newfoundland read my stories in classes and say how wonderful they are. Parents and grandparents read to children at nightime. And people who curse me up and down for having stupid stories that don't have enough gore and don't explain every detail and force you to use your imagination for some endings.

Question 18: Who the hell is "Lobster Man"?
Answer: "The Masters of the Universe action figure formally known as Clawful", is Wiggie's Corner mascot "Lobster Man". For a long time he kept my friends and me in good spirits with his calls of "hey hey hey...sucka!" and his lobsterly-goodness, so I had to make him my page's mascot. Come on, half lobster/half human...all entertainment.

Question 19: What is your secret identity?
Answer: The Sixth Strongest Man in the world! The alternate name for Wiggie's Corner is "BuffLand" and Skinnerville is "LargeArmsLand". I used to be the Second Strongest man in the world, but a car accident dropped me down.

Question 20: What happened to WCE (Wiggie's Comedy Emporium)?
Answer: Ah, the collection of writers under a WC banner. Never really worked out, as I can't be bothered to update enough, and other stuff. But the writers are still around, just search around for their pages.
Question 21:
Will the FAQ end soon, seeing as no one cares?
Answer: Right about now I figure.

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--"Wiggie" Brian Skinner

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