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Big Brother is Watching.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

Extortion, Coersion, and

Mind Control.

As unusual as this may sound, the fact is that everything you have learned or aquired as knowledge through your senses has shaped you into the person that you are today. Simply put, you are what you have experienced. To be in command of one's faculties is in essence to be in control of one's mind. The problem begins when certain natural neural functions can be triggered or stimulated via an external source. For instance a loud siren which can startle you or aggitate you. More importantly, if this external source is operated by another individual other than yourself it can become an annoyance that may fall outside of your direct control. It could even have a severe impact on your life if the annoyance prevented you from doing or performing tasks that were necessary for your every day to day existance. When it is done covertly, without your knowledge it is refered to as
Mind Control.

Mind Control practices and studies are not confined to some dark corner of an unknown, God forsaken third world country. It is being practiced right her in Southern California.


The Truth is Out There. Right Here.

Home Page.
The Story.
My Account of WestCorp's Accounting.
Repossession and Continued Surveilence.
Any Witnesses?
The Smoking Gun.
Mysterious Disease in Northridge.
Kelsey Grammer's Untimely Car Accident.
Class Action Ripoff. Whitehouse vs. WestCorp
Links to WestCorp, WFS, and Western Financial Bank.
Final Words. When?
The Mind Control Forum. Other Survivors.

Consumertronics. Wanna a Demonstration?
